CATALOG #300, February, 2020
[Thanks to all our loyal catalog subscribers, Cactus Book Shop just reached another milestone: 300 Texana Catalogs! My first catalogs, back in 1995-96, were skimpy little publications with only 26 titles listed A thru Z, because I was really hustling to find good Texana in those days. And my mailing list consisted of only about 30 customers, some of whom have left us, and some of whom are still faithful subscribers! God Bless you all!]
1) Abbott, E.C. “Teddy Blue” WE POINTED THEM NORTH: Recollections of a Cowpuncher 1991, Lakeside Press edition, Chicago. Edited and with a historical introduction by Ron Tyler Adams, Ramon Adams, SIX-GUNS: “This is one of the best books in recent years depicting cowboy life. The author was a well-known character of his day.” Includes a chapter on cowboy songs. 385pp w/photos, footnotes, index. HB brown cloth w/gold lettering and gilt edges, fine….25.00 SOLD
2) Appleman, Roy E. CHARLIE SIRINGO: Cowboy Detective 1968, 1st limited edition of 250 copies, Wash., D.C. [No. 3 in Great Western Series of the Potomac Corral, The Westerners.] Adams, SIX-GUNS: “A short biography of Siringo, mostly about his detective years.” 20pp w/photos. HB, SIGNED.......35.00 SOLD
3) Archambeau, Ernest R. OLD TASCOSA, 1886-1888 1966, Special edition of Panhandle-Plains Historical Review, Canyon. Newspaper excerpts from The Tascosa Pioneer give us a contemporary look at the old pioneer town in the Texas Panhandle: info on the Courtright shootout, Clay Allison; Panhandle range wars, much more. 195pp w/map, photo, index. HB green leather……..55.00
4) [ARCHEOLOGY] THE ARCHAEOLOGY OF ENGAGEMENT: Conflict and Revolution in the United States edited by Dana L. Pertermann & Holly Kathryn Norton. 2015, 1st edition, Texas A & M University Press, College Station. A collection of studies that includes sites of conflicts between groups of widely divergent cultures, such as Robert E. Lee’s mid-1850s campaign along the Concho River and the battles of the River Raisin during the War of 1812. Part 1: American Engagements (includes “The Battle that Was and the Battle that Wasn’t: Historical and Archaeological Investigations on the Concho River Near Paint Rock, Texas” and other battle sites around the country); Part 2: San Jacinto: A Case Study in Method and Theory. 180pp w/notes, illus., index. Folio HB w/pictorial cover, new…..49.95
5) [ARCHEOLOGY] ) Smith-Savage, Sheron, & Robert J. Mallouf ROCK ART OF THE CHIHUAHUAN DESERT BORDERLANDS 1998, 1st printing, Center For Big Bend Studies Occasional Papers #3, Alpine. 8 papers presented at the first Trans-Pecos Rock Art Symposium in 1995. 126pp with photos and illustrations. Folio wrappers, as new……..19.95
6) [ARCHEOLOGY] PIONEERING ARCHAEOLOGY IN THE TEXAS COASTAL BEND: The Pape-Tunnell Collection by John W. Tunnell, Jr., and Jace W. Tunnell. Natural history enthusiasts and collectors Harold F. Pape and his wife, Lucille, moved to Gregory, Texas, in 1927 and became fascinated by the wealth of Native American artifacts along the nearby shoreline of Corpus Christi Bay. Pape and Lucille’s oldest son, John W. Tunnell, did many field studies in the days before much of the development that now covers the region, studying more than two hundred sites throughout the area, making meticulous logs, maps, and notes of their discoveries. John W. (Wes) Tunnell, Jr. and Jace Tunnell have organized and documented their family collection and present it, along with brief biographies of the two collectors as a tribute to their invaluable body of work. 358pp w/photos, illustrations, maps, appendices, references, index. Hardback, new …………49.95
7) Bedichek, Roy ADVENTURES WITH A TEXAS NATURALIST 1947, 1st ed., NY. In this “thought- provoking book, the author recounts the many oddities of nature he has encountered, enhancing them by his philosophic approach and interpretation.” Wm. A. Owens said reading the book was like “taking a pleasant stroll through a Texas countryside, and twice as informative.” HB tan cloth, very good in a green cloth slipcase…..45.00
8) [BIG BEND] LETTERS: Past and Present by Mrs. O. L. Shipman. Nd [circa 1940s], 1st edition, np. Through letters to her nieces and nephews, the author relates her life in the Big Bend area, telling of Indian fights, some famous outlaws and lawmen, Billy the Kid, Pat Garrett, Tom O’Folliard, and others; plus there’s material on Pancho Villa and bandit raids along the border during the days of the Mexican Revolution. [Mrs. Shipman wrote and published the rare “Taming the Big Bend” in 1926.] Softcover..75.00
9) [BIG BEND] BIG BEND COUNTRY: Land of the Unexpected by Kenneth B. Ragsdale. 1998, 1st edition, College Station. Profiles many of the people – from curanderas to blood feudists – who make up the recent history of this unique region of Texas. An excellent history. 281pp w/photos, notes, index. HB/DJ……..35.00 SOLD
10) [BIG BEND] QUICKSILVER: Terlingua and the Chisos Mining Company by Kenneth Baxter Ragsdale. 1995, 3rd printing, College Station. The interesting story of the quicksilver mining town and its feudal lord, Howard Perry who built a hilltop mansion overlooking the dry domain. 327pp w/photos, map, bib, index. Trade paperback, new…..19.95
11) [BIG BEND] ADVENTURES IN THE CANYON, MOUNTAIN AND DESERT COUNTRY OF THE BIG BEND OF TEXAS AND MEXICO by Dudley R. Dobie. 1952, 1st edition, San Marcos. Several stories of the author’s hiking and camping experiences in the Big Bend region. 29pp, photos. Softcover…..25.00
12) [BIG BEND] BOSQUE BONITO: Violent Times Along the Borderland During the Mexican Revolution by Robert Keil. 2002, 1st ed, Alpine. A firsthand account of activities along the U.S./Mexican border by a U.S. Cavalryman stationed in the Big Bend during the Mexican Revolution. 85pp with maps, period photos, notes, bibliography. Softcover…..25.00
13) [BIG BEND] WOODY PLANTS of the BIG BEND and TRANS-PECOS by Louis A. Harveson, et al. 2016, 1st edition, College Station. Encompassing 18 West Texas counties, this book provides a thorough introduction to the natural features of the region and descriptions, nutrition values, and management prescriptions for 84 species of browse plants available for the variety of big game species indigenous to the land. 208pp w/map, photos, appendix, bibliography, index. Flexbound, new…….29.95
14) [BIG BEND] ) Powell, A. Michael & James F. Weedin CACTI of the TRANS-PECOS and ADJACENT AREAS by Michael A. Powell & James F. Weedin. 2004, 2nd printing, Lubbock. Includes full descriptions of the 109 species occurring in the Trans-Pecos region with more than 300 full-color photographs of the cacti in flower and in fruit, all cross-referenced to their description in the text. 509pp w/index. HB/DJ, fine, as new……40.00
15) [BIG BEND] MARFA FLIGHTS: Aerial Views of the Big Bend Country by Paul V. Chaplo. 2014, 1st edition, College Station. Foreword by T. Lindsey Baker; Introduction by Lawrence J. Francell. This book takes the reader “on an unforgettable sky excursion over Big Bend…a dramatic perspective that displays the strange and austere beauty and underscores the remoteness of the Big Bend Country.” 174pp w/photos, index. Folio flexbound, fine copy……29.95
16) [BIG BEND] BELOW THE ESCONDIDO RIM: A History of the 02 Ranch in the Texas Big Bend by David W. Keller. 2005, 1st edition, Alpine. Historical background and evolution of the legendary cattle ranch that straddles the Presidio and Brewster county line in far West Texas. 261pp w/photos, maps, appendices, bibliography, index. Trade paperback, as new…..25.00
17) Branch, John THE LAST COWBOYS: A Pioneer Family in the New West 2018, 2nd printing, NY. The story of Southern Utah’s Wright family who, for generations, have raised cattle and world-champion saddle bronc riders. 277pp. HB/DJ, new [multiple copies available]…….26.95
18) Burton, Harley True A HISTORY OF THE JA RANCH 1928, 1st edition, Von Boeckmann-Jones Co., Austin. A history of the famed J A owned by Charles Goodnight and his partner, John Adair. The ranch once covered over a million acres, surrounding the Palo Duro Canyon in the Texas Panhandle. It operates today, although somewhat reduced in size. Reese, SIX-SCORE: "One of the first ranch histories, and one of the rarest and most important. It is not known how many copies of this book were printed, but it certainly was no more than several hundred." 147pp w/ map, illustrations, bibliography, index. HB, red cloth w/gold lettering (front cover has a couple of faint spots near the spine, otherwise a very good copy) exceedingly scarce………………..………....1,350.00
18b) Another edition –A History of the J A Ranch –1966, 2nd edition. This edition has also become quite scarce…..425.00
20) [CALHOUN COUNTY] OLD INDIANOLA: Life in a Frontier Seaport by Lois Lucille Gray. 1950, 1st edition, Naylor Co., San Antonio. Historical fiction set in the old Texas seaport town of Indianola. Includes interesting period photos of ‘Old Indianola.’ 93pp. HB/DJ, very good (uncommon in dust jacket)…..55.00 SOLD
21) [CALLAHAN COUNTY] THE LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF WEB BRUTON by Eddy Brumbaugh. A short treatise with photos about an old character of Belle Plain, Texas. 20 unnumbered pages w/photos. Wrappers……25.00 SOLD
22) Carter, Capt. Robert G. THE OLD SERGEANT’S STORY: Fighting Indians and Bad Men in Texas from 1870 to 1876 1982, reprint of the 1926 edition, Bryan. This edition has a new introduction by Byron Price and a new index and foreword by John M. Carroll, plus a bibliographic checklist of Carter’s other works, and original artwork by Jose Cisneros has been used on the dust jacket. Reminiscences of Sergeant John B. Charlton who served with Carter in the 4th Cavalry under Colonel Ranald S. Mackenzie. The regiment conducted a series of successful operations against the Kiowa, Comanche and Kickapoo Indians on the Texas frontier. The unit also chased fugitives and deserters and some of these incidents are included. 227pp. Folio HB/DJ, near fine…….125.00
23) Chandler, Charlena ON INDEPENDENCE CREEK: The Story of a Texas Ranch 2004, 1st edition, Lubbock. Author tells of her grandparents and parents and of herself growing up on the ranch on Independence Creek at its confluence with the Pecos River, now a popular recreation oasis. 203pp w/photos, notes, bibliography, index. HB/DJ fine copy, inscribed/SIGNED….40.00
24) Clay, John MY LIFE ON THE RANGE 1924, 1st edition, “privately printed,” Chicago. Adams, SIX-GUNS [and for the most part, repeated in HERD]: “This well-written book about the author’s ranch experiences has become scarce in the first edition, and is one of the most sought after cattle books. He was one of the better-known ranch owners of the Northwest and a well-educated Scotsman. His picture of ranch life is interesting and authentic. He relates many incidents of the Lincoln County War and tells about Tom Horn. ” 366pp w/photos, index. HB green cloth w/gold lettering, fine copy, exceedingly scarce……450.00
25) [COKE COUNTY] A HISTORY OF COKE COUNTY: Home of the Rabbit Twisters by Jessie Newton Yarbrough. 1979, 1st edition, np. 127pp w/many photos; map endpapers; natural history; early history through 1953; cattle and range; information about Fort Chadbourne and the Butterfield Trail; schools, organizations; communities; some early pioneer biographies; appendices; notes; bibliography; index. Folio HB/DJ [dust jacket has a few scuff marks, now in protective cover] SIGNED, very scarce...125.00 SOLD
26) Cole, D.C. THE CHIRICAHUA APACHE: 1846-1876 From War to Reservation 1988, 1st edition, Albuquerque. This history of the Apache includes “a rare look at their most cherished beliefs and ceremonies.”219pp w/maps, photos, notes, bibliography, index. HB/DJ fine copy………..50.00 SOLD
27) Collings, Ellsworth & Alma Miller England THE 101 RANCH 1971, 3rd printing, Norman. Foreword by Glenn Shirley. History of the legendary ranch of Oklahoma. 255pp w/photos, appendices, index. HB/DJ, nice copy…..35.00
28) Cook, James H. FIFTY YEARS ON THE OLD FRONTIER: As Cowboy, Hunter, Guide, Scout, and Ranchman 1980, 3rd printing of the new edition w/changes and additional illustrations, Norman. A new foreword by J. Frank Dobie; intro by Charles King. Dobie, LIFE AND LITERATURE: “Cook came to Texas soon after the close of the Civil War and became a brush popper on the Frio River. Nothing better on cow work in the brush country and trail-driving in the seventies has appeared.” A western frontier narrative with much on cowboys, outlaws, and the Indian wars. The author participated in the cowboy gunfight with New Mexico lawman Elfega Baca and gives a good account of that incident. 253pp w/photos, index. HB yellow cloth, very good….40.00 SOLD
29) Corwin, Hugh D. THE KIOWA INDIANS: Their History and Life Stories 1958, 1st edition, Lawton. A history of the tribe with biographies of individual Kiowas from firsthand interviews. Interesting tribal history which includes stories of Satank, Satanta, Big Tree, Kicking Bird, the Indian legend of Medicine Bluff, and much more. 221 pp w/photos. HB maroon cloth w/gold lettering the front hinge hast started to crack, otherwise in very good condition., SIGNED….135.00
30) Crager, Kelly E. HELL UNDER THE RISING SUN: Texan POWs and the Building of the Burma-Thailand Death Railway 2019, 2nd printing, TAMU Press, College Station. “Historically strong and emotionally powerful, this book honors the men of the 2nd Battalion, 131st Field Artillery Regiment of the Texas National Guard.” 89 of the original 534 Texans taken prisoner by the Japanese died in the infested, malarial jungle.196pp w/map, photos, index. Trade paperback, new [multi-copies available]..24.95
31) Crichton, Kyle S. LAW AND ORDER, LTD: The Rousing Life of Elfega Baca of New Mexico 1928, 1st “deluxe” edition limited to 375 copies, Santa Fe. Adams, SIX-GUNS: “The first book devoted entirely to this noted gunman, it includes much information about the now famous fight at Frisco, New Mexico, his association with Billy the Kid, and two chapters on Joel Fowler.” There is also information on Pancho Villa and the Mexican Revolution, Albert Bacon Fall, and other characters of early-day New Mexico. 219pp w/photos. HB/DJ……110.00
32) Davis, John W. WYOMING RANGE WAR: The Infamous Invasion of Johnson County 2010, 1st edition, Norman. A new look at the Johnson County Range War of 1892. 357pp w/photos, notes, biblio, index. HB/DJ fine copy…..35.00
33) DeArment, Robert K. BAT MASTERSON: The Man and the Legend 1979, 1st edition, Norman. A complete biography of an intriguing character of the old west who saw action as a buffalo hunter, army scout, peace officer, sportsman, promoter, and newsman. He crossed paths with many other colorful characters. 441pp w/photos, map, notes. bib, index. HB/DJ, fine…55.0 SOLD
34) DeArment, Robert K. GEORGE SCARBOROUGH: Life and Death of a Lawman on the Closing Frontier 1992, 1st edition, Norman. Foreword by Leon Metz. Life story of the controversial lawman who died from wounds suffered in a gunfight with outlaws. 322pp w/maps, photos, biblio, index. HB/DJ….40.00
35) De Leon, Arnoldo [editor] WAR ALONG THE BORDER: The Mexican Revolution and Tejano Communities 2012, 1st edition, College Station. Scholars contributing to this volume consider topics ranging from the effects of the Mexican Revolution on Tejano and African American communities to its impact on Texas’ economy and agriculture. Plan de San Diego; El Paso Race Riot of 1916; Women ‘s labor activism; smuggling in dangerous times; more. 345pp w/photos, index. HB/DJ, new [multi-copies]…24.95
36) Dennis, T. S. LIFE OF F. M. BUCKELEW, THE INDIAN CAPTIVE: As Related by Himself 1964, a facsimile reprint of the 1925 original by J. Marvin Hunter, Kerrville. Buckelew was a captive of the Lipan Apaches in 1866. Gives an inside look at native culture and customs. 187pp w/photos. Small wrappers, fine condition…..50.00 SOLD
37) Dixon, Olive K. LIFE OF BILLY DIXON: Plainsman, Scout and Pioneer 1927, revised edition, Dallas. A lengthy subtitle reads: “A narrative in which are described many things relating to the early Southwest, with an account of the fights between Indians and buffalo hunters at Adobe Walls and at Buffalo Wallow for which Congress voted the Medal of Honor to the survivors.” 251pp with some interesting period photos. HB blue cloth w/some scuffing to exterior, very scarce….65.00 SOLD
38) Dobie, J. Frank TONGUES OF THE MONTE 1947, an early reprint edition, NY. Dobie recounts some time spent in the rugged badlands of northern Mexico. 301pp. A Dobie title that is hard to find in any edition. HB/DJ this copy has a full-page SIGNED inscription by Dobie explaining his preference for the original title over “The Mexico I Like” preferred by the publisher; also, stapled to the front free endpaper is a folded copy of his article “The Writer and His Region” also SIGNED by Dobie; and stapled to the rear free endpaper is a copy of Dobie’s article “Tales of the Coyote” published in Mercury ……450.00 SOLD
39) Duke, Cordia Sloan & Joe B. Frantz 6,000 MILES OF FENCE: Life on the XIT Ranch of Texas 1961, 1st edition, Austin. A collection of reminiscences of old XIT cowmen that gives a firsthand look at the everyday life of the men who made the ranch work. 231pp w/photos, maps, appendix, index. HB/DJ very good……….55.00
40) [EASTLAND COUNTY] OIL FIELD FURY by Boyce House.1954, 1st edition, Naylor Co., San Antonio. History of Eastland County with emphasis on the oil boom days of the 1920s. 142pp w/photos, index. Softcover, very good copy, scarce…45.00 SOLD
41) [ECTOR COUNTY] ODESSA: City of Dreams by Velma Barrett & Hazel Oliver. 1952, 1st “Premiere Edition,” Naylor Co., San Antonio. A history of the seat of Ector County in West Texas and of some of its early-day founders. 125pp w/many photos, index. HB/DJ, SIGNED by both authors, very good copy, scarce……75.00
42b) Another Edition—ODESSA: City of Dreams – 1952, 1st trade edition. HB blue cloth, SIGNED by Barrett…..45.00
43) Edwards, John N. SHELBY’S EXPEDITION TO MEXICO: An Unwritten Leaf of the War 1964, “facsimile reproduction of the [1872] first edition with preface, photographs and special illustrations added,” Austin. “The sad story of the remnant of a noble army chasing a rainbow of futility in an effort to escape the realities of defeat.” 137pp w/illus. HB w/plastine jacket……45.00 SOLD
44) Emmett, Chris SHANGHAI PIERCE: A Fair Likeness 1953, 1st ed, Norman. Drawings by Nick Eggenhofer. Jenkins, BASIC TEXAS BOOKS: “This is one of the best biographies of a Texas cattleman.... Emmett gives us Shanghai Pierce with the warts and all…good reading and competent biography.” Pierce was one of Texas’ most colorful cattlemen who built a ranching empire in South Texas and crossed paths with many notables, including John Wesley Hardin, Ike Pryor, Charlie Siringo, Leander H. McNelly, Wild Bill Hickock, Ab blocker, others. 326pp w/maps, photos, appendix, bib., index. HB/DJ, very good copy….85.00
45) [EL PASO COUNTY] SI EL PASO by Mark A. Paulda. 2019, 1st edition,, TCU Press, Fort Worth. “A celebration of this splendid border city in stunning photographs by the author and evocative bilingual text by El Pasoans who cherish their city in all its diversity.” 184pp w/photos. Oblong folio, new [multiple copies available]……34.95
46) Evans, Max SOUTHWEST WIND 1958, 1st edition, Naylor Co., San Antonio. Author’s first book. A novel of the southwest illustrated by the author. 166pp. HB, inscribed/SIGNED, nice copy…….70.00
47) Flanagan, Sue SAM HOUSTON’S TEXAS 1964, 1st edition, Austin. A photographic documentary of all the places Sam Houston visited while he was in Texas. 213pp w/notes, sources, bibliography, index. HB/DJ [edge wear] inscribed/SIGNED…35.00 SOLD
48) Franks, J.M. SEVENTY YEARS IN TEXAS: Memories of the Pioneer Days, Indian Depredations and the Northwest Cattle Trail n0 date, 2nd printing of the original 1924 edition, Gatesville. Privately published by the author. Personal memoir of an early day Texas pioneer with many accounts of Indian depredations and fights (including the battle at Paint Rock, Concho County); cattle drives, outlaws, a lot on the founding of Coryell County, and more. 140pp w/index. HB red cloth, fine…..95.00 SOLD
A lot of interest in this timely book—A Cactus Book Shop best-seller!
49) Freeman, Huey WHO SHOT NICK IVIE? 2019, 1st edition, Urbana. Border Patrol Agent Nick Ivie was killed by drug smugglers along the Arizona-Mexico Border in 2012. President Obama vowed to bring his killers to justice, but when the shooting was connected to the government’s Fast and Furious gunrunning scandal, the FBI’s investigation suddenly ended. Freeman has uncovered the true story of what occurred—a story that has never been told before. 355pp w/maps, illus, endnotes, index. Trade paperback, new, SIGNED copies available…..24.95
50) [GALVESTON COUNTY] GALVESTON: A History of the Island and the City by Charles W. Hays. 1974, Jenkins-Garrett Press, Austin. TWO VOLUMES. Jenkins, BTB: “This is one of the most comprehensive histories of any area of Texas, written and set in type in the 1870s but never published. The author had access to documents now lost, as well as to early settlers and pioneers of Galveston Island…contains much primary and secondary historical information…and reaches far beyond the Galveston region. 1044pp w/173 pages of biographies, including many early pioneers; much on the Texas Revolution, the Texas Navy, invasions, and the Civil War. Both volumes HB bound in white cloth, very good condition, very scarce….the set = 250.00
51) [GEOLOGY] FATHER OF TEXAS GEOLOGY: Robert T. Hill by Nancy Alexander. 1976, 1st edition, SMU Press, Dallas. Biography. “Geologist, geographer, explorer, historian, and writer, Robert t. Hill almost single-handedly laid the groundwork for all future geological studies of the Texas region.” Some interesting photos and discussions on the Big Bend region. 317pp w/photos, notes, index. HB/DJ, very good copy……70.00 SOLD
52) Goodwin, Grenville THE SOCIAL ORGANIZATION of the WESTERN APACHE 1942, 1st edition, Chicago. Describes and compares the social organization of the various divisions and bands of the Western Apache which resided in the mountains of eastern Arizona. 701pp w/maps, photos, index. HB/DJ near fine copy…..65.00 SOLD
53) Greene, A.C. THE HIGHLAND PARK WOMAN 1983, 1st edition, Bryan. Includes fifteen poignant short stories about life in Texas. 195pp. HB/DJ…..35.00
54) Grinnell, George Bird THE FIGHTING CHEYENNES 1956, 1st printing of the 2nd edition by OU Press, Norman. Originally published in 1915, this book gives accounts of the major 19th-century battles fought by the Cheyennes. 453pp w/photos, index. HB/DJ very good copy.....40.0
New from the author of the best-selling Pulitzer Prize finalist EMPIRE OF THE SUMMER MOON
55) Gwynne, S.C. HYMNS OF THE REPUBLIC: The Story of the Final Year of the American Civil War 2019, 1st edition, NY. A compelling narrative that breathes new life into the epic battle between Lee and Grant; the advent of 180,000 black soldiers in the Union army; William Tecumseh Sherman’s March to the Sea; the ri se of Clara Barton; the election of 1864 (which Lincoln nearly lost); the wild and violent guerrilla war in Missouri; and the dramatic final events of the war, including the surrender at Appomattox and the murder of Abraham Lincoln. 416pp w/illus, index. HB/DJ, new [multi-copies available] Recommended!........32.00
56) Hafen, LeRoy R & Ann W. Hafen [editors] ) THE FAR WEST AND THE ROCKIES HISTORICAL SERIES--1820-1875 edited by LeRoy R. Hafen and Ann W. Hafen (1954-1961) All first editions. 15 volumes--includes complete analytical index to the series. All are fine hardbacks in original green cloth. PRICE: the set of 15 volumes = $1,250.00 (very scarce as a complete set.)
[NOTE: For a complete list of titles included and brief descriptions, see previous Catalog #299, or contact me. ]
57) Haley, James L. THE BUFFALO WAR: The History of the Red River Indian Uprising of 1874 1976, 1st edition, NY. History of the most successful campaign ever waged against the Cheyenne, Comanche and Kiowa tribes of the plains. Adobe Walls; Lone Wolf’s revenge; Miles Expedition and Battle of Red River; Lyman’s Wagon Train; Mackenzie at Palo Duro Canyon; much more. 290pp w/photos, notes, bibliography, index. HB/DJ, near fine copy…..55.00
58) Haley, J. Evetts CHARLES GOODNIGHT: Cowman and Plainsman 1949, 1st printing of the 2nd edition, University of Oklahoma Press, Norman. Illustrations by H.D. Bugbee. One of the best cowman’s biographies. Much of Haley’s material came from first-hand interviews with Goodnight over a period of years. Reese, SIX SCORE: “Goodnight’s career spanned the history of the development of West Texas, from Indian fighting to oil wells…Haley’s beautifully written biography, perhaps his best book, is an ample vehicle for a mighty figure, and a classic of American biography.” 485pp w/biblio, index. HB/no dust jacket]…..65.00
59) Haley, J. Evetts THE XIT RANCH OF TEXAS, and the Early Days of the Llano Estacado 1929, 1st edition, Lakeside Press, Chicago. Chandler Robinson, J. EVETTS HALEY and the Passing of the Old West: “The first edition consisted of 1,380 copies, and was withdrawn from circulation soon after it was published.” Jenkins, BASIC TEXAS BOOKS: “Haley’s first book, this is nevertheless one of the best examples of his scholarship. John L. McCarty called it ‘a monumental work’ and Chandler Robinson [Haley bibliographer] termed it ‘an epic account of the largest and most famous ranching operation of the early West. It is one of the most highly regarded landmarks in the literature of the cattle country.’... Shortly after publication, Haley and the owners were sued for libel by members of the Spikes family, about whom defamatory remarks were made in the chapter entitled “A Long Fight For Law.” The book was withdrawn from circulation and lawsuits ensued.” This is one of the rarest and most highly sought after books on the cattle range. 261pp w/photos, app, index. Hardback, green cloth w/decoration (no dj, as issued),near fine copy ….750.00
60) Hall, Linda B. & Don M. Coerver REVOLUTION ON THE BORDER: The United States and Mexico 1910-1920 1988, 1st edition, Albuquerque. A fresh study of the border area during the Mexican Revolution and the relations between Mexico and the Wilson administration. 205pp w/photos, map, notes, biblio, index. HB/DJ, fine copy, SIGNED by Coerver……40.00
61) Hamner, Laura V. SHORT GRASS & LONGHORNS 1945, 1st edition Norman. Adams, HERD: “...a valuable history of the leading ranches of West Texas.” Includes XIT, LX, Frying Pan, the Shoe Bar, T-Anchor, Diamond Tail, Bar X, LS, Mill Iron, Rocking Chair, and others. 269pp w/maps, interesting range photos, index. HB/DJ [dust jacket is in protective cover, lacking front flap], SIGNED………85.00 SOLD
62) [HOWARD, ROBERT E.] DARK VALLEY DESTINY: The Life of Robert E. Howard, the Creator of Conan by Sprague de Camp, et al. 1983, 1st limited edition of 1,000 numbered and signed copies, Blue Jay Books, NY. A definitive biography of Howard, and his life and relationships in and around Cross Plains, Texas. 402pp w/photos, notes, index. HB/DJ in slipcase, a fine unread copy, SIGNED by co-authors Sprague de Camp and Catherine de Camp…….50.00 SOLD
62b) another edition—DARK VALLEY DESTINY…1983, 1st trade edition. HB//DJ, fine copy….30.00
63) [HOWARD, ROBERT E.] ONE WHO WALKED ALONE: Robert E. Howard, The Final Years by Novalyne Price Ellis. 1998, 3rd printing, West Kingston. In personal journals, the author wrote about her close relationship with Howard who became famous as the creator of Conan. This book gives a firsthand look at that relationship and their life in Cross Plains, Texas. 317pp w/photos. HB/DJ, fine copy….20.00
64) Humphrey, David C. PEG LEG: The Improbable Life of a Texas Hero, Thomas William Ward, 1807-1872 2009, 1st edition, Denton. Ward ventured to Texas in 1835 to fight in the Texas Revolution, but lost his right leg in his first day of action. Four years later he lost his right arm to cannon fire in an accident. Though confronted with an unending problem of mobility and tormented by pain, Ward surmounted his horrific injuries to become a notable public figure. His public career spanned three decades in which he was military officer, three-time mayor of Austin, U.S. Consul to Panama and a federal customs official in Texas. 340pp w/illus, notes, bibliography, index. HB/DJ, as new …….39.95
65) Hunter, J. Marvin [editor] THE TRAIL DRIVERS OF TEXAS 1925, 2nd revised edition, Nashville, Two volumes in one. Reese, SIX-SCORE: “This vast compilation of original accounts by old trail drivers is one of the best cattle books, and the largest collection of first-hand narratives of the range cattle industry... [it] is an essential foundation book for any range library.” Adams, HERD: “...the most important single contribution to the history of cattle driving on the western trails.” 1,044pp w/photos. HB blue cloth w/gold lettering, very good condition with intact hinges, minor scuffing around cover edges……..225.00
66) Hunter, John Warren HEEL-FLY TIME IN TEXAS: A Story of the Civil War Period 1936, 2nd edition, published by J. Marvin Hunter’s Frontier Times, Bandera. Relates experiences of a Unionist in Texas, and his run-ins with the Home Guard (aka Heel-Flies.) This edition includes a biography of John W. Hunter, written by his son, J. Marvin Hunter. 123pp. Softcover, the spine is missing, but cover is intact with some wear along the front edge, the text block is fine, very scarce…..100.00
67) Hutton, Harold DOC MIDDLETON: Life and Legends of the Notorious Plains Outlaw 1974, 1st edition, Chicago. Biography of the outlaw with a Robin Hood reputation, who ruled over a five-county area of Nebraska, known as ‘Doc Middleton’s Country.’290pp w/endpaper maps, illus, notes, bib, iindex. HB/DJ fine copy…….35.00
68) James, Bill C. JIM MILLER: The Untold Story of a Texas Badman 2001, revised edition, Wolfe City. Edited by Robert W. Stephens. A look at the life of the man suspected of killing Pat Garrett, and who wound up on the wrong end of a rope for other misdeeds. 101pp w/illustrations, bibliography. HB/DJ, fine copy, inscribed/SIGNED…….55.00
69) Jones, J. Lee, Jr. RED RAIDERS RETALIATE: The Story of Lone Wolf, The Elder (Guipagho) Famous Kiowa Chief 1980, 1st edition, Colorado City. Lone Wolf participated in the Battle of Adobe Walls, the fight with Texas Rangers at Lost Valley, and in the engagement with the U.S. cavalry at Palo Duro Canyon. 78pp w/photos, index. HB/DJ, fine copy, scarce….60.00 SOLD
70) Jones, Lawrence T., III LENS ON THE TEXAS FRONTIER 2014, 1st edition, TAMU Press, College Station. Forewords by Russell L. Martin III & Roy Flukinger. This book features photographic selections from the extensive Lawrence T. Jones III collection housed in the DeGolyer Library at SMU. Featured are cabinet cards, oversized photographs, stereographs, tintypes, and other techniques that document all aspects of Texas photography from the years 1846 to 1945. 208pp w/illustrations, appendices, notes, index. Folio HB/DJ, as new .........40.00
71) [KIMBLE COUNTY] ) IT OCCURRED IN KIMBLE AND HOW: The Story of a Texas County by O. C. Fisher. 1981, 2nd limited edition of 1,000 copies, San Angelo. Considered one of the more interesting Texas county histories with accounts of Indian fights, early day murder cases, outlaw roundups, and more. 237pp w/photos, app. HB/DJ, fine copy, inscribed/SIGNED…150.00
72) Lauderdale, R.J. & John M. Doak LIFE ON THE RANGE AND ON THE TRAIL 1936, 1st edition, San Antonio. Relates the experiences of two early-day South Texas cattlemen: Doak tells of life on the range, while Lauderdale tells of trail-driving—he personally took nine herds up the trail. 227pp w/glossary; several illustrated pages of South Texas cattle brands. HB, green cloth w/decorated cover, near fine copy….….175.00
73) Lawrence, F. Lee TEXAS WAR HORSES 1995, 1st limited edition of 300 copies, Tyler. A collection of stories about horses on the frontier and what they meant to the settlement of our Republic and State. 55pp w/bib. HB brown cloth w/black spine….50.00 SOLD
74) Lea, Tom THE BRAVE BULLS 1949, 1st edition, Boston. Novel. 270pp w/illustrations by the author. HB/DJ [dj ½-inch chip bottom front, scuff mark, otherwise a very good copy now in protective cover] SIGNED………75.00 SOLD
75) [LEA, TOM] TOM LEA: An Oral History edited by Rebecca Craver & Adair Margo. 1995, 2nd printing, El Paso. A compil-ation of fifteen hours of taped interviews with Lea. Included are family photographs and papers, and full-color reproductions of some of his work. 185pp w/bibliography, index. Folio HB/DJ, as new…..29.95
76) Lekson, Stephen H. NANA’S RAID: Apache Warfare in Southern New Mexico, 1881 1987, 1st edition, El Paso (Monograph #81, Southwestern Studies Series.) The last struggle of Nana, who led an obscure group of Chiracahua Apaches on a three-thousand mile journey, fighting U.S. Cavalry and successfully raiding at least a dozen ranches and homes during a two-month rampage in 1881. 49pp w/notes, references. Pictorial wrappers….25.00
77) Lockwood, Frank C. THE APACHE INDIANS 1938, 1st edition, NY. “A comprehensive and detailed history of the Apaches from their earliest contact with the Spanish in Mexico…Through this whole tale of massacres and horrors, the injustice and indifference of the government in its treatment of the situation is stressed equally with the savagery and treachery of the Apaches.” Cochise, Geronimo, Victorio, Gatewood, Crook, many others. 348pp w/photos, maps, index. HB/DJ, very good, scarce…..135.00 SOLD
78) Lockwood, Frank C. PIONEER DAYS IN ARIZONA: From the Spanish Occupation to Statehood 1932, 1st ed, NY. A comprehensive history of the state, with chapters on frontier military and the Apache wars, mining, early agriculture, hunting and trapping, and material on Arizona outlaws. 387pp w/many photos, index. HB/lacks dj......55.00
79) Ludwig, Wayne THE OLD CHISHOLM TRAIL: From Cow Path to Tourist Stop 2018, 1st edition, Texas A&M Press, College Station. Ludwig has provided “the first comprehensive examination of the Chisholm Trail since Wayne Gard’s 1954 classic study, The Chisholm Trail, and makes an important—and modern—contribution to the history of the American West.” 307pp w/maps, photos, appendix, notes, index. HB/DJ, new SIGNED [5 autographed copies available]……….37.00
80) Lynch, Dudley TORNADO…Texas Demon in the Wind 1970, 1st edition, Waco. Describes several disastrous tornado that struck throughout Texas, including Dallas, Waco, and Lubbock. A chart in the appendix chronicles many other Texas tornadoes. 163pp w/photos, appendix, index. HB black cloth w/gold lettering…..27.50
81) MacConnell, C. E. XIT BUCK 1968, 1st edition, Tucson. Memoirs of an early 20th-Century cowboy who worked on ranches in Colorado and New Mexico and finally on the XIT Ranch of Texas. 284pp w/photos, index. HB/DJ, SIGNED by “Buck”….35.00 SOLD
82) Martin, Cy THE SAGA OF THE BUFFALO 1973, 1st edition, NY. The story of the buffalo and its place in the history of western expansion. 191pp w/photos, recommended reading list, index. Oblong HB/DJ leather binding, fine, DJ has large chip...22.50
83) Martin, James C. & Rodney Sidney Martin MAPS OF TEXAS AND THE SOUTHWEST, 1513-1900 1999, 2nd edition, TSHA, Austin. Reproduced here are fifty maps that represent every historically significant map of Texas and the Southwest from 1513 to 1900. 174pp w/sources, suggested reading, index. Oblong folio HB/DJ…..45.00 [this title is out-of-print in all formats] SOLD
84) Matthews, Sallie Reynolds INTERWOVEN: A Pioneer Chronicle 1936, 1st edition, Anson Jones Press, Houston. Introduction by Will James. Reese, SIX-SCORE: “The author’s husband and father were both prominent ranchers, and this book gives one of the best portraits of ranch life from a woman’s point of view.” Dobie, Life and Literature of the Southwest: “Ranch life on the Texas frontier as a refined and intelligent woman saw it.” The Lambshead Ranch is located in the Albany area of Northwest Texas. 234pp w/frontispiece. HB orange cloth, the spine has a minute pull at top, and the rear endpaper has a faint, almost imperceptible water mark, otherwise a near fine copy, rare…975.00 SOLD
85) Metz, Leon JOHN WESLEY HARDIN: Dark Angel of Texas 1996, 1st edition, Mangan Books, El Paso. In writing and researching this enlightening life history, author Metz found “more than just a gunfighter biography, but a dark, murderous tragedy.” HB/DJ, fine copy, SIGNED………….55.00
86) Metz, Leon Claire JOHN SELMAN: Texas Gunfighter 1966, 1st edition, NY. Adams, SIX-GUNS: “...this is the first biography of Selman, and the author has done a good job of research and writing.” Selman killed John Wesley Hardin in El Paso. 254ppw/photos, notes, biblio, index. HB green cloth……40.00 SOLD
87) Michno, Gregory THE SETTLER’S WAR: The Struggle for the Texas Frontier in the 1860s 2011, 1st edition, Caldwell. “In the 1860s, the targets of the Comanches, Kiowas and Apaches were usually the homesteaders on the Texas frontier. The majority of killings were done by Indians on unsuspecting white families. But their story is seldom told—a tale of white victims is not a popular one today.” This book does a great job of recounting that era’s violence, revealing 150 Indian depredations most historians chose to overlook. 448pp w/maps, illustrations, notes, bibliography, index. HB/DJ, as new…….24.95
88) [MIDLAND COUNTY] HISTORIC MIDLAND: An Illustrated History of Midland County edited by Bill Modisett.
1998, 1st edition, Midland. Dust jacket painting—“Free Lunch At The Slaughter Ranch”—by Tom Lovell. Includes many historical articles by various contributors—first settlers; cowboys and cattlemen; farming; oil boom days; political development; and much more. 128pp w/photos. Folio HB/DJ, inscribed/SIGNED……75.00
89) Murphy, Audie TO HELL AND BACK 1977, reprint edition, NY. Murphy recounts his personal experiences in the foxholes and dugouts of World War II. He fought campaigns in Africa, Sicily, Italy, France, and Germany to become America’s most decorated War hero ever, including winning the Medal of Honor. While still under the age of twenty-one, he was officially credited with having killed, captured, or wounded 240 Germans. 274pp. HB/DJ, fine copy…….40.00 (out-of-print in hardback) SOLD
90) Mullin, Robert N. THE STRANGE STORY OF WAYNE BRAZEL 1969, 1st limited edition of 50 copies, offprint of article that originally appeared in Panhandle-Plains Historical Review, Vol. XLII, Canyon. Intro by J. Evetts Haley which did not appear with the article in P-PHR. The author, who was acquainted with Pat Garrett and others involved in the murder of Garrett, recalls the mysterious circumstances surrounding the killing. 37pp w/notes, photos. Laid in is a note from the author concerning the scarcity of the book. HB imitation brown leather, fine copy, SIGNED……..135.00 SOLD
91) Myres, S. D. (editor) PIONEER SURVEYOR—FRONTIER LAWYER: The Personal Narrative of O.W. Williams 1966, 1st limited edition of 150 copies, El Paso. Maps and sketches by Jose Cisneros; designed by Carl Hertzog; Biographical sketches of Williams by C. L. Sonnichsen and S.D. Myres. Includes a collection of writings by O. W. Williams who surveyed across the Plains of Texas, worked in the mines of New Mexico, and eventually settled in the Big Bend country of Texas. He was a keen observer of the world around him, and his writings chronicle the history of men and events, and the natural history he observed during the eventful period of 1877 to 1902. 350pp w/photos, illus, maps, app, index. HB fine copy in slipcase, SIGNED by the author, and all those involved in the publication of this book…..165.00
91b) Another edition---Pioneer Surveyor –Frontier Lawyer –1966, 1st trade edition. HB/DJ, fine copy….55.00
92) Noyes, Stanley LOS COMANCHES: The Horse People, 1751-1845 1993, 1st edition, Albuquerque. “A sweeping history of the Comanche Indians, who dominated the Southern plains from the mid-18th to the mid-19th century….Rich in social and cultural vignettes of women, captivity, warrior rituals, family life, courtship, sexual attitudes, and adaptation of the horse.” 364pp w/maps, illustrations, notes, bibliography, index. HB/DJ, fine copy……85.00
93) [NUECES COUNTY] THE HISTORY OF NUECES COUNTY by Nueces County Historical Society. 1972, 1st edition, Jenkins Publishing Co., Austin. A history: geography, Indians, Republic days, Civil War and Reconstruction, border wars, agriculture, social life, towns and schools, Port of Corpus Christi, much more. 224pp w/photos, index. HB has a tiny chip out of faux-leather spine…..40.00
94) Osgood, Ernest Staples THE DAY OF THE CATTLEMAN 1929, 1st edition, Minneapolis. Rees, SIX SCORE: “Still perhaps the most important piece of scholarship on the range cattle industry…The book gives an excellent overview of the industry up to 1900.” 283pp w/maps, illustrations, index. HB brown cloth, very good copy, very scarce…….125.00 SOLD
95) Owen, Valarie BYRD COCHRAIN OF DEAD MAN’S CORNER 1972, 1st edition, Snyder. Life story of a cowboy who worked on the Halff Ranch of West Texas, and the C7 and L7 Ranch in South Dakota, and who had some brushes with the law in the early part of the 20th-century. 235pp w/photos, biblio. HB/DJ, fine condition………………75.00
96) Paige, Amanda L. et al. CHICKASAW REMOVAL 2010, 1st edition, Chickasaw Press, Ada. In 1830, the Indian Removal Act forced the Chickasaw and other Eastern tribes to relocate to unfamiliar land in Indian Territory (now Oklahoma.) This gives a vivid account of the hardships endured, both physical and political. 311pp w/illus, maps, biblio, index. HB/DJ near fine….45.00 SOLD
97) [PECOS COUNTY] PECOS COUNTY HISTORY by Marsha Lea Daggett. 1984, 1st edition, Fort Stockton. Two Volumes 583 and 438 pages with photos, historical articles, and many family histories. The volume containing family histories has table of contents to families listed, and the second volume with historical articles is indexed. [Includes biographies of the noted surveyor, pioneer and judge, O.W. Williams, and his son, author/historian Clayton Williams, Sr.] 2 volumes set, folio HB/DJ...140.00
98) Rattenbury, Richard C. A LEGACY IN ARMS: American Firearm Manufacture, Design, and Artistry, 1800-1900 2014, 1st edition, Norman. (Volume 10 in the Western Legacy Series.) Foreword by R. L. Wilson; collection photography by Ed Muno. This beautiful coffee-table book traces the development of commercial arms-making from the Kentucky rifle to the arms of such iconic makers as Colt, Remington, Smith and Wesson, Winchester and others. Over 200 images, most in full-color. 226pp w/photos, notes, bibliography, index. Folio HB/DJ, as new…..59.95
99) [REEVES COUNTY, TEXAS] PECOS: A History of the Pioneer West by Alton Hughes. 1978, 1st edition, Seagraves. A history of Reeves County, and its county seat, Pecos. [Because of the title, this history is often confused and erroneously listed as a history of Pecos County.] Includes many personal biographies, and there’s a particularly interesting chapter on “Gunmen and Violence.” 401pp w/many photos, historical articles, bibliography, index. Folio HB, blue cloth, very good condition….85.00
100) [REEVES COUNTY] MADERA VALLEY, 1870-1970: Irrigation Water to Drinking Water by Darlene Ellison Chandler. 2014, 1st edition, np. History of the Madera Valley in Reeves County from 1870 to 1970, with many pioneer family biographies; founding of Balmorhea and the State Park; Toyahvale; Jumanos and Mescalero Apaches; cattle industry; much more. 469pp w/maps, photos, bibliography, index. HB/DJ, as new…………….34.99
101) Rhodes, Eugene Manlove THE LITTLE WORLD WADDIES 1946, 1st limited edition of 1000 copies, designed and printed at “The Pass on the Rio Bravo” by Carl Hertzog. Edited by W. H. Hutchinson. This collection of Rhodes’ writing is illustrated by H.D. Bugbee, and has a lengthy introduction, “My Salute to Gene Rhodes” by J. Frank Dobie. Includes selected short stories and poetry never before published in book form. Also a bibliography of Rhodes writings. The endpaper illustration is “The Rhodes Map of the Rhodes Country” (New Mexico and Arizona). HB/DJ very good copy with very light edgewear to dust jacket, scarce...225.00
102) Rickett, Harold William WILDFLOWERS OF THE UNITED STATES: Volume Four: The Southwestern States: Southern California, Arizona and New Mexico — 3 Volumes 1970, 1st edition, 1st printing, NY. A most comprehensive guide with details of the astonishing variety, abundance and colorful array of the flowers in this region. 801pp w/illus, photos, index. Large folio HB three volume, blue cloth in slipcase, fine condition……125.00
103) Ringgold, Jennie Parks FRONTIER DAYS IN THE SOUTHWEST: Pioneer Days in Old Arizona 1952, 1st edition, Naylor Co., San Antonio. The interesting story of a hardy family of pioneers who moved from Texas to Arizona in 1879/80. 197pp w/period photos, endpaper maps, index. HB/DJ small chips at corners, spine, now in protective cover…..50.00 SOLD
104) Simpson, Colonel Harold B. CRY COMANCHE: The 2nd U.S. Cavalry in Texas, 1855-1861 1979, 1st edition, Waco. Although the 2nd Cavalry was only in service six years and five months, it spawned 16 Civil War and two Spanish-American War generals, including Robert E. Lee, Albert Sidney Johnston, John Bell Hood, and others. All but four of its forty engagements with Indians occurred within the borders of Texas. This book tells of the unit’s activities from its beginning in 1855 until 1861. 186pp w/appendices, sources, index. HB/DJ, nice copy ….75.00
105) Smart, Charles Allen VIVA JUAREZ! The Life of Benito Juarez (1806-1872) President of Mexico 1964, 1st UK edition, London. Juarez had a long political background before becoming President of Mexico. His decision to suspend all foreign debt payments gave Napoleon III pretext for intervening in Mexico and installing Maximilian as ruler. 444pp w/notes, index….40.00
106) [SMITH COUNTY] SMITH COUNTY JUSTICE by David Ellsworth. Circa 1985, first edition, Discovery Press, NY. An expose of drug dealing and law enforcement corruption in Tyler, Texas. 662pp w/index. HB/DJ, very good copy, scarce….100.00
107) Smithwick, Noah THE EVOLUTION OF A STATE, or Recollections of the old Texas Days 1983, 1st printing of the UT Press edition, Austin. Illustrated by Charles Shaw. Jenkins, BTB: “Of all Texas memoirs, this is the most fun to read. J. Frank Dobie called it the ‘best of all books dealing with life in early Texas’.” Texas Rangers, Comanches, pioneer social life, James Bowie, S.F. Austin, Sam Houston, much more. 354pp. HB w/decorated cover….40.00 SOLD
108) Sonnichsen, C.L. & Wm. V. Morrison ALIAS BILLY THE KID 1955, 1st edition, Albuquerque. Adams, SIX-GUNS: “An attempt to prove that Billy the Kid lived until 1955 under the alias Brushy Bill Roberts...” 136pp w/photos, appendices, index. HB/DJ……45.00
109) Sprague, Marshall THE GREAT GATES: The Story of the Rocky Mountain Passes 1964, 1st edition, Boston. A history of the all-important passes in the Rockies that enabled explorers, trappers, tourists, Indians, traders, railroad men, soldiers, scientists and many others to traverse the forbidding ranges more easily. 468pp w/map, illus., aerial views, notes, sources, appendices, index. HB/DJ, INSCRIBED/SIGNED……..35.00
110) Sweeney, Edwin R. MANGAS COLORADAS: Chief of the Chiracahua Apaches 1998, 1st edition, Norman. (Volume 231, The Civilization of the American Indian Series) “In this first full-length biography of the legendary chief, Ed Sweeney vividly portrays the Apache culture in which Mangas rose to power and the conflict with Americans that led to his brutal death.” 578pp w/maps, illustrations, bibliography, index. HB/DJ, fine copy……50.00 SOLD
111) Taylerson, A.W.F., et al. THE REVOLVER, 1818-1865 1969, 1st edition, Crown Publishers, NY. “The full story of our early revolving arms and the steps by which they became the side arms of multitudes.” 360pp w/illus, app, index. HB/DJ….50.00
112) [TEXIAN PRESS] SIX FLAGS OF TEXAS 1968, 1st edition. 6 full-color paintings by Donald M. Yena. Histories of the various flags that have flown over the Lone Star state. Contributors: Dorman H. Winfrey, James M. Day, Richard G. Santos, Rupert N. Richardson, Harold B. Simpson, and Ben Proctor. 138pp w/illustrations. Folio HB blue & white cloth w/gold deco..25.00 SOLD
113) Thonhoff, Robert H. EL FUERTE DEL CIBOLO: Sentinel of the Bexar-La Bahia Ranches 1992, 1st edition, Austin. Illustrations by Jack Jackson. A history of an 18th-century Spanish fort that was centrally located in the 90-mile long corridor between the Alamo and La Bahia (Goliad.) It was established to protect the ranchers of that area. 144pp w/maps, photos, notes, appendices, bibliography, index. HB/DJ fine copy ….45.00
114) [UVALDE, REAL & EDWARDS COUNTIES] ) Fenley, Florence OLDTIMERS OF SOUTHWEST TEXAS 1957, 1st edition, Uvalde. A wealth of material can be found in this regional history of the ranch country in Uvalde, Real and Edwards counties which has stories told by the early day pioneers and settlers to the region. In addition to new oral histories gathered from pioneers, Fenley included here additional biographies she had written for the Uvalde Leader-News and The Cattleman magazine dating from 1937. 318pp w/photos, index. Folio HB red cloth, fine condition, very scarce…..150.00
115 ) Wagner, Robert L. THE TEXAS ARMY: A History of the 36th Division in the Italian Campaign 1972, 1st edition, Austin. “The Italian Campaign represented the first major front of World War II, and the Texas Army was destined to play a conspicuous part in its operation.” 285pp w/maps, photos, bibliography, index. HB/DJ [DJ has some edgewear, in mylar cover]…….70.00 SOLD
116) Walker, Dale L. DEATH WAS THE BLACK HORSE: The Story Of Rough Rider Buckey O’Neill 1975, 1st edition, Madrona Press, Austin. Designed by Carl Hertzog; frontispiece and dust jacket illustration by Jose Cisneros; foreword by Barry Goldwater. Traces the career of O’Neill, a peace officer and politician in Arizona Territory before joining Teddy Roosevelt’s Rough Riders. He was killed at San Juan Hill during the war with Spain. 200pp w/photos, sources, index. HB/DJ, fine copy….60.00
117) Walker, Jason & Will Erwin [with Helen Thompson] TEXAS STATE CEMETERY 2011, 1st edition, Austin. Photographs by Laurence Parent; epilogue by Governor Rick Perry. This wonderful and informative book tells the story of the Texas State Cemetery and gives biographical sketches of many noteworthy Texans who are buried there. It is, in itself, a history of Texas. 197pp w/notes, bibliography, index. Folio HB/DJ, as new…..39.95
118) Wallace, Ernest & E. Adamson Hoebel THE COMANCHES: Lords of the South Plains 1952, 1st edition, Norman. Probably one of the better detailed studies of the Comanche tribe and their great traditions of warfare, life and customs. 381pp w/illus, bibliography, index. HB/DJ [dust jacket worn around the edges, now in protective cover]……55.00
119) Wallis, Mrs. Johnnie Lockhart SIXTY YEARS ON THE BRAZOS: The Life and Letters of Dr. John Washington Lockhart, 1824-1900 1966, second edition, Ann Arbor. Dr. Lockhart’s letters give a firsthand look at frontier history and lore of the lower and middle Brazos River basin: Texas Republic; Washington-on–the Brazos; Battle of Galveston; boating on the river; Indian encounters; slavery and the Civil War; and much more. 342pp w/photos, index. HB salmon cloth….55.00
120) Ward, Fay E. THE COWBOY AT WORK: All About His Job and How He Does It 1976, 2nd printing, NY. Jacket drawing by Nick Eggenhofer and 600 detail drawings by the author. “...the authoritative cowboy manual, by a famous professional of the old school who spent a lifetime settin’ on a horse.” Just about anything you’d want to know about a cowboy and his equipment. 262pp w/illustrations, index. HB/DJ [dust jacket has minor chips along top edge]……..25.00 SOLD
121) Way, Thomas E. FRONTIER ARIZONA 1960, 1st edition, NY. A collection of stories about the outlaws and lawmen of the Arizona Territory in the last half of the 19th century. 279pp. HB/DJ…….35.00
122) Williams, Amelia FOLLOWING GENERAL SAM HOUSTON FROM 1793 TO 1863 1935, 1st edition, Austin. Etchings by Bernhardt Wall. Stories that trace the highlights of Houston’s life from his birth until his death, with each story accompanied by a related etching. 251pp w/sources. HB/DJ [dj showing some edgewear, now in protective cover]….45.00 SOLD
123) Adams, John A., Jr. THE FIGHTIN’ AGGIE DEFENDERS OF BATAAN & CORRIGADOR 2016, 1st edition, College Station. “Provides a new and compelling exploration of these pivotal events by recounting the history of Bataan and Corregidor through the eyes of 89 soldiers and officers who were former students and citizen soldiers from the Texas A & M. All were products of the Corps of Cadets, and indeed no other institution could boast of such a large deployment in the opening of the war.” 291pp w/maps, photos, notes, bibliography, index. HB/DJ, new…………30.00
124) Lanning, Michael Lee [editor] TEXAS AGGIES IN VIETNAM WAR STORIES 2016, 1st edition, College Station. The author, Texas A&M University Class of 1968, and Vietnam veteran, has gathered over three dozen recollections from other Aggies who served. 306pp w/appendices, index. HB/DJ, new …….29.95
125) Woodall, James R. TEXAS AGGIE MEDALS OF HONOR: Seven Heroes of World War II 2010, 1st edition, College Station. The complete life stories of seven courageous men. 179pp w/maps, photos, notes, bibliography, index. HB/DJ, new [multiple copies available]……29.95