CATALOG #321, November, 2021
1) Adler, Dennis BLACK POWDER REVOLVERS: Reproductions & Replicas 2008, 1st edition, Blue Book Publications, Minneapolis. Covers the many second and third generation reproductions manufactured since 1959. Lavishly illustrated. 252pp w/illustrations, index. Oblong folio HB/DJ, fine copy…..45.00
2) [ARCHITECTURE] A FIELD GUIDE to the VERNACULAR BUILDINGS of the SAN ANTONIO AREA by Brent R. Fortenberry. 2021, 1st edition, TAMU Press, College Station. The first comprehensive guide to the culturally significant vernacular buildings of this diverse and historic region. The structures described were designed and constructed by the people who used them rather than by professional architects or builders. A valuable, easy-to-use resource for heritage travelers, historic preservationists, and local historians, it includes interpretive essays with detailed building descriptions, photographs, and architectural renderings. 310pp w/maps, many photos, index. Folio flexbound, new [multiple copies available]……32.50
3) Baker, Elmer LeRoy GUNMAN’S TERRITORY 1969, 1st edition, Naylor Co., San Antonio. An account of the fifty-year career of Bob Hutchins, Deputy US Marshal in Indian Territory during its most lawless years. 339pp w/photos, sources. HB/DJ fine..65.00 SOLD
4) Baxter, David [photographs by Laurence Parent] BIG RIVER, RIO GRANDE 2009, 1st edition, Austin. Foreword by Andrew Sansom. This book explores the beauty of and existing dangers to the mighty Rio Grande from its genesis in Colorado to its mouth at the Gulf of Mexico. 110pp w/full-color photos. Folio HB/DJ, fine copy, SIGNED by Parent…..35.00 SOLD
5 ) Bean, Tom THE MATADORS, And Other Stories 1990, 1st printing, Dell City. A collection of informal historical essays about ranches, people and events, mostly in the Panhandle and plains of New Mexico. 110pp w/black and white photos. Softcover with spiral binding. SIGNED………25.00 (NOTE: Tom Bean was the pen name for Colquitt Warren, cowboy and rancher.) SOLD
6) Becker, John T. & David J. Murrah [editors] CAPROCK CHRONICLES: More Tales of the Llano Estacado 2021, 1st printing, Charleston. An exceptional collection of stories, interesting characters, folklore, and natural history.215pp w/map, photos, index. Trade paperback, new [multiple copies available]…..23.99
7) Berlandier, Jean Louis JOURNEY TO MEXICO During the Years 1826 to 1834 1980, 1st printing of the English translation, Texas State Historical Association, Austin. Two Volumes. Jenkins, BASIC TEXAS BOOKS: “This is the best scientific study of Texas during the colonial period...the student of vegetation can find invaluable historical information....[and is] the nearest approach to a well-rounded ethnography of the Comanche Indians written by an observer of that tribe during the days before the buffalo were exterminated. [His] descriptions of the Anglo-American colonies is one of the most reliable extant.” Of the four printings of Berlandier’s journal, this edition is “from the manuscript at the Library of Congress, with illustrations from specimens at the Gray Herbarium [and] is the most complete version printed to date.” Cloth, 2 volumes in slipcase, fine….165.00 SOLD
8) [BIG BEND] TAMING THE BIG BEND:A History of the Extreme Western Portion of Texas From Fort Clark to El Paso by Mrs. O. L. Shipman. 1926, 1st edition, np. A fine account of the early Anglo settlement of the Big Bend region. The author’s father was Texas Ranger Captain Pat Dolan “who lived on the frontier for seventy-five years and with remarkable clearness of mind recalls the stirring events of days gone by.” Jenkins, BASIC TEXAS BOOKS: “She also quotes extensively from other pioneers and transients in the region, such as John L. Bullis, commander of Indian Scouts under Mackenzie; A. J. Fairmore and P. Bougad on the El Paso Salt War; Mexican outlaw Victor Ochoa; and Texas Ranger T. T. Cook. The work contains chapters on the early mail routes, the boundary commission, the camel experiment and transportation, the military posts, freighting, civil affairs, Indian Campaigns, the El Paso Salt War, Texas Ranger campaigns, ranching, outlaws, mining, and Mexican revolutionary activities after the turn of the century. This is followed by a section of sketches of early pioneer and ranching families.” 215pp w/photos, index. HB purple cloth with some tiny abrasions to the back cover, otherwise a sound, very good copy with intact hinges….675.00 SOLD
9) [BIG BEND] Keith, Noel L. THE BRITES OF CAPOTE by Noel L. Keith. 1950, 1st edition, Fort Worth. The story of Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Brite and their famous Bar-Cross Ranch at Capote Mountain. The Brites were pioneers of the Big Bend Country who were instrumental in developing the Bloys Camp Meeting; witnessed the aftermath of Pancho Villa’s defeat of Ojinaga; and had their own ranch raided in 1917. Mr. Brite went “across the river” from Langtry to watch the Fitzsimmons/Maher fight that was promoted by Judge Roy Bean. Much more. 272pp w/photos, appendix, index. HB/DJ, very fine copy, SIGNED by Keith…395.00
10) [BIG BEND] EL CARAZON DE TERLINQUA (The Heart of Terlingua) Stories and Photographs of the Mining Camp by Joe Cepeda. 2021, 1st printing, Sand Sage Press, Canyon. “Explores the history of the immigrant families from Mexico that thrived in the mining camp during the first four decades of the 20th century.”144pp w/map, photos, appendices, index. Trade paperback, new [multiple copies available]…..18.95
11) Blaschke, Jayme Lynn INSIDE THE TEXAS CHICKEN RANCH: The Definitive Account of the Best Little Whorehouse 2016, P.O.D., The History Press, Charleston. The author “delivers a fascinating, revelatory view of the Ranch that illuminates the truth and lies that surround this iconic brothel.” 334pp w/photos, notes, index. Trade paperback, new [multi-copies]…..24.99
12) Burton, Jeff DYNAMITE AND SIX-SHOOTER 1970, 1st edition, Palomino Press, Santa Fe. The life and times of Black Jack Ketchum and other members of his gang. Burton spent most of his adult life researching the Ketchums, and is considered the foremost authority on the subject. 221pp w/photos, notes, bibliography. HB brown cloth, very good….150.00 SOLD
13) Burton, Jimalee INDIAN HERITAGE, INDIAN PRIDE: Stories That Touched My Life 1974, 1st edition, Norman. The author, a Cherokee artist, tells of her early life in Oklahoma where her Father owned a trading post in pioneer days, and recounts many tales and legends that had been passed on to her by elders. 176pp w/illustrations by the author. Folio HB/DJ….30.00 SOLD
14) [CALHOUN COUNTY] INDIANOLA: Mother of Western Texas by Brownson Malsch. 1978, third edition, Shoal Creek Publishers, Austin. A history of the once thriving seaport town that is no more. 351pp w/photos, endpaper maps, notes, bibliography, appendices, index. HB/DJ, minor edgewear along edges of dj….30.00 SOLD
15) [CATTLE BRANDS] ) Jackson, W.H. & S.A. Long THE TEXAS STOCK DIRECTORY, or Book of Marks and Brands Volume I (only volume published)… by W.H. Jackson & S.A. Long. An undated facsimile reprint of the 1885 original, New Braunfels. Registered brands of South Texas by county, illustrated (subsequent volumes were planned, but never published; there was a 61pp supplement to this volume.) This edition includes the 50 pages of contemporary ads that were in the original, interesting in and of themselves! See Herd #1142. HB light blue cloth with gold lettering, very good, scarce……..85.00 SOLD
16) Cavazos, Bobby THE COWBOY FROM THE WILD HORSE DESERT Book Two 2002, 1st printing, Kerrville. The Saga continues…396pp w/photos. Trade paperback, inscribed/SIGNED……25.00 SOLD
17) Cotham, Edward T., Jr. A BUSY WEEK IN TEXAS: Ulysses S. Grant’s 1880 Visit to the Lone Star State 2021, 1st printing, TSHA, Austin. An account of Grant’s 7-day whirlwind tour of Texas. He was greeted by many cheering fans in Galveston, San Antonio and Houston. 127pp w/photos, end notes, index. Trade paperback, new [multiple copies available]….20.00
18) Crichton, Kyle S. LAW AND ORDER, LTD: The Rousing Life of Elfega Baca of New Mexico 1928, 1st “deluxe” edition limited to 375 copies, Santa Fe. Adams, SIX-GUNS: “The first book devoted entirely to this noted gunman, it includes much information about the now famous fight at Frisco, New Mexico, his association with Billy the Kid, and two chapters on Joel Fowler.” There is also information on Pancho Villa and the Mexican Revolution, Albert Bacon Fall, and other characters of early-day New Mexico. 219pp w/photos. HB/DJ……90.00
19) Dewlen, Al THE BONE PICKERS 1958, 1st edition, 1st printing, McGraw-Hill, NY. A realistic and controversial novel of Texas that reddened the faces of certain Amarillo families. 408pp. HB/DJ unclipped dust jacket some minor foxing, overall very good, and very scarce…..295.00
20) Dobie, J. Frank GUIDE to LIFE AND LITERATURE OF THE SOUTHWEST: Revised and Enlarged in Both Knowledge and Wisdom 1969, 6th printing, UT Press, Austin. Jenkins, BTB: “A delightful, intensely subjective guide to Dobie’s favorite books…It will always be an essential volume in any Texas library.” 222pp w/illustrations. Index. Wrappers, fine…24.00 SOLD
21) Dobie, J. Frank JOHN C. DUVAL: First Texas Man of Letters 1939, 1st limited edition of 950 copies Dallas. With nine illustrations by Tom Lea. Dobie offers a biographical look at Duval (best known for his early books Early Times in Texas and Adventures of Big-Foot Wallace) plus a bibliographical critique. In the last section, a number of Duval’s heretofore unpublished works are provided. 105pp. HB/DJ near fine copy …..150.00
22) Donahue, Jack WILDCATTER: The Story of Michael T. Halbouty and the Search for Oil1979, 1st edition, NY. An independent oilman, Halbouty predicted the 1970’s oil crisis, among other things.258pp w/index. HB/DJ……..30.00 SOLD
23) East, Lorecia THE BOOMERS: The Autobiography of a Roughneck’s Wife 1976, 1st edition, Baton Rouge. Author recalls her life as a roughneck’s wife in China, Texas, during the oil boom days. 63pp. Wrappers, fine copy, SIGNED…..25.00 SOLD
24) Elliot, W. J. THE SPURS 1939, 1st edition, Spur. Adams, RAMPAGING HERD: “A history of this famous ranch by one connected with it. Privately printed and now quite difficult to come by.” William Reese in, SIX SCORE, wrote that this book “gives more of the flavor of the Spur ranch than any other book. The author worked for the Spur outfit, and there are many tales of his own personal experiences and those of his comrades.” 274pp illustrated with original photographs by the author, and brands drawn by Mrs. Cecil Scott. Hardback, green cloth, very good condition, spine faded…….250.00
25) [EL PASO COUNTY] THE PONCE DE LEON LAND GRANT by J. J. Bowden. 1969, printing, [Southwestern Studies Monograph No. 24], El Paso. A history of the 1827 land grant which includes the territory now occupied by El Paso, Texas. 56pp w/maps, notes, references. Softcover…………20.00 SOLD
26) [ERATH COUNTY] GRAND OL’ ERATH: The Saga of a Texas West Cross Timbers County by H.G. (Grady) Perry) 1974, 1st edition, Stephenville. 230pp w/photos, maps, historical articles, lists of district attorneys, sheriffs, early county business directory, post offices and postmasters, and much more. Folio wrappers, very scarce……100.00 SOLD
27) Etulain, Richard W. THUNDER in the WEST : The Life and Legends of Billy the Kid 2020, 1st edition, OU Press, Norman. An interesting study of the stories and myths spawned by Billy’s life and death. “Beginning with the dime novels even during his lifetime, and ranging across the myriad newspaper accounts, novels, and movies that alternately celebrated his outlaw life and condemned his exploits, Etulain offers a uniquely informed view of the changing interpretations that have shaped and reshaped the reputation of Billy the Kid.” 428pp w/map, illustrations, sources, index. HB/DJ, new [multiple copies available]…..29.95
28) Faulk, Odie GENERAL TOM GREEN: “A Fightin’ Texan” Sunday, December 30, 1962, 1st printing, a tabloid Supplement to San Angelo Standard-Times that was published a year before the book was published, San Angelo.. Introduction by Rupert N. Richardson. Biography of the spirited Texas pioneer who participated in the San Jacinto Battle as a youthful artilleryman; fought Indians and served as a bureaucrat for the Republic of Texas; served in the Mexican War; and died fighting for the Confederacy in the Civil War. 23pp w/photos, additional articles. Large tabloid printed on newsprint, fine condition……45.00 SOLD
29) Fehrenbach, T.R. COMANCHES: The Destruction of a People 1974, 1st edition, NY. An authoritative and complete history of one of the most powerful Plains Indian tribes. Illustrated w/2 maps, 37 black- and-white photographs, and 8 color plates by George Catlin. 557pp w/bibliography, index. HB/DJ, near fine……85.00
30) Fehrenbach, T.R. FIRE AND BLOOD: A History of Mexico 1973, 1st edition, NY. “A grand spectacle of the birth and decay of successive cultures in Mexico. “ A comprehensive history. 675 pages w/map, bibliography, index. HB/DJ very good copy [dust jacket has small chips at top and bottom of spine, now in protective cover]…….85.00
31) Fisher, O.C. CACTUS JACK 1982, 1st edition, Waco. Biography of the vice-president whose colorful life spanned 99 years, 44 of which were in public office. Folio HB/DJ, near fine, SIGNED........65.00 SOLD
32) Franks, Kenny A. & Paul F. Lambert EARLY LOUISIANA AND ARKANSAS OIL 1982, 1st edition, College Station. [Number Three: The Montague History of Oil Series] An eyewitness record of the early years of the oil industry. 243pp w/photos, bibliography, index. Folio HB/DJ….35.00
33) Frazer, Robert W. MANSFIELD on the Condition of the WESTERN FORTS, 1853-54 1963, 1st edition, Norman. Mansfield was ordered to inspect the Department of New Mexico in 1853, and the Department of the Pacific the following year. His reports reflect much on the living condition in the forts and the surrounding areas, as well as social and economic conditions in the areas visited.254pp w/illus, notes, index. HB/DJ near fine copy…….40.00 SOLD
34) [FREEMASONRY] Carter, James David EDUCATION and MASONRY in TEXAS t0 1846, and EDUCATION and Masonry in Texas, 1846-1861 TWO VOLUMES. 1963/1964, 1st editions, Waco. From the introduction by Frederick Erby:
“… clearly demonstrates that Freemasonry was a major instrument in meeting and overcoming the crisis in education of a century ago.” 251/753pp w/bibliography, index. HB, both volumes light blue cloth w/decoration……2 volume set = 50.00
35) [FREEMASONRY] Carter, James David [ed] THE FIRST CENTURY OF SCOTTISH RITE MASONRY IN TEXAS 1867-1967 edited by James David Carter. 1967, 1st edition, Waco. Comprehensive history of the Masons in Texas. 508pp w/photos, index. Hardback, purple cloth, near fine copy.....35.00
36) Fugate, Francis THE SPANISH HERITAGE OF THE SOUTHWEST 1952, 1st limited edition of 50 copies printed on Tan Ticonderga Text paper; El Paso. Drawings by Jose Cisneros; typography and book design by Carl Hertzog. Lowman, Printer At The Pass: “This book was the first publication of the Texas Western Press at what is now The University of Texas at El Paso.” 33 unnumbered pages. Folio HB/DJ, SIGNED by Fugate, Cisneros, and Hertzog, very scarce….295.00
37) Ginn, Jody Edward EAST TEXAS TROUBLES: The Allred Rangers’ Cleanup of San Augustine 2199, 1st edition, Norman. In 1935, fresh-faced, newly elected governor James V. Allred made good on his promise to reform state law enforcement agencies
by sending a team of qualified Texas Rangers to San Augustine County to investigate reports of organized crime. This chronicles the year-and-a-half-long cleanup of the county, and the inaugural effort by Governor Allred to transform the Texas Rangers into a professional law enforcement agency.190pp w/photos, notes, index. HB/DJ, as new, SIGNED ……..35.00
38) Haley, J. Evetts CHARLES GOODNIGHT: Cowman and Plainsman 1936, 1st edition, Boston. Illustrations by H.D. Bugbee. One of the best of the cowman’s biographies. Much of Haley’s material came from first-hand interviews with Goodnight over a period of years. Reese, SIX SCORE: “Goodnight’s career spanned the history of the development of West Texas, from Indian fighting to oil wells…Haley’s beautifully written biography, perhaps his best book, is an ample vehicle for a mighty figure, and a classic of American biography.” 485pp w/bib, index. HB tan cloth—the spine has been replaced with new brown leather with black and gold leather titles, and new endpapers, a handsomely repaired copy, inscribed/SIGNED…..475.00
39) Haley, J. Evetts FORT CONCHO AND THE TEXAS FRONTIER 1952, 1st San Angelo Edition limited to 185 copies, San Angelo. Designed by Carl Hertzog; illustrations by H.D. Bugbee. Haley’s classic history of the frontier military outpost and the West Texas country that surrounds it. Chapters on the Great Comanche War Trail; the stage-coach mail; founding and building of Fort Concho; Mackenzie and his Indian campaigns; Grierson and Shafter; racial troubles on the Conchos; transportation and supply; everyday life at the post; more. 352pp w/maps, illus, index, with book mark serving as colophon SIGNED by Hertzog. HB/DJ in slipcase, fine condition, SIGNED by Haley on the half-title page, very scarce…395.00 SOLD
40) [HALEY, J. EVETTS] VINTAGE J. EVETTS HALEY: A Reader’s Handbook compiled and edited by Evetts Haley, Jr. 1991, 1st limited edition of 100 copies, edition, Midland. Frontispiece by Tom Ryan; introduction by Otto Scott; and an essay “On Collecting” by Mike Cox. 51pp. HB red cloth w/silver lettering, fine copy, SIGNED by J. Evetts Haley….125.00 SOLD
41) [HALEY, J. EVETTS] WHAT A WORLD OF WONDER! An Appreciation of J. Evetts Haley: Cowman, Historian, American compiled and edited by Evetts Haley, Jr. 1990, 1st edition, Midland. Introduction by T. R. Fehrenbach. A collection of essays about Haley by those who knew him well, including Robert Carr Vincent, Robert M. Utley, B. Byron Price, Dr. Roger Olien, and others. 79pp. HB beige cloth w/red lettering, SIGNED by Haley……70.00 SOLD
42) [HALEY, J. EVETTS] J. EVETTS HALEY, KSJ: The Legacy compiled and edited by Evetts Haley, Jr. 1996, 1st limited edition of 150 copies, Midland. Introduction by Elmer Kelton. Illustrations by Tom Ryan, Joe Beeler, Wayne Baize, Bob Moline, and others. Several associates of the late Haley contribute essays about the writer/historian’s life and accomplishments. Includes a bibliography of Haley’s writings. 126pp w/illus, bibliography. Folio HB, SIGNED by many contributors, scarce….75.00
43) Haley, J. Evetts THE XIT RANCH OF TEXAS: And the Early Days of the Llano Estacado 1953, 1st printing of the revised edition, Norman. One of the most highly sought after books on the cattle range. Chandler Robinson [Haley bibliographer] termed it ‘an epic account of the largest and most famous ranching operation of the early West. It is one of the most highly regarded land-marks in the literature of the cattle country.’ 258pp w/map, photos, appendices, bib, index. HB/DJ [minor edgewear]…75.00 SOLD
44) Handy, Mary Olivia HISTORY OF FORT SAM HOUSTON 1951, 1st ed, Naylor Co., San Antonio. A detailed history of the old fort that sets in the heart of San Antonio. Material includes Col. Robert E. Lee, the camel experiment, the capture of Geronimo, Roosevelt’s Rough Riders, Gen. “Black Jack” Pershing, and more. 111pp w/photos, biblio, index. HB/DJ very good….75.00 SOLD
45) [HANSFORD COUNTY] HANSFORD COUNTY, 1876-1979 nd, 1st edition, 1st printing, Spearman. 496pp w/photos, historical articles, church histories, organizations and businesses, many family histories, and more. Folio HB beige leather w/decorated cover, fine copy……....75.00
46) Hatcher, Mattie Austin THE OPENING OF TEXAS TO FOREIGN SETTLEMENT, 1801-1821 1927, 1st printing of the University of Texas Bulletin No. 2714, Austin. Jenkins, BTB: “ A seminal study of the beginning of foreign immigration into Spanish Texas, this monograph covers the period prior to the colony of Stephen F. Austin, during which a surprising amount of immigrations and settlement occurred. 368pp w/appendices, two foldout maps of 1805 “Provincia de Texas,” foldout 1805 census of Texas; index. Wrappers, very good, now in bro-dart protective cover…….135.00 SOLD
47) Hauschild, Henry J. THE RUNGE CHRONICLE: A German Saga of Success 1990, 1st edition, Victoria. A biography that details the notable careers of two German pioneers, Henry Runge and his son-in-law and nephew, Julius Runge, with information about their descendants. 227pp w/illustrations, bibliography, index. Folio HB/DJ, SIGNED…..45.00
48) Havins, T. R. BEYOND THE CIMARRON: Major Earl Van Dorn In Comanche Land 1968, 1st edition, Brownwood. A good account of Van Dorn’s 1858 campaign against the Comanche in West Texas and Oklahoma. Fort Chadbourne, Camp Colorado, Fort Sill, more. 113pp w/maps, illustrations, biblio. HB/DJ, fine copy, very scarce………175.00
49) Henderson, Carol Durham IT’LL RAIN SOMEDAY…ALWAYS DOES: A Historical Narrative 2021,1st edition, Fort Worth. The story of Thomas Henry Cherryhomes who left a hardscrabble dirt farm near Austin at the age of 16 in 1876. In 1890, he bought acreage and eventually established the largest ranching operation in Jack county. 265pp w/map, contemporary photo section. Folio HB/DJ, new [multiple copies available]……36.95
50) Hillerman, Tony THE FLY ON THE WALL 1971, 1st edition, Harper & Row Pub., NY. Hillerman’s second suspense novel. 212pp. HB/DJ near fine copy, SIGNED bookplate tipped in,….200.00 SOLD
51) Holden, William Curry THE SPUR RANCH: A Study of the Inclosed Ranch Phase of the Cattle Industry in Texas 1934, 1st edition, 1st state (w/endpaper maps), Boston. A history of the Great Plains ranch and its contribution to the ranching industry from 1885 to 1907. 229 pp w/ endpaper maps, index, plus an alphabetical list of employees and their dates of employment from 1885 to 1909. HB brown cloth w/gilt lettering, fine copy SIGNED…….375.00
52) Holmes, Lucia THE LUCIA HOLMES DIARY 1875-1876: The Hoo Doo War Years 1985, 1st printing, Mason. This was the first eyewitness account of the Mason County feud found in writing. Folio wrappers, very good…….25.00
53) Hope, Welborn FOUR MEN HANGING: The End of the Old West 1974, 1st edition, Oklahoma City. The author witnessed the hanging of four men in Ada, Oklahoma, in 1909. He was the lad looking in from a break in the wall when the photo was taken. 145pp w/photos. Small HB/DJ, very good condition…….125.00 SOLD
54) Hunter, J. Marvin [editor] THE TRAIL DRIVERS OF TEXAS 1925, 2nd revised edition, Nashville, Two volumes in one. Reese, SIX-SCORE: “This vast compilation of original accounts by old trail drivers is one of the best cattle books, and the largest collection of first-hand narratives of the range cattle industry... [it] is an essential foundation book for any range library.” Adams, HERD: “...the most important single contribution to the history of cattle driving on the western trails.” 1,044pp w/photos. HB light blue cloth w/ very good condition with intact hinges, very scarce……275.00 [NOTE: This was Hunter’s first book on Texas Trail Drivers; in 1923 he did an additional volume; and in 1925 he put the two together under one cover.] SOLD
55) Ingram, Wayne & Jane Pattie JASBO 1959, 1st edition, Naylor Co., San Antonio. Biography of a popular and famous rodeo clown of the 1930s and 1940s. 89pp w/photos. HB/DJ dj has minor chips…..25.00
56) Jameson, W.C. LEGEND and LORE of the GUADALUPE MOUNTAINS 2007, reprint, Albuquerque. An interesting collection of tales about this storied region of Texas. 157pp w/photos, bibliography. Trade paperback, new [multi-copies]..19.95
57) Jones, Stanley, et al VASCULAR PLANTS OF TEXAS: A Comprehensive Checklist including Synonymy, Bibliography, and Index 1997, 1st edition, Austin. “Several features make this checklist especially useful. Chief among them is the relative synonymy (name history). An extensive index makes current classification and correct nomenclature readily accessible, while the botanical bibliography is the most extensive ever compiled for Texas. The authors also note which plants have been listed as threatened or endangered by the Texas Organization of Endangered Species, which are designated as Federal Noxious Weeds, and which have been chosen as state tree, flower, fruit, etc. by the Texas Legislature.” 404pp w/biblio, index. Folio HB/DJ…….45.00
58) Kelton, Elmer THE WOLF AND THE BUFFALO 1980, 1st edition, NY. A Kelton classic, this one is the story of the black
soldier and the Comanche warrior in the American West. HB/DJ fine copy, SIGNED (no inscription) unclipped dust jacket….150.00
59) Kelton, Elmer FAR CANYON 1993, 1st edition, NY. Sequel to Slaughter. 323pp. HB/DJ, fine, inscribed/SIGNED ….50.00
60) Kelton, Elmer THE PUMPKIN ROLLERS 1996, 1st edition, NY. HB/DJ FINE, inscribed/SIGNED...........45.00
61) Kelton, Elmer SANDHILLS BOY: The Winding Trail of a Texas Writer 2007, 1st edition, NY. Kelton’s delightful memoir is followed by an afterword by his wife, Anna Kelton. 252pp. HB/DJ, fine copy, SIGNED by Elmer and Ann…….60.00
62) Kelton, Elmer THE ART OF JAMES BAMA 1993, 1st edition, NY. Beautiful full-color paintings by Bama accompany Kelton’s interesting essays that tell the history behind the artwork. Folio HB/DJ, SIGNED by Bama with a special print –“Sepia Study—Pawnee Indian”--laid in…….70.00
Handsome books on some Cattle Trails of bygone days! Large folded maps included!
63) Kraisinger, Gary & Margaret THE SHAWNEE-ARBUCKLE CATTLE TRAIL 1867-1870: The Predecessor of the Chisholm Trail to Abilene, Kansas 2016, 1st edition, Halstead. The authors have been cattle trail scholars for over forty years. In this book, and “with the aid of archival maps and early cowboys' recollections, the Kraisinger prove that the way to Abilene from 1867 through 1870 went by way of Fort Arbuckle in Indian Territory. The route seen on present-day cattle-trail maps via Red River Station did no materialize until later.” 134pp w/maps including a large foldout map laid in, photos, extensive bibliography, HB/DJ, new [multiple copies available] SIGNED by both authors…….34.95
64) Kraisinger, Gary & Margaret THE WESTERN CATTLE TRAIL , 1874-1897: Its Rise, Collapse, and Revival 2014, 1st edition, Halstead. This comprehensive history of the Western trail consists of three parts: “Part I: An explanation of the four cattle trail systems that came north out of Texas from 1846 to 1897: The Shawnee, the Goodnight, the Eastern/Chisholm, and the Western. Part II: The Western Cattle Trail in its rise from 1874 to 1885, discussing and showing the trunk line and it’s feeder and splinter routes from south Texas to Canada. Fifty maps show routes in Texas, Indian Territory, Kansas, Nebraska, Dakota, Wyoming, and Montana territories. Part III: The Western Cattle Trail in its collapse (1885-1886) and it’s revival to continue trailing cattle north until 1897.” 516pp w/maps including large foldout map laid in, photos, bibliography, index. Folio HB/DJ, new [multiple copies] SIGNED by both authors....59.95 [NOT TO BE CONFUSED WITH The Western: The Greatest Cattle Trail, 1874-1886, published in 2004.]
65) Kramer, Ken [editor] w/photos by Charles Kruvand THE LIVING WATERS OF TEXAS 2010, 1st edition, College Station. “When you read this book you are hearing from some of the most influential conservation leaders in Texas about the single most important resource issue of our time: water…Inspiring and heartfelt this collection of essays [and photography] frames an important period in Texas water history…”138pp w/appendix, index. Folio HB/DJ, CLEARANCE: 40% 0FF = $18.00 [was $30.00]
66) Lambert, Paul F. & Kenny A. Franks [editors] VOICES FROM THE OIL FIELDS 1984,reprnt edition, Norman. A compilation of 20 WPA interviews with men and women who participated in the oil booms, providing many technical details about early oilfield operations, and life in the fields during that turbulent period. 260pp w/photos, index. Trade paper, new [multiple copies available]…………….19.95
67) [LA SALLE COUNTY] LA SALLE COUNTY: South Texas Brush Country, 1856-1975 by Annette Martin Ludeman. 1975, 1st edition, Nortex Press, Austin. Many historical articles covering the history of this South Texas county from its beginnings through 1975: ranching, farming, community histories; rodeos and cowboys; many pioneer and family biographies, and much more. 235pp w/map, photos, footnotes, index. Folio HB green leather, fine copy, scarce…..150.00
68) [LLANO COUNTY] LLANO COUNTY FAMILY ALBUM: A History 1989, 1st edition, np. 389pp w/photos, historical articles, and nearly 300 pages of family histories. Folio HB brown leather w/embossed cover, very scarce…..165.00
69) [LLANO COUNTY] LLANO: Gem of the Hill Country—A History of Llano County, Texas by Wilburn Oatman. 1988, 2nd edition, San Angelo. A history of the county from its earliest days: Indian raids; early settlement; ranching; minerals and granite; places of interest; much more. 193pp w/maps, photos, index. Folio HB maroon leather with gold lettering, fine copy…70.00
70) Loving, James C. THE LOVING BRAND BOOK 1965, 1st edition, Pemberton Press, Austin. With an introduction by Charles Goodnight II*I; illustrations by William D. Wittliff. Reese, SIX-SCORE: “Reproduces James C. Loving’s original manuscript brand book of Texas cattle brands, compiled in 1884. Loving was the son of Charles Goodnight’s partner Oliver Loving and one of the founders of the first Texas stock association. This reproduction makes available to all a picture of how brands were recorded by a working cattleman on the range, besides preserving an important brand book for prosperity.” 118pp w/index. HB/DJ (light dis-coloration of front free endpaper from dust jacket flap which is common with this book) overall a near fine copy, scarce…225.00
71) Maxwell, Samuel L., Sr. LEVER ACTION MAGAZINE RIFLES: Derived from the Patents of Andrew Burgess 1976, 1st edition, Dallas. Chapters include: Andrew Burgess and His Early Magazine Rifles; The Whitney Arms Company; The 1878 Burgess Magazine Rifles; The Kennedy Magazine Rifle; The 1881 Marlin Repeating Rifle; The Colt-Burgess Magazine Rifles; The 1886 Whitney Magazine Rifle, and a brief biography of Maxwell. Excellent study. 368pp w/illus., index. Folio HB brown leather w/gold lettering, fine copy….90.00
72) McAfee, W.R. THE CATTLEMEN 1989, 1st edition, Alvin. The story of the Reid brothers who founded the Eleven Bar 11 ranch in the Barrilla Mountains northeast of Fort Davis. 266pp w/map, photos, index. HB/DJ (dust jacket has tape repair) SIGNED……..40.00.00 SOLD
73) McCaslin, Richard B. TEXAS RANGER CAPTAIN WILLIAM L. WRIGHT 2021, 1st edition, UNT Press, Denton. Wright became a Ranger in 1899, battling a mob in the Laredo Smallpox Riot, policing both sides in the Reese-Townsend Feud, and winning a gunfight at Cotulla, enforced Prohibition in South Texas, and policed oil towns in West Texas. When he retired, he was the only Ranger in service who had worked under seven governors. Wright has also been honored as an inductee into the Texas Ranger Hall of Fame at Waco.368pp w/maps, photos, biblio, index. HB/DJ, new [multiple copies available]……34.95
74) McDowell, Catherine W. [editor] NOW YOU HEAR MY HORN: The Journal of James Wilson Nichols, 1820-1887 1967, 1st trade edition, Austin. Designed by Carl Hertzog; map by Jose Cisneros. Jenkins, BASIC TEXAS BOOKS: “This…is one of the most delightful American pioneer narratives ever written. Frontiersman Nichols gives us an unvarnished account of life in frontier Texas, with no holds barred. His narrative is humorous, bold, gruesome, opinionated, revealing.” Nichols served with McCulloch in the Mexican War, as a Ranger under Jack Hays and fought in many Indian battles. HB/DJ fine copy, unclipped dj…65.00
75) McMurtry, Larry THE LAST PICTURE SHOW 1966, 1st edition, NY. McMurtry’s fourth novel, a story of small-town life in North Texas. 280pp. HB/DJ very good copy,…..400.00
76) McMurtry, Larry LEAVING CHEYENNE 1963, 1st edition, NY. Award-winning novel, author’s second book. HB/DJ near fine copy……250.00
77) ALL MY FRIENDS ARE GOING TO BE STRANGERS 1972, 1st edition, Simon and Schuster, NY. HB/DJ fine copy in unclipped dust jacket……..85.00
78) McMurtry, Larry TERMS OF ENDEARMENT 1975, 1st edition. 410pp. HB/DJ, fine copy in unclipped dj…..125.00
79) McNeir, Forest W. FOREST McNEIR OF TEXAS 1956, 1st edition, Naylor Co., San Antonio. McNeir’s autobiography describes his life in the early 20th century: Galveston flood, construction of steam engines across the West Texas plains, successful business ventures, hunting anecdotes, trapshooting, and more. 316pp w/photos, endpaper maps. HB/DJ (dj has small remainder of price sticker) overall a very good copy….85.00
80) Meed, Douglas V. TEXAS RANGER JOHNNY KLEVENHAGEN 200, 1st edition, Republic of Texas Press, Plano. A lively and exciting account of a Texas Ranger who served during the turbulent times of the 1930s to 1950s. 239pp w/photos, index, Trade paperback, fine copy…..32.50 SOLD
81) Meinzer, Wyman with Henry Chappell UNDER ONE FENCE: The Waggoner Ranch Legacy 2010, 1st edition, Benjamin. A modern look at legendary Waggoner Ranch through the lens of Meinzer’s camera: the landscape, working cowboys, much more. Includes some black-and-white period photos from the ranch’s earlier days.180pp. Folio HB/DJ, fine copy, SIGNED…..160.00 SOLD
82) Mersfelder, L.C. Larry COWBOY-FISHERMAN-HUNTER: True Stories of the Great Southwest 1941, 1st edition, Kansas City. True tales of the open country of West Texas and Eastern New Mexico set in the 1930s and 40s. 271pp w/many photos. HB/DJ, very good copy……….35.00
83) Metz, Leon C. DESERT ARMY: Fort Bliss on the Texas Border 1989, 2nd revised and expanded edition, El Paso. Illustrations by Jose Cisneros. A history of the U.S. Military at El Paso. 203pp w/photos, appendix, bib, index. HB/DJ, SIGNED by Metz and Frank Mangan, the publisher….45.00 SOLD
84) Miles, Susan FORT CONCHO IN 1877 1972, 2nd edition, San Angelo. An interesting picture of frontier military life through the letters of Alice Kirk Grierson, wife of the Post Commander Col. Benjamin Grierson. Chronicles the tragic Nolan Expedition to the Plains, and the untimely death of the Grierson’s 13-year-old daughter, Edith; and more. 48pp w/photos. HB/DJ, tiny chips along edges of dust jacket…….25.00
85) Modisett, Bill THE KING OF MONUMENT: The Life and Times of Henry Clay McGonagill 2011, 1st edition, Midland. Introduction by Patrick Dearen; illustrations by Mike Capron; editing by Christi Callicoatte. Interesting biography of an early 20th century rodeo cowboy with a checkered past. 205pp w/illustrations, index. HB leather w/decorated cover, SIGNED…..165.00
86) Murrah, David J. THE PITCHFORK LAND AND CATTLE COMPANY: The First Century 1983, 1st edition, Lubbock. A history of the Texas ranch with 60 photographs, many that had never before been published. 78pp w/map endpapers, notes, historical chronology, index. Oblong folio HB/DJ very good copy [dust jacket has two tiny nicks at corners] …..60.00 SOLD
87) Myres, Sandra L. THE RANCH IN SPANISH TEXAS, 1691-1800 1969, 1st ed [Monograph Number Two in Social Science Series) El Paso. Illustrations by Jose Cisneros. A look at the early development of the cattle industry in Texas. 69pp w/references, endnotes. Softcover, very good…..27.00
88) Newcomb, W.W., Jr. THE INDIANS OF TEXAS: From Prehistoric to Modern Times 1961, 1st edition, Austin. Jenkins, BASIC TEXAS BOOKS: “The best work on Texas Indian cultures, this volume is also an important work on Texas prior to the coming of the white man.” 404pp w/photos, bib, index. HB/DJ very good……50.00 SOLD
89) Noelke, Virginia A HISTORY OF THE CACTUS HOTEL 1996, 1st edition, San Angelo. The Cactus Hotel in San Angelo was originally Conrad Hilton’s fourth hotel, built in 1928. It became the Cactus Hotel in 1932, and has graced San Angelo’s skyline ever since. 182pp w/many photos. Wrappers, very good, SIGNED…..55.00 SOLD
90) Noyes, Stanley LOS COMANCHES: The Horse People, 1751-1845 1993, 1st edition, Albuquerque. “A sweeping history of the Comanche Indians, who dominated the Southern plains from the mid-18th to the mid-19th century….Rich in social and cultural vignettes of women, captivity, warrior rituals, family life, courtship, sexual attitudes, and adaptation of the horse.” 364pp w/maps, illustrations, notes, bibliography, index. HB/DJ, fine copy……85.00
91) Paine, Albert Bigelow CAPTAIN BILL McDONALD: Texas Ranger 1909, 1st edition, NY. Biography of the rough-and-ready lawman who came to Texas from Mississippi in 1866. He was deputy sheriff of Wood County, and was appointed special ranger and U.S. Marshal in Hardeman County in the 1880s. He served as a Ranger captain from 1891 to 1907. 448pp w/illus. HB, blue cloth, very good copy w/faded spine…....85.00
92) [PECOS COUNTY] PECOS COUNTY HISTORY by Marsha Lea Daggett. 1984, 1st edition, Fort Stockton. Two Volumes 583 and 438 pages with photos, historical articles, and many family histories. Volume I is devoted family histories, and has index to families listed, and the second volume with many historical articles is indexed. [Includes biographies of the noted surveyor, pioneer and judge, O.W. Williams, and his son, author/historian Clayton Williams, Sr.] 2-volumes set, folio HB/DJ fine condition…..140.00
92b) Another set—Pecos County History—1st edition, 2 volumes lacking dust jackets, otherwise fine---100.00
NEW KING RANCH BOOK: Stunning Art from the World’s Most Famous Ranch!!
93) Perez, Noe KING RANCH: A Legacy in Art 2021, 1st edition, TAMU Press, College Station. “…editors Bob Kinnan, William E. Reaves, and Linda J. Reaves have assembled a team of collaborators to present a beautiful, informative account of the ranch and its place in the artistic heritage of the region. Pairing original paintings by artist Noe Perez with insightful essays from curators Bruce Shackelford and Ron Tyler, this book celebrates the many ways “King Ranch culture” has enriched appreciation for the decorative, practical, and fine arts in Texas and the greater American West.” 170pp w/illus, index. Folio HB/DJ, new [multiple copies available]………34.95
94) Pirtle, Caleb, III & Michael F. Cusack FORT CLARK: The Lonely Sentinel On Texas’s Western Frontier 1985, 1st edition, Austin. Early Indian fights; Mackenzie’s unauthorized raid into Mexico; the Mexican Revolution era when Ft. Clark was a post used to guard the border; the Seminole Indian scouts; much more. 226pp with sources, photos, index. HB/DJ fine……50.00 SOLD
A study of American Indian Picture-writing
95) Powell, J.W. [Director] TENTH ANNUAL REPORT of the BUREAU OF ETHNOLOGY to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, 1888-’89 1889, 1st printing, Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. “The first part presents an exposition of the operations of the bureau during the fiscal year 1888-’89; the second part consists of a work on the Picture-Writing of the American Indians, which has been in preparation for several years.” 822p w/examples of illustrations of petroglyphs from a wide spectrum across North and South America. Folio HB green cloth w/gold deco on front cover, very good copy……150.00
96) Roberts, Madge Thornall [editor] The Personal Correspondence of Sam Houston THREE VOLUMES 1996/1996/1998 all 1st editions, UNT Press, Denton. Houston’s letters to friends and family overflow with lively details about manners, dress, medical practices, farming, transportation, family dynamics, and many other topics of interest to social historians. In her footnotes, Roberts reveals the full names of the people mentioned and the historical events taking place at the time, thus placing the letters into the broader context of Houston's life and times. 390/381/508pp w/maps, appendices, bibliography, index. Three volumes, as new=60.00
97) Robinson, Robert R., Jr. THE BREMERS and THEIR KIN in GERMANY and in TEXAS 1977, 1st edition, Wichita Falls. TWO VOLUMES. This massive genealogical study traces the history of the family of Heinrich Conrad Friedrich Christian Bremer (1811-1880) a native of Hanover, Germany, and his descendants. He and his immediate family arrived in Texas in 1844.and participated in the founding of New Braunfels. Lots of regional history1,630pp w/maps, illustrations, notes, index. Folio HB brown leather, fine…the set of two volumes = 135.00 SOLD
98) Sellers, Frank M. & Samuel e. Smith AMERICAN PERCUSSION REVOLVERS 1971, 1st edition, Ottawa. The ultimate reference work on American percussion revolvers with all pertinent data, profusely illustrated. 231pp w/illus, bib, index. HB/DJ, inscribed/SIGNED by seller, very good copy….85.00
99) Sitton, Thad TEXAS HIGH SHERIFFS 1988, 1st edition, Austin. “A fascinating and provocative look at the old ways of law enforcement as practiced by the rural Texas sheriff before 1965.” Eleven sheriffs profiled, in their own words, are Tom Brown, Jess Sweeten, Corbett Akins, Gaston Boykin, T.W. “Buckshot” Lane, Frank Brunt, H.F. and Loretta Fenton, B. Rufus Jordan, Truman Maddox, I.R. “Nig” Hoskins, and Jim Scarborough III. 279pp w/photos, biographical notes. HB/DJ….50.00 SOLD
100) Smith, Lee Carraway A RIVER SWIFT AND DEADLY: The 36th “Texas” Infantry Division at the Rapido River 1989, 1st edition, Eakin Press, Austin. The story of the bloody offensive battle in Italy that focuses more on the enlisted men’s point of view. 140 personal stories are recounted. 200pp w/maps, photos, notes, rosters, sources, index. HB/DJ fine copy, SIGNED…..85.00 SOLD
101) Smokov, Mark T. HE RODE WITH BUTCH AND SUNDANCE: The Story of Harvey “Kid Curry” Logan 2012, 1st edition. Factual account of this member of the Hole-in-the Wall Gang. 440pp w/photos, index. HB/DJ as new…….29.95
102) Sutherland, R.Q. & R. L. Wilson THE BOOK OF COLT FIREARMS 1971, 1st edition, privately published by Robert Q. Sutherland, Kansas City. A comprehensive work of reference, presenting historical and technical details of total Colt firearms output of revolvers, pistols, rifles, shotguns, carbines, muskets, submachine and machine guns. 604pp w/hundreds of illustrations (including some full-page, full-color plates, index of models, general index. Folio HB/DJ (book is very good—green cloth w/gold decorations-- dust jacket has chips and is severely worn, now in protective cover) very scarce….220.00
103) Swayze, Nathan L. ’51 COLT NAVIES 1967, 1st edition, Yazoo City. This book devoted entirely to the Model 1851 Colt Navy, one of the most popular Colt antique models. Includes pertinent data, serial numbers by year of production, models, U.S. Charts on U.S. Martials and foreign, the Hartford and London models..243pp w/photos, maps, index. Folio HB/DJ fine…135.00 SOLD
104) [TARRANT COUNTY] HISTORIC PHOTOS OF FORT WORTH text and captions by Quentin McGown. 2007, 2nd printing, Nashville. Interesting photos with captions that follow life, government, education and events throughout the city’s history. 206pp w/notes. Folio HB/DJ near fine copy…..37.50
105) [UVALDE COUNTY] THE LIFE AND DIARY OF READING W. BLACK: A History of Early Uvalde arranged by Ike Moore. 1934, 1st edition, Uvalde. Black was the founder of Uvalde and his diary gives us a firsthand look at early settlement in the county prior to the Civil War. 93pp w/map, some photos. Softcover, a nice copy, scarce…100.00 SOLD
106) [TEXAS PANHANDLE] PANHANDLE TIDBITS: New Twists on Old Tales by Carl and Dr. Jon Williamson. 1995, 1st edition, np. A collection of over 250 articles, sketches, clippings, folklore, facts, fiction and humor about the Texas Panhandle. 149pp w/ colored maps, illustrations by Olive and Harold Bugbee, Ancel Nunn, Nicholas Eggenhofer, and others, bibliography, index. Folio wrappers w/decorated cover, fine copy…….35.00 SOLD
107) Toulouse, Joseph H. & James R. PIONEER POSTS OF TEXAS 1936, 1st edition, The Naylor Co., San Antonio. After a brief history of the Alamo, the authors give details of the following frontier forts: Sill, Stockton, Bliss, Concho, Griffin, the Alamo, Ringgold Barracks, Quitman, McIntosh, and others. 166pp w/illustrations, maps, plats. HB yellow cloth…..125.00 SOLD
108) [VAL VERDE COUNTY, TEXAS] THE SPIRIT OF VAL VERDE 1985, 1st edition, Del Rio.271pp w/photos, historical essays, community histories, family biographies, endpaper map. Folio HB green leather w/decorated cover, SIGNED by Rose Mary Whitehead Jones, to whom the book is dedicated…..135.00
109) Wallis, George A. CATTLE KINGS OF THE STAKED PLAINS 1957, 1st edition, Dallas. Adams, HERD: “Much on the ranches of West Texas and New Mexico.” Included are Charles Goodnight and the JA; C.C. Slaughter and the Long S; John Chisum and the Jingle-bobs; Major George Littlefield and the Yellow House; the Farwells and the XIT; others; and a chapter on Billy the Kid. 164 pages w/photos, brands and a list of “World Champion Cowboys Since 1948.” HB/DJ, very good….45.00 SOLD
110) Wauer, Roland H. HERALDS OF SPRING IN TEXAS 1999, 1st edition, TAMU Press, College Station. Illustrations by Ralph Scott. A celebration of spring, and how we know its arrival is imminent from the Lower Rio Grande to the Texas Panhandle. 257pp w/illustrations, references, index. HB/DJ very good copy…..28.00
111) Williams, Amelia FOLLOWING GENERAL SAM HOUSTON FROM 1793 TO 1863 1935, 1st edition, Austin. Etchings by Bernhardt Wall. Stories that trace the highlights of Houston’s life from his birth until his death, with each story accompanied by a related etching. 251pp w/sources. HB very good copy….45.00 SOLD
112) Wilson, George W. HIGH PLAINS JUSTICE: A True Tale of Murder and Mystery in the Texas Panhandle of the Old West 1993, 1st edition, privately published, Manvel. A look at the killing of Billy Janes in Collingsworth county in 1898, allegedly by infamous gunman Jim Miller. 45pp w/photos, bibliography. Folio wrappers, fine copy, SIGNED….55.00 SOLD
113) Wilson, John H. (as told to Sue Wilson) LAND OF THE HIGH SKY: Stories Along the Rio Pecos 1992, 1st edition, np. Wilson remembers his days as a cowboy in the Pecos River country of West Texas in the early days of the 20th-century. 62pp w/photos. Folio softcover, SIGNED by Sue……..45.00
113b) Another edition – Land of the High Sky – 2006, 3rd edition, revised and expanded with 24 additional pages….40.00
114) Winfrey, Dorman H. & James M. Day THE INDIAN PAPERS OF TEXAS AND THE SOUTHWEST, 1825-1916
5 volumes 1995, reprint by Texas State Historical Association, Austin. Jenkins, BTB. This extensive, five-volume collection, drawn from the original copies in the Texas State Archives, provides invaluable source materials on Texas's Indians. The set contains official letters, documents, reports, and treaties relating to Texas's Indian tribes. In all, there are more than 1,600 documents in 2,000-plus pages, including letters by Sam Houston, Randolph B. Marcy, Kit Carson, Jack Hays, Henry B. Schoolcraft, Rip Ford, and others. Each volume is indexed separately and thoroughly. The documents are rich in first-hand reports of encounters, both friendly and hostile, with Indians. They reveal much about the cultural attitudes of the time and place.” 5 volumes all cloth…125.00
115) Winship, George Parker THE CORONADO EXPEDITION 1540-1542 1964, reprint edition by Rio Grande Press, Chicago. [The original edition was published in 1896 as part of the Annual Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology] Jenkins, BTB: “Herbert Bolton rated the Winship edition, with its additional documentary material, a monumental source book containing most of the documents at that time known..” F.B. Steck said Winship’s pioneer work will always remain the standard work on the Coronado enterprise.” Includes “List of Works Useful to the Student of the Coronado Expedition.” 403pp. w/illus, notes. Folio HB..55.00 SOLD
116) Worman, Charles G. GUNSMOKE AND SADDLE LEATHER: Firearms in the Nineteenth-Century American West 2005, 1st edition, Albuquerque. This huge volume gives many accounts of how guns affected the lives of those on the frontier. Includes accounts of a trapper in the 1830s, a woman crossing the plains by wagon in the 1850s, a cowboy enduring the dangers of a long cattle drive, a buffalo hunter, a soldier fighting Indians, and many more stories. 559 halftone photos of the people and their guns with descriptive captions. 360pp w/photos, notes, bib, index. Folio HB/DJ, as new…39.95
117) Yost, Nellie Snyder BUFFALO BILL: His Family, Friends, Fame, Failures, and Fortunes 1979, 1st edition, Chicago. A complete biography. 500pp w/photos, endpaper maps, bibliography, notes, index. HB/DJ, near fine copy……45.00
118) [YOUNG COUNTY] FORT BELKNAP: Frontier Saga—Indians, Negroes and Anglo-Americans on the Texas Frontier
by Barbara A. Neal Ledbetter. 1982, 1st edition, Austin. A history of Fort Belknap, in Young County, that was one of a line of Texas forts in the mid-1800s. Includes information on frontier race relations; Indian captives; also information on Fort Griffin, Mobeetie, and Tascosa in West Texas. 300ppw/maps, illus, notes, biblio, app, index. HB some damage at lower, spine, lacks dj, very scarce inscribed/SIGNED …150.00 [condition noted]
[A selection of Zane Grey first editions with rare dust jackets and his signature [signed Zane Grey titles don’t show up very often!]
119) Grey, Zane TAPPAN’S BURRO and Other Stories 1923, 1st edition [with code I-X] Harper & Brothers Publishers, NY. Five stories by Zane Grey with color illustrations by Charles S. Chapman and Frank S. Street. 253pp w/illus. Folio HB/DJ w/illustrated cover, some chipping around the edges of the original unclipped dust jacket, overall a very good copy, SIGNED by Zane Grey on front free endpaper, also SIGNED by his son, Romer, exceedingly scarce…..595.00 SOLD
120) Grey, Zane ROGUE RIVER FEUD 1930, 1st edition [with code C-X], Harper & Brothers, NY. This novel was copyrighted in 1930, but wasn’t published until 1948] 218pp. HB/DJ (original unclipped dust jacket) in custom red cloth slipcase, near fine copy, SIGNED card tipped in, and a gift inscription signed by Grey’s son, Loren Grey…………..300.00 SOLD
121) Grey, Zane WANDERER OF THE WASTELAND 1923, 1st edition [code L-W] Harper & Brothers, NY. Novel. Illustrations by W. Herbert Dunton. 419pp w/illus. HB/DH [the original unclipped dust jacket has very minor wear and some foxing at rear, book is fine] tipped in at the front pastedown is a check dated June 2, 1923that is SIGNED by Zane Grey………295.00 SOLD
122) Grey, Zane FORLORN RIVER 1927, 1st edition [code “H-B”] Harper & Brothers, NY. Novel. HB/DJ [unclipped original dust jacket has small tape repair, o/w very good; book is near fine. Tipped in at the front free endpaper is a check dated 5/9/1942 SIGNED by Zane Grey……………..295.00
123) Grey, Zane THE MYSTERIOUS RIDER 1921, 1st edition [code I-U] Harper & Brothers Publishers, NY. Illustrations by Frank B. Hoffman. 336pp w/illus. HB/DJ [original dust jacket has minor edgewear] tipped in at the front free endpaper is a check dated June 7, 1917 that is SIGNED by Zane Grey……………295.00 SOLD
124) Grey, Zane BLUE FEATHER and OTHER STORIES 1961, 1st edition [code I-L] Harper & Brothers, NY. Three novelettes. From the Zane Grey Library [with Zane Grey’s ownership stamp] this copy has a lengthy –and emotional –SIGNED inscription by Romer, Zane’s son. HB/DJ original unclipped dust jacket and book in near fine condition……150.00
125) [GREY, ZANE] ZANE GREY: A Biography by Frank Gruber. 1969, 1st edition, Roslyn. Besides the interesting biography of this noted 20th-century author, there is included a chronology of Grey’s life, and a complete bibliography of his writings. 284pp w/photos, index. HB……..25.00 SOLD
[NOTE: I have more Zane Grey first editions with dust jackets (not signed) that will appear in a future catalog—or call me now, if interested!]