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West Texas History

WEST TEXAS: An awesome land of many contrasts

Below, you will find these subdivisions: 
West Texas County and Regional Histories 
West Texas History (General) 
West Texas Geological Guides

In this section, I’ve listed some mostly out-of-print WEST TEXAS county history books of which I have two or more copies. [ NOTE: I have many more Texas county histories, so if you’re seeking one not listed here, contact me—I might have it.]

The following are listed alphabetically by county or region:

 [BIG BEND]  VOICE OF THE MEXICAN BORDER  edited and produced by Jack [Mrs. O.L.] Shipman. Original publications, Marfa Texas, six separate issues, 1933-1936

a) November, 1933—articles include: “Our Vice President (Jack Garner)”; “Pistol and Spur” about early days in Uvalde County; “Lt. Charles Nevill” telling of the last Ranger-Apache fight in the Diablo Mountains near Van Horn; “A Ranger Captain” (Fort Inge); all the preceding articles by the editor. Also “The Indian Tells His Story” about the Battle of Dove Creek, by John Warren Hunter…….50.00
b) December, 1933—articles include: “El Paso The Hub of Texas History;” “Mexican Payrolls and American Bandits”; “The Camels Come To Big Bend” by Judge O.W. Williams;  “Fort Quitman”; “The Salt War of San Elizario”; “Fort Davis And Indians”; “The Robbery of the Valentine Store” and “Van Horn Wells” by E.E. Townsend; “Some Early History of Presidio” and more………50.00 
c) January, 1934 –articles by various authors include: “Old San Elizario”; “The Salt War of San Elizario”; “Brief Career of Tom O’Folliard, Billy the Kid’s Partner”; “A Real Cowboy Preacher (Rev. R.L. Millican)”; “A Story of Two Brothers ” (George & William Brooks); “Among Austin’s Original 300”;  and more.……50.00
) April-May, 1934 – articles  by various authors include: “The Ghosts and Their Wealth” (Chisos Mountains); “Spanish Explorations Along the Conchos and Rio Grande” (17th and 18th century explorations); and more…….50.00
) February-March, 1934 – articles by various authors include: “My Yaqui Friends”; “Travel in West Texas 84 Years Ago”; “U.S. and Mexican boundary Survey” (as it pertains to the Big Bend region); “The Lost Gold Mine in the Guadalupe Mountains”; “The History of Presidio County”; “Early West Texas Cattle and Horse Brands”; and more……50.00
) 1936 “Centennial Edition” – articles about the Brites of Capote; Presidio County; Indian fights; Fort Leaton; Fort D.A. Russell, Marfa; Pancho Villa; and much more. 111  pages. ……..75.00


[BREWSTER COUNTYMirages, Mysteries and Reality--BREWSTER COUNTYTEXAS: The Big Bend of the Rio Grande by Clifford B Casey. 1972, 2nd edition, Hereford. Illustrations by Ron Reynolds. A good history of the county which includes many well-rounded and interesting historical essays, plus biographical sketches of many early county residents. 485pp w/photos; maps; appendices which include a list of county officials and of registered county brands; references; index.  Folio hardback w/pictorial covers …..175!

[COKE COUNTY]  FORT CHADBOURNE: A Military Post, A Family Heritage  by Ann Pate*. 2011, 1st edition, Fort Chadbourne.  Foreword by Garland Richards, President, Fort Chadbourne Foundation. This is the “first and only full length book containing both the history of the military post, and the family that has called it home for eight generations…A factual account taken from military records, letters, diaries, family deeds.”  341pp w/photographs, charts, rosters and maps. HB/DJ, new [multiple copies available] SIGNED……45.00

[*Ann Pate serves on the Board of Directors of the Fort Chadbourne Foundation and works daily at the Fort doing research, cataloging, and tours.]

[CROCKETT COUNTYOZONA COUNTRY by Allan R. Bosworth. 1964, 1st ed, NY. Author relates some history of Crockett County along with his own early day experiences in the region. Photos. 238pp w/photos, bibliography.  HB/DJ…40.00

[CROCKETT COUNTYYESTERYEAR IN OZONA AND CROCKETT COUNTY  by V.I. Pierce. 1980, 1st ed, Talley Press (San Angelo)  
Editing by Elmer Kelton. Pierce recounts his days as a youngster on his ranch in Crockett County in the early part of the 20th-century: cowboys, sheepmen and cattlemen, much more.137pp w/many photos.  HB/DJ………..85.00               

[HARDEMAN COUNTY] THE LAST FRONTIER: The Story of Hardeman County compiled by Bill Neal. 1996, 2nd edition, Quanah.  Foreword by A. C. Greene. 280+ pages with a narrative history; family histories; church, club and business histories; marriage and birth records; 1880 census rolls; index to family histories; cattle brands; includes a photo section about Comanche Chief Quanah Parker. Folio HB…50.00

[HASKELL COUNTY]  HASKELL COUNTY AND ITS PIONEERS by Rex A. Felker. 1975, 1st edition, Quanah.  323pp with historical articles, many photos, family histories.  Folio HB….85.00

[IRION COUNTYA HISTORY OF IRION COUNTY by Leta Crawford. 1966, 1st edition, Waco. A history that covers the countys earliest days to the 1960s. 152pp w/photos, appendices, index. HB/DJ errata laid in.....40.00

 [MASON COUNTY] MASON COUNTY HISTORICAL BOOK compiled by Mason County Historical Commission. 2009, 2nd edition, Mason. First published in 1976, this county history includes numerous historical articles, cemetery map, and many family histories arranged alphabetically. 384pp w/many illustrations. Folio hardback (brown cloth with gold lettering) = $49.95; folio paperback (black w/gold lettering)  = $34.95

 [McCULLOCH COUNTY] HANDBOOK OF McCULLOCH COUNTY HISTORY Vol. I compiled by Wayne Spiller. 1976, 2nd printing, Seagraves.  A comprehensive history of this Central Texas county that includes its creation, community histories,  ranching, pioneer life, evolution of education, weather, election registers, medical registers, census data, and much more. 618pp with numerous photos, index.  Folio HB …..75.00

 [McCULLOCH COUNTY] HANDBOOK OF McCULLOCH COUNTY HISTORY Vol. II  compiled by Wayne Spiller. Undated 2nd printing. More historical articles, and many more McCulloch county family biographies; Masonic history; 1900 county census; and much more. [This volume also includes errata and a supplemental index for Volume I.] 493pp w/photos, appendix, index. Folio HB ……….75.00
 [McCULLOCH COUNTY] HANDBOOK OF McCULLOCH COUNTY HISTORY Vol. III  compiled by Wayne Spiller. 1999, 1st edition, Abilene.  This volume includes more general history; another large family biographical section; military section, and more. 418pp w/photos, appendix, index.  Folio HB……75.00

[TAYLOR COUNTY]  ABILENE LANDMARKS: An Illustrated Tour  by Donald S. Frazier and Robert F. Pace. 2008, 1st edition, Buffalo Gap. Photographs by Steve Butman.  “The story of Abilene as told through 100 of its most historic buildings.” 248pp w/photos, bibliography, index. Folio HB/DJ….49.95

[TOM GREEN COUNTY]  TOM GREEN COUNTY: Chronicles Of Our Heritage TWO VOLUMES.  2003, 1st edition, Abilene.  Volume One (566pp): “General History” with maps and photos. Many historical articles about Fort Concho; pioneer biographical sketches; community histories; farming and ranching; much more. Volume Two (528pp): “Family Histories.”  Both volumes are indexed.  Two volumes folio hardbacks bound in green cloth with gold embossed lettering, the set = 175.00

1981, 1st edition, San Angelo.  A good, comprehensive history of the region in West Texas drained by the three Concho Rivers, with its central focus being around San Angelo and Tom Green County: the Spaniards; horse Indians; emigrants; Civil War and settlement; Fort Concho; frontier military; ranching and farming; the oil boom; much more. 232pp w/maps, photos, bibliography, index. Folio HB/DJ….75.00 (limited supply)

1971, 2nd “special collector’s edition,” Wichita Falls.  221pp w/photos, historical articles, some biographical  information on early citizens.  HB/DJ…….45.00

[WICHITA COUNTY]  WICHITA FALLS: A Century in Photographs by Michael Duty.  Includes a historical essay and many period photographs. 235pp0. Folio HB/DJ…..100.00

Listed here is a sampling of NEW books about West Texas that I have in stock.  (I have an extensive section of out-of-print titles relating to the history of West Texas, so contact me if you’re looking for a specific title or subject.)

1)  THE SECRET WAR IN EL PASO: Mexican Revolutionary Intrigue, 1906-1920 by Charles H. Harris III and Louis R. Sadler.2009, 1st edition, lbuquerque             In this book fully researched book, the authors have chronicled many clandestine operations in and around El Paso by American businesses and the U.S. Government who sought to maintain their influences in Mexico and protect national interests while keeping an eye on key figures of the Mexican Revolution. During that period, El Paso served as refuge to revolutionists, smugglers, gunrunners, counter-feiters, propagandists, double agents, criminals, and other underground characters. 488pp w/illus, notes, biblio, index. HB/DJ………..37.50

2) BIG BEND LANDSCAPES by Dennis Blagg. 2002, 1st edition, College Station. Introduction by Ron Tyler.  Through his almost photo-like paintings and drawings, Blagg brings the viewer both the beauty and the hostility of the Big Bend region of West Texas.  Here are fifty of his most powerful color paintings and twenty striking black-and-white drawings. He includes brief insightful commentaries on each work. Ron Tyler’s introduction adds historical perspective. 141pp w/biblio.  Oblong folio HB/DJ…..39.95            

3) GHOST SCHOOLS OF THE BIG BEND by Albert Briggs Tucker. 2008, 1st edition, Brownwood.  An interesting history of education in the remote Big Bend region of Texas—details of long abandoned schools with the recollections of  students, teachers, parents and principals.  165pp w/photos, appendix, index.  Softcover…..16.95 SOLD OUT 

5) FORT CONCHO and the TEXAS FRONTIER  by J. Evetts Haley.1952, 1st edition, San Angelo original illustrations by H.D. Bugbee; and original typography designed by Carl Hertzog.  Haley’s classic history of  the frontier military outpost and the West Texas country that surrounds it. 352pp w/index. HB no dj maroon cloth...150.00

6) RAILROADS OF WESTERN TEXAS by Douglas Lee Broadaway. 2000, 1st edition, Charleston. The story of the Southern Pacific Railroad’s early days and the towns that sprang up as it was built across West Texas. Among the 200+ photos are some spectacular images of the Pecos High Bridge. 128pp w/maps. S0ftcover…23.99

7) TAMING THE LAND: The Lost Postcard Photographs of the Texas High Plains by John Miller Morris.  2009, 1st edition, College Station. This book depicts postcards from twenty-four counties in the booming Texas Panhandle at the turn of the 20th Century.  They give us a good insight into what life was like in rural Texas during .00this period.  220pp w/bibliography, index.  Large folio HB/DJ…22.50 (reg = $45.00)

NOTE: The following title #9 is out-of-print, but I have a few remaining copies:

9) THE ROMANCE OF DAVIS MOUNTAINS AND BIG BEND COUNTRY: A History  by Carlysle Graham Raht. 1963, 2nd “Texana Edition,” El Paso. An excellent history of the Big Bend and trans-Pecos region of Texas from written records and firsthand accounts by people who were instrumental in building the region. 381pp w/period photos. Hardback……50.00 (while they last)

WEST TEXAS GEOLOGICAL GUIDE: {NOTE September, 2019--I recently acquired a number of Texas Geological maps and bulletins--call me for info!)
I have this in-print title:  Big Bend Vistas: Journeys Through Big Bend National Park by William MacLeod,190pp with many photos. Softcover…….24.95 
In a style that’s easy to read and understand, author Macleod describes how volcanoes, millions of years ago, created some of the most striking scenery in Texas.  This interesting guide includes vivid photographs, maps and diagrams explaining the landscape and geology of this unique Texas region.

(Here I’ve listed available issues with prices. 
“OP” means “publisher out-of-print.”)
Vol 1 = out
Vol 2 = out
Vol 3 = out
Vol 4 = out
Vol 5 = out
Vol 6 = out
Vol 7 = out
Vol 8 = out
Vol 9 = out
Vol 10 = out
Vol 11 = $30.00 op
Vol 12 = $30.00 op
Vol 13 = out
Vol 14 = out
Vol 15 = out
Vol 16 = out
Vol 17 = out
Vol 18 = $30.00 op
Vol 19 = $30.00 op
Vol 20 = $30.00 op
Vol 21 = $30.00 op
Vol 22 = out
Vol 23 = out
Vol 24 = $30.00 op
 Vol 25= $25.00
 Vol 26 =$25.00
 Vol 27 =$25.00
 Vol 28 =$25.00

Listed here are some in-print titles I have in stock (I have many more out-of-print titles)

1) THE ROCK ART OF TEXAS INDIANS  by W. W. Newcomb.  1996, reissue, Austin. Paintings by Forrest Kirkland, 32 in full color, 128 in black and white, plus many photos. This book is the result of a decades-long study of rock art in West Texas from the Pecos and Devil’s rivers to the Big Bend and Hueco Tanks northeast of El Paso.  Hundreds of examples of petroglyphs and pictographs are reproduced. 239pp w/appendix, biblio, index. Folio hardcover with dust jacket…..95.00

2) ROCK ART OF THE LOWER PECOS by Carolyn E. Boyd.  2003, 1st edition, College Station.  “…a landmark volume on one of the most important bodies of rock art in the world…required reading for anyone interested in the archaic prehistory of North America.”  139pp w/illustrations, tables, appendix, bibliography, index.  
Folio Hardback with dust jacket......45.00 

3) PECOS RIVER ROCK ART: A Photographic Essay  by Turpin, Solveig A.. [with photographs by Jim Zintgraff`   1991, 1st edition, San Antonio.  Many of the remarkable sixty-four color photographs reproduced in this book were taken before the area was inundated after the completion of Amistad Dam. 72pp w/suggested reading list and index to photos.  Folio HB/DJ…..50.00 op

4)  A FIELD GUIDE TO STONE ARTIFACTS OF TEXAS INDIANS by Ellen Sue Turner and Thomas R. Hester. 2011, completely revised and expanded edition, Lanham.  Identifies and describes over 200 dart and arrow points and stone tools used by prehistoric Indians. Includes charts, geographic distribution maps and reliable age dating information. 395pp w/illust, references, appendices. Folio softcover....29.95   

5) THE WHITE SHAMAN MURAL: An Enduring Creation Narrative in the Rock Art of the Lower Pecos  by Carolyn Boyd [with contributions by Kim Cox] 2016, 1st edition, Austin. A masterpiece of the Lower Pecos Canyonlands is the White Shaman mural, an intricate 26’ by 13’ painting on the wall of a shallow cave overlooking the Pecos River. In this book Boyd “takes us on a journey of discovery as she builds a convincing case that the mural tells a story of the birth of the sun and the beginning of time—making it possibly the oldest pictorial creation narrative in North America.” Folio HB/DJ, as new……………65.00

6) The RosilloPeak Site: A Prehistoric Mountaintop Campsite in Big Bend National Park  by Robert J. Mallouf, et al.  Softcover ……$20.00

7) The Paradise Site: A Middle Archaic site on the O2 Ranch, Presidio CountyTexasby Andrea J. Ohl.  Softcover…..20.00

8) Late Prehistory Along the Rimrock: PintoCanyon Ranch by John D. Seebach.

9) The Millington Site: Archaeological and Human Osteological Investigations, Presidio CountyTexasby Wm. A. Cloud and Jennifer c. Piehl. Softcover….$20.00

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