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CATALOG #295, September, 2019



1) Adams, Andy THE LOG OF A COWBOY 1903, early reprint, Boston. “...most reliable account ever written of cowboy life on the great trail drive.” A trail driving classic. 387pp w/illustrations. HB w/pictorial cover, very good copy…….25.00SOLD


2 ) Adams, Andy THE OUTLET 1905, 1st edition, Boston. Illustrations by E. Boyd Smith. Exciting account of an old-time cattle drive. HB pictorial cover, very good….25.00 SOLD


3) Adams, Andy WELLS BROTHERS: The Young Cattle Kings 1911, 1st edition, Boston. Adams resurrected some characters from Log of a Cowboy for this novel of the range. 356pp with eight range photos by Erwin E. Smith. HB nice……..25.00 SOLD


4) ) Adams, Andy CATTLE BRANDS: A Collection of Western Camp-fire Stories 1934, 2nd edition, Boston. Short stories of the trail and the plains. 316pp. HB, pictorial cover,….35.00 SOLD


5)Adams, John A. MURDER AND INTRIGUE ON THE MEXICAN BORDER: Governor Colquitt, President Wilson and the Vergara Affair 2018, 1st edition, College Station. A Webb County rancher is murdered when he crossed the border to retrieve a stolen horse, which resulted in a diplomatic crisis. 211pp w/map, photos, sources, index. HB w/pictorial boards, new….39.95


6) Adams, Ramon THE OLD-TIME COWHAND 1961, 1st trade edition, NY. Illustrated by Nick Eggenhofer. A collection of the author’s entertaining yarns that depict the real-life activities of the old-time cowboys. 354pp w/ill. HB/DJ, near fine with two light scuff marks at top of dust jacket……..60.00


7) Andrews, Michael J. HISTORIC TEXAS COURTHOUSES 2006, 1st edition, Albany. Photography by Paul Hester and Lisa Hardaway. A beautifully illustrated book that features 100 Texas courthouses that have historical and architectural significance. 276pp w/photos, bibliography, index. Folio HB/DJ, fine copy……65.00


8) [ARCHEOLOGY] )  A FIELD GUIDE TO STONE ARTIFACTS OF TEXAS INDIANS by Ellen Sue Turner and Thomas R. Hester. 2011, completely revised and expanded edition, Lanham.  Identifies and describes over 200 dart and arrow points and stone tools used by prehistoric Indians. Includes charts, geographic distribution maps and reliable age dating information.  351pp w/illustrations, references, appendices. Folio softcover, as new……….32.95


9) [ARCHEOLOGY] THE PREHISTORY OF TEXAS edited by Timothy K. Pertula. 2004, 1st edition, College Station. A comprehensive volume which explores in detail the varied experience of native peoples who resided in this region in prehistoric times. Extensively illustrated chapters on the various regions. The archeological data from across the state traces technological changes, the development of fishing and shellfish collecting, funerary customs, long-term changes in mobility, and the development of agricultural societies, and more. 512pp with 220 line drawings, 66 black-and-white images, 38 tables, references. Folio HB/no dust jacket as issued…150.00 SOLD


10) Boyd, Carolyn E. ROCK ART OF THE LOWER PECOS 2003, 1st edition, College Station. “…a landmark volume on one of the most important bodies of rock art in the world…required reading for anyone interested in the archaic prehistory of North America.” 139pp w/illustrations, tables, appendix, bibliography, index. Folio HB/DJ….50.00


11) [ARCHITECTURE] ESSENTIAL FRANK LLOYD WRIGHT by Caroline Knight. 2001, 1st edition, Bath. Full-color photos and descriptive studies of Wright’s finest works, covering the most significant periods of his creative output. 256pp. Folio HB/DJ very good….35.00


12) Atkinson, M. Jourdan INDIANS OF THE SOUTHWEST 1958, 2nd revised edition, San Antonio. Interesting study of Native American culture, dealing mostly with Texas Indians and their home life and culture. 333pp w/bibliography. HB/DJ…22.50


13) Bartholomew, Ed as Jesse Ed Rascoe] THE TREASURE ALBUM of PANCHO VILLA 1962, 1st edition, Toyahville. This story of the Mexican revolutionary Pancho Villa includes 95 pages of photos from the famed N.H. Rose collection. Wrprs..35.00 SOLD


14) Barton, Henry W. TEXAS VOLUNTEERS IN THE MEXICAN WAR 1970, 1st edition, Wichita Falls. Looks at how the volunteer Texas units were mustered into the War with Mexico. Although Texas was yet to be annexed, she furnished more than 100 companies to the war effort. 131pp w/notes, sources, index. HB/DJ fine…..45.00


15) Berlandier, Jean Louis THE INDIANS OF TEXAS IN 1830 1969, 1st edition, Smithsonian Institute, Washington, DC. Edited and introduced by John C. Ewers; translated by Patricia Reading Leclercq. Berlandier, a Swiss-trained botanist, traveled from Mexico City into Texas in 1828 as a member of the Mexican boundary and scientific expedition. He carefully recorded what he learned about the native tribes they encountered—their origins and relationships to neighboring tribes, their languages, beliefs, clothing, attitudes, eating habits, education of children, war tactics, women’s activities, burial customs, and much more. Gives a panorama of Indian life and customs in Texas in the early 19th century. 209pp w/maps, illustrations, bib, index. Folio HB/DJ—dust jacket has some scuff marks, otherwise a very good copy…………...70.00 SOLD


16) [BIG BEND] TAMING THE BIG BEND:A History of the Extreme Western Portion of Texas From Fort Clark to El Paso by Mrs. O. L. Shipman. 1926, 1st edition, np. A fine account of the early Anglo settlement of the Big Bend region. In her preface, the author says, “This book contains sketches of some of the most vivid and dashing characters who had much to do with taming the Big Bend.” Her father was Texas Ranger Captain Pat Dolan “who lived on the frontier for seventy-five years and with remarkable clearness of mind recalls the stirring events of days gone by.” Jenkins, BTB: “She also quotes extensively from other pioneers and transients in the region, such as John L. Bullis, commander of Indian Scouts under Mackenzie; A. J. Fairmore and P. Bougad on the El Paso Salt War; Mexican outlaw Victor Ochoa; and Texas Ranger T. T. Cook. The work contains chapters on the early mail routes, the boundary commission, the camel experiment and transportation, the military posts, freighting, civil affairs, Indian Campaigns, the El Paso Salt War, Texas Ranger campaigns, ranching, outlaws, mining, and Mexican revolutionary activities after the turn of the century. This is followed by a section of sketches of early pioneer and ranching families.” 215pp w/photos, index. HB bound in original gilt-lettered purple cloth, foldout map tipped in at rear endpaper. an extremely nice copy with a little foxing to endpapers, rare……1,150.00


17) [BIG BEND] ) Corning, Leavitt, Jr. BARONIAL FORTS OF THE BIG BEND: Ben Leaton, Milton Favor and Their Private Forts in Presidio County by Leavitt Corning, Jr. 1969, 2nd printing, Austin. Illustrations by Syl Caylor. Interesting history of two of the earliest settlements in Texas’ Big Bend country: Fort Leaton, and Milton Favors private forts at the springs of La Morita, Cienega and Cibolo*. 146pp w/maps, illustrations, bibliography, index. HB/DJ fine copy )uncommon Big Bend)…37.50


18) [BIG BEND] LITTLE AIRLINES IN THE BIG BEND: Past Efforts to Provide Service for an Isolated Part of Texas by Allen Anthony. 1999, 1st printing of an expanded offprint of an article that first appeared in Volume I of The Journal of the Big Bend, 1989, Alpine. 36pp w/maps, photos, end notes. Softcover, SIGNED……..22.50 SOLD


19) Blessington, J.P. THE CAMPAIGNS OF WALKER’S TEXAS DIVISION 1875, 1st edition, ByLang, Little & Co., Printers, NY.. A complete record of the unit’s activities in Texas, Louisiana and Arkansas, including the battles at Perkins’ Landing, Mansfield, Milliken’s Bend, Bayou Bourbeoux, Mansfield, Pleasant Hill, Jenkins’ Ferry, and others; much more. 314pp. HB green cloth w/gold lettering, top of front hinge has started to crack, otherwise a very good copy, rare…..550.00

20) Boritt, Gabor s. [editor] JEFFERSON DAVIS’S GENERALS 1999,1st edition, NY. Several contributors present “fascinating examinations of the men who led the South through the blood Civil War.” 217pp w/illus, notes. HB/DJ, fine…..25.00

21) Box, C.J. PARADISE VALLEY 2017, 1st edition, NY. A Cassie Dewell mystery set in North Dakota. Box is a best-selling mystery writer, with interesting twists and characters. 340pp. HB/DJ very good….22.50

22) Box, C.J. THE DISAPPEARED 2018, 1st edition, NY. A Joe Picket (game Warden) novel set in Wyoming.390pp. HB/DJ very good…….22.50 (NOTE: I have nearly all of C.J. Box novels in mass market paperback,new, for $9.99—call me for any titles you might want. Good Reading!)


23) Brady, Heidi & Scott White HORSES IN THE AMERICAN WEST: Portrayals by Twenty-Four Artists 2018, 1st edition, College Station. “This lavishly illustrated book captures the viewpoints, values and observations of twenty-four respected contem-porary artists. The artists’ own words illuminate the painting, sculpture, photography, and drawings of these award-winning, supremely creative individuals, allowing readers a glimpse into their creative process.” 215pp w/illus, ref, index.Folio HB/DJ...39.95


24) Britten, Walter S. with J. DeArman “SOLD!” A Biography... 1988, 1st edition, Bryan. A look at the life of the legendary Texas livestock auctioneer. 251pp w/many photos, Oblong folio HB/DJ (dust jacket has 3 inch chip missing at front right corner) otherwise a very good copy, SIGNED by Britten…….50.00


25) Browning, John & Curt Gentry JOHN M. BROWNING: American Gunmaker 1964, 1st edition, NY. “An illustrated biography of one of the world’s greatest inventor of firearms, with full data on the Browning guns.”

323pp w/illustrations, bibliography, notes, index. HB/DJ……..65.00 SOLD


26) Burton, Art T. BLACK GUN, SILVER STAR: The Life and Legend of Frontier Marshall Bass Reeves 2006, 1st edition, Lincoln. Traces Reeves from his days as a slave to his service in the Civil War and to his career as a deputy U.S. Marshall under “Hanging Judge” Isaac Parker in Fort Smith, Arkansas. 346pp w/maps, photos, notes, bib, appendix, index. HB/DJ fine…35.00


27) Burton, Jeffrey THE DEADLIEST OUTLAWS; The Ketchum Gang and the Wild Bunch 2009, 2nd edition, Denton. The newest and most complete history of Tom “Black Jack” Ketchum, his brother, Sam, and other members of the Ketchum Gang that robbed, killed and generally terrorized West Texas, New Mexico and Arizona in the last decade of the 19th century. The material in this book comes from material diligently collected by the author over a period of forty years from mainly unpublished sources, comprising family records, trial transcripts and other court records, personal reminiscences, official correspondence and reports, census returns, and contemporary newspapers. 504pp w/photos, maps, endnotes, bib, index. HB/DJ, as new……75.00


28) Caldwell, Clifford R. GUNS OF THE LINCOLN COUNTY WAR 2009, 1st edition, Mountain Home. This book covers the guns that would have been available to the participants of the Lincoln county War as well as the few guns known to have been used by them, i.e. Pat Garrett, The Kid, John Tunstall, Bob Ollinger, and others. 104pp w/photos, appendices, bibliography, index. Softcover, as new , SIGNED…..19.95


29) [CAMERON COUNTY] PORTRAIT OF A BORDER CITY: Brownsville, Texas by William L. Adams & Anthony K. Knopp. 1997, 1st edition, Austin. A contemporary look at the border town and its people and culture. Includes a brief history of the town’s development, and biographical sketches of ten contemporary prominent citizens. 322pp w/photos, appendices, bibliography, index. HB in slipcase with pictorial cover…..25.00


30) [CAMERON COUNTY] BORDER CUATES: A History of the U.S.-Mexican Twin Cities by Milo Kearney & Anthony Knopp. 1995, 2nd printing, Austin. Good history of the region. 331pp w/photos, map, notes, biblio, index. Softcover, as new...19.95


31) Christensen, Pixie LONE STAR STEEPLES: Historic Places of Worship in Texas 2016, 1st edition, TAMU Press, College Station. Foreword by David Ruesink; illustrations by Carl J. Christensen, Jr. Presents sixty-five historically significant religious structures in watercolor illustrations accompanied by brief summaries and handcrafted maps. 165pp w/maps, illustrations, notes, index. Folio HB/DJ, as new ……….35.00


32) [CROCKETT COUNTY] OZONA compiled by Ira Carson, et al. circa 1966, small 90 page booklet celebrating Ozona’s Diamond Jubilee (1891-1966) with photos and historical articles. Fort Lancaster; early organizations; the floods of 1922 and 1954; some pioneer biographical sketches, much more. Softcover w/pictorial cover….35.00 SOLD


33) Darman, Peter POSTERS OF WORLD WAR II: Allied and Axis Propaganda 1929-1945 2008, 1st American Edition, NY. This interesting collection of over 200 posters reflects the propaganda phenomenon used by the major countries involved in WWII. Arranged by country. 224pp w/photos, index. Folio HB/DJ, fine copy…..45.00 SOLD


34) Dearen, Patrick HALFF OF TEXAS: Merchant Rancher of the Old West. 2000, “Special Limited Collector’s Edition” of 100 copies, Austin. Life story of the ranching impresario who built some of the largest ranches in West Texas, including the JM on the Pecos River, the Quien Sabe near Midland, the Circle Dot in the Big Bend, The Mallet on the South Plains, and the Schreiner and Halff in South Texas. 173pp w/map, photos, bibliography, index. Hardback in slipcase, numbered and SIGNED……75.00


35) De Shields, James T. CYNTHIA ANN PARKER 1991, a limited edition of 1000 copies, by Chama Press, Dallas. Foreword by John Graves. This book, originally published in 1886, is an account of Cynthia Ann’s abduction by Comanches in the bloody raid on Parker’s Fort, her life as a Comanche, her recapture twenty years later at the battle of Pease River, and her last unhappy years. De Shields interviewed and corresponded with people who participated in her recapture, or knew her after she returned to civilized society. 60pp with four photos [three were not in the original edition] and endnotes. HB/DJ, as new with publisher’s descriptive brochure laid in…….85.00


36) Dobie, J. Frank THE VOICE OF THE COYOTE 1949, 1st edition, Boston. Illustrated by Olaus J. Murie. Dobie spent thirty years gathering material for this entertaining and enlightening book. He wrote of the coyote “both as he is biologically and as he exists in human imagination.” 386pp w/illustrations, notes, index. HB/DJ, fine…..175.00


37) Dobie, J. Frank CORONADO’S CHILDREN 1930, 1st edition, 1st state (without the word “clean” in dedication) Dallas. Jenkins, BASIC TEXAS BOOKS: “This is the best work ever written on hidden treasure, and one of the most fascinating books on any subject to come out of Texas.” 366pp illus, maps, notes, glossary. HB/DJ [tape repair at front hinge/dust jacket considerably worn and chipped with repairs, now in protective cover]….150.00 [condition noted] SOLD


38) Dobie, J. Frank THE MUSTANGS 1952, 1st edition, Boston. Illustrations by Charles Banks Wilson. Classic folklore and history of the Mustang. 376pp w/notes, index. HB/DJ [dust jacket has small chips along top edge, now in protective cover]…150.00


39) Dobie, J. Frank TONGUES OF THE MONTE 1935, 1st edition, NY. Dobie recounts some time spent in the rugged badlands of northern Mexico. 301pp. A Dobie title that is hard to find in any edition. HB/DJ dust jacket has some closed tears and edgewear, now in protective cover, SIGNED…………….275.00 SOLD


40) Dobie, J. Frank APACHE GOLD AND YAQUI SILVER 1939, 1st edition, Boston. A fascinating book at the legends of lost mines and buried treasure. Includes numerous black and white sketches, plus several full-page, full-color paintings by TOM LEA. 366pp w/illustrations, sources. HB/DJ very good copy……150.00


41) Dobie, J. Frank APACHE GOLD AND YAQUI SILVER 1939, 2nd printing, Boston. A fascinating book at the legends of lost mines and buried treasure in. Includes numerous black and white sketches, plus several full-page, full-color paintings by TOM LEA. 366pp w/illustrations, sources. HB/DJ a very good copy, inscribed/SIGNED……..135.00


42) Dobie, J. Frank THE FLAVOR OF TEXAS 1975, 2nd edition, Jenkins Publishing Co., Austin. Features 16 of Dobie’s favorite stories of episodes in Texas history. 166pp w/illustrations, index. Folio HB/DJ, fine copy……45.00


43) [EL PASO COUNTY] OUT OF THE DESERT: The Historical Romance of El Paso by Owen White. 1924, 2nd edition, El Paso. A history of “the Pass of the North” with a final section devoted to biographical sketches of prominent El Pasoans, with a lot on lawlessness and gunplay. 345pp w/photos. HB, black cloth, very good copy, SIGNED……..45.00


44) Ellis, George F. BELL RANCH As I Knew It 1973, 1st limited edition of 250 copies, Kansas City. Historical overview by Donald R. Ornduff; illustrations by Robert Lougheed. Ornduff sets the historical stage by tracing the ownership of the ranch beginning in the early 1800s. Ellis was one of only six managers of the Bell Ranch in its 150-year-old history, and his narrative gives an intimate view of the people, of roundup and branding operations, and of herd improvement operations and marketing practices, and he blends personal vignettes of the people whose sweat helped build the Bell reputation. 161pp w/illustrations, photographs, maps—this edition includes a foldout map of the ranch tucked into a rear pocket-- and index to photographs [lacks the limited edition print by Lougheed] Oblong folio HB cloth and ¼ leather in slipcase, SIGNED by Ornduff and Lougheed..175.00


45) Evans, Joe M. BLOYS COWBOY CAMPMEETING 1959, 1st edition, El Paso. A short history of the renowned annual camp meeting west of Fort Davis that began in 1890 and still goes on today. 90pp w/photos. Hardback w/pictorial cover…35.00 SOLD


46) Evans, Joe M. THE COWBOYS’ HITCHIN’ POST no date (circa 1940s). About cowboy camp meetings, including the Bloys’ out in the Davis Mountains. Softcover with dust jacket worn at edges, SIGNED...30.00 SOLD


47) [FANNIN COUNTY] A HISTORY OF LEONARD, TEXAS, 1880-1980 compiled by the Leonard Centennial Commission, Leonard. Historical articles include: “The Lee-Peacock Feud”:\; and several old-timer reminiscences; also a large section of family biographies. 184pp w/photos, Folio HB gray cloth w/black lettering, fine…..75.00


48) Flemmons, Jerry AMON: The Life of Amon Carter, Sr., Texas 1978, Jenkins Publishing Co., Austin. Biography of Carter who was a powerful influencer in the affairs of Fort Worth and West Texas. 520pp w/photos, index. HB/DJ [dust jacket showing some wear around the edges]……35.00 SOLD


49) Freeman, Douglas Southall R. E. LEE: A Biography 1947, reprint edition, NY. 4 Volumes. The complete and most extensive biography of Robert E. Lee. Includes many illustrations, maps, appendices, bibliography and indices. 4 volumes all hardback w/decorated covers, all four volumes red cloth w/embossed spine and covers, spines faded. The set of 4 volumes = 140.00


50) [FREEMASONRY] BY EARLY CANDLELIGHT: The Story of Old Milam by Archie MacDonald. 1967, 1st edition, Masonic Home Press, Fort Worth. Early history of Freemasonry in Nacogdoches—1837 to 1967. 256pp w/photos, roster, index. HB/DJ very good copy, dust jacket has tiny chips and foxing…….100.00


51) [FREEMASONRY] THE FREEMASONS: A History of the World’s Most Powerful Secret Society 2001, 2nd edition, NY. This history includes a compendium of notable freemasons throughout the centuries. 357pp w/index. HB/DJ fine…..25.00 SOLD


52) Frissell, Toni THE KING RANCH, 1939-1944 1975, 1st ed, Fort Worth. Introduction and notes by Holland McCombs. Frissell was allowed to make an unprecedented photographic record of activities of the historic ranch through several visits between 1939 and 1944. The result is a striking black-and-white study of ranch activities. 106 plates, unnumbered pages. Folio HB/DJ…45.00 SOLD


53) [GALVESTON COUNTY] THE ALLEYS AND BACK BUILDINGS OF GALVESTON: An Architectural and Social History by Ellen Beasley. 1996, 1st edition, College Station. Fascinating study of an interesting city on the Gulf that presents a vivid picture of life in Galveston’s alleyways from the founding of the city into the 20th century. 170pp w/photos, appendices, index. Folio HB/DJ…..45.00


54) [GALVESTON COUNTY] BORN ON THE ISLAND: The Galveston We Remember by Stephen Fox. 2012, 1st edition, College Station. Art by Eugene Aubry; Foreword by Lyda Ann Quinn Thomas. “In sixty-seven exquisite watercolors and drawings, nationally famous architect Aubry captures on paper the sensibilities, the memories, and the grace that evokes Galveston, especially for those who are BOI.”  Beautiful architectural study! 141pp w/illus, index. Folio HB/DJ, new [multiple copies available]…25.00


55) Garcia, Robert, Jr. & Sylvia Jean de Jesus Garcia TEJANO PARTICIPANTS IN THE TEXAS REVOLUTION OF 1835-1836 2009, limited edition reprint of 15 copies, San Antonio. Listings of Tejano participants in the Revolution who received or their families applied for “certificates” or land grants. A very useful genealogical tool. 184pp w/maps, illus, index. Folio wrprs…75.00 SOLD


56) Gilliland, Maude T. RINCON: A Story of Life on a South Texas Ranch at the Turn of the Century 1964, 1st edition, Brownsville. Gilliland tells of her early 20th-century life at Rincon de en Media, headquarters for the vast Wells ranch in Starr and Hidalgo counties. The last section of the book deals with her move to Mission, Texas, in 1911, and of Mexican bandit raids in that area. Many period photos and some maps enhance this well-written narrative. 105pp w/illustrations, notes, bibliography.

HB/DJ inscribed/ SIGNED by the author, near fine copy, scarce……..200.00


57) Gipson, Fred OLD YELLER 1956, 1st edition, Harper & Brothers, NY (bound in green cloth with black spine and the copyright page states “1956” and contains a Library of Congress catalog number.) An American classic. 158pp. HB/DJ near fine [dust jacket has tiny chip at upper spine, now in protective cover]......225.00 SOLD


58) Glasrud, Bruce A. & Deborah Liles [editors] AFRICAN AMERICANS IN CENTRAL TEXAS HISTORY 2019, 1st edition, College Station.  “An overview of the history of African Americans in Central Texas. From slavery and agriculture in the nineteenth century to entrepreneurship and the struggle for civil rights in the twentieth century.” 316pp w/bib, index. HB, new. Decorated boards……..39.95 SOLD


59) Grimm, Agnes G. LLANOS MESTENAS (Mustang Plains) 1968, 1st edition, Waco. History of the region of South Texas between the Nueces and Rio Grande rivers, known more infamously as the Nueces Strip. 189pp w/photos, about two dozen period maps, bibliography, index. HB/DJ very good, SIGNED……..65.00 SOLD


60) Hatfield, Thomas M. RUDDER: From Leader to Legend 2011, 2nd printing, College Station. Rudder’s exploits in World War II included his heroics on the cliffs of Pointe du Hoc at Normandy. In civilian life, he entered state politics and government, and eventually became a great leader at Texas A & M University. In this book, the author “has painted a full portrait that permits ..an insightful and unsparing view of the man that applauds his accomplishments and reveals his foibles.” 502pp w/photos, maps, notes, bibliography, index. HB/DJ, near fine, SIGNED by the author…….45.00


61) Havins, T. R. CAMP COLORADO: A Decade of Frontier Defense 1964, 1st limited edition of 500 copies*, Brownwood. A history of the remote military outpost that was located in what is now Coleman County, Texas, from 1856 until the end of the Civil War. Chronicles the campaigns and Indian encounters of the units stationed there. Robert E. Lee, Twiggs, Van Dorn and Smith; McCulloch and Barry all spent time at this outpost. 199pp w/map endpapers, bib, app, index. HB green cloth, very good copy, SIGNED…..350.00 [*NOTE: limitation of only 500 copies was noted in the publisher’s review slip]


62) Herff, Peter Ferdinand THE DOCTORS HERFF: A Three-Generation Memoir 1973, 1st edition, San Antonio. Two Volumes. Edited by Laura L. Barber. The three generations of Herffs are traced from their days in Germany, through Ferdinand Herff’s immigration to Texas in 1847, and ends with the death of the third generation doctor in 1965. The elder Herff settled in San Antonio prior to the Civil War, and the subsequent family medical background parallels much of central Texas’ early history. 519pp w/photos index. HB two volumes in slipcase…..75.00 SOLD


63) Johnson, David THE CORNETT-WHITLEY GANG: Violence Unleashed in Texas 2019, 1st edition, Denton. During the late 1880s, the Cornett-Whitley gang executed a daring train robbery at McNeil Station in Central Texas. At Flatonia the gang tortured the passengers and indulged in an orgy of violence, at which time the Texas Rangers and other lawmen stepped in and stopped it. A sordid tale of outlawry and the lawmen who stepped up. 284pp w/map, photos, notes, index. HB/DJ, new [multi-copies]…..29.95


65) Kelton, Elmer THE GOOD OLD BYS 1978, 1st edition, NY. The Western Heritage Award and made into TNT movie series. 253pp. HB/DJ, dj has very minor edgewear…….100.00


66) [KELTON, ELMER as illustrator] SAM McGOO AND TEXAS TOO by Paul Patterson. 1947, 1st edition, Dallas. The illustrations in this book were Kelton’s first published works, published even before his first short story. Paul Patterson was Kelton’s high school journalism teacher, and life-time mentor and friend. 183pp. HB, ex-library…..50.00


67) Kinard, Knox HISTORY OF THE WAGGONER RANCH 2011, limited edition of 325 copies, Four-O Publishing, Abilene. (This history of the legendary ranch first appeared in The Panhandle-Plains Historical Review, Vol. XVI, 1943.) Foreword by Larry McMurtry; 16 tintype photographs by Robb Kendrick; designed by Jace Graf. 61pp w/photos, reference notes. HB, fine…125.00


68) King, Grace, et al FROM MUSKETS TO MOHAIR: The History of Fort Terrett 1992, 1st limited edition of 1500 copies, Waco. Original drawings by Clyde Heron. This book gives a complete history of this little known pre-Civil War frontier outpost (1852-1854). Located in Sutton county, it has long been a part of the Fort Terrett Ranch headquarters. Includes frontier military routine and fort operations; biographical sketches of men who served at the fort; background of the ranch and its landowners; one chapter on “Redskins, Rustlers, and Rangers;” cowboys and sheepherders; and a look at the ranch in modern times. An important contribution to the history of West Texas’ settlement and ranching. In two sections—Part One: The Fort; Part Two: The Ranch. 301pp w/many photos (some in color), maps, notes, bibliography, index. Hardback w/gilt lettering and design, scarce…..85.00


69) Lewis, David C. THE SAN SABA TREASURE: Legends of Silver Creek 2018, 1st edition, UNT Press, Denton. This book recounts the history of the legendary mine, from the founding of the ill-fated 1757 mission on the San Saba River up to the last attempt, in 1990 to find the legendary treasure. It describes Jim Bowie, a fake treasure map industry, murder trials, a rattlesnake dancer, fortunes lost, a very long Texas cave, and surprising twists to the story popularized by Dobie. 264pp w/map, illus, bib, index. HB/DJ, new [multiple copies available]…..19.95


70) Liles, Deborah & Angela Boswell WOMEN IN CIVIL WAR TEXAS: Diversity and Dissidence in the Trans-Mississippi 2016, 1st edition, Denton. An interesting study where several contributors explore Texas women and their support for secession and the Confederacy in the Civil War, coping with their husband’s absences, and the importance of letter-writing as a means of keeping families connected, and how pro-Union sentiment caused difficulties. 297pp w/maps, ill, notes. HB/DJ, as new……29.95


71) Linn, John J. REMINISCENCES OF FIFTY YEARS IN TEXAS 1986, facsimile reproduction of the 1883 original, State House Press, Austin. Irishman Linn came to Texas in 1829 and was an active participant in the significant events that occurred before, during and after the revolution and the Republic. Jenkins, BTB: “This volume of personal recollections…is one of the basic sources on the Revolutionary Period.” 397pp w/index. HB/DJ fine………..65.00


72) Lomax, John A. & Alan Lomax [compilers] COWBOY SONGS AND OTHER FRONTIER BALLADS 1946, 4th printing of the revised edition, NY. Preface to this edition by Edwin N. Waters. Collection of cowboy songs and ballads, some with music. 431pp. HB salmon cloth sunned, ex-library…..27.00 SOLD


73) [LUBBOCK COUNTY] A PLACE SET APART: The History of Ransom Canyon (and Bits of West Texas History) by Elleta Nolte. 1996, 1st printing, Lubbock. A history of the community of Ransom Canyon and the lake of the same name (near Lubbock) that is laced with events of the past that pertain to the Southern Plains. An interesting book that is well-researched and documented. 199pp w/photos, sources, index. Trade paperback, new [multi-copies] SIGNED……16.95


74) MacDonald, L. Lloyd TEJANOS IN THE 1835 TEXAS REVOLUTION 2009, 1st edition, Gretna. A study of the role played by Mexican-born revolutionaries in Texas’ battle for independence. 365pp w/maps, illustrations, notes, bibliography, appendix, index. HB/DJ, as new……29.95


75) Malouf, Dian CATTLE KINGS OF TEXAS 1991, 1st edition, Hillsboro. A vivid photographic tour of ranches in the brush country of South Texas. Ranches profiled include: La Mota and La Calosa near Falfurrias; Armstrong; Vidaurri near Victoria; Garcitas near La Salle; Briscoe near Catarina; Chaparrosa near La Pryor; and others. 179pp w/photos. Oblong folio HB/DJ….40.00 SOLD


76) Matthews, Sallie Reynolds INTERWOVEN: A Pioneer Chronicle 1958, limited edition of 1500 copies, El Paso. Designed and printed by Carl Hertzog; drawings by E. M. Schiwetz; introduction by Robert Nail. A personal chronicle of the Lambshead Ranch Reese, SIX-SCORE: “The author’s husband and father were both prominent ranchers, and this book gives one of the best portraits of ranch life from a woman’s point of view.” Many folks consider this edition more desirable than the first edition. 234pp w/illus. HB, the highly prized “Hertzog Edition,” clear jacket, fine condition……...225.00 SOLD


77) McDowell, Catherine W. [editor] NOW YOU HEAR MY HORN: The Journal of James Wilson Nichols, 1820-1887 1967, 1st trade edition, Austin. Designed by Carl Hertzog; map by Jose Cisneros. Jenkins, BASIC TEXAS BOOKS: “This most spirited and forthright of all Texas memoirs is one of the most delightful American pioneer narratives ever written. Frontiersman Nichols gives us an unvarnished account of life in frontier Texas, with no holds barred. His narrative is humorous, bold, gruesome, opinionated, and revealing.” Nichols served under McCulloch in the Mexican War, was a Ranger under Jack Hays and fought in many Indian battles. HB/DJ nice copy…..70.00


78) McKenna, James A. BLACK RANGE TALES: Chronicling Sixty Years of Life and Adventure in the Southwest 1936, 1st edition, Wilson-Erickson, Inc., NY. McKenna spent most of his life in the Black Range region of New Mexico as a mining prospector and cowhand. 300pp w/illustrations. HB/DJ near fine copy, quite scarce, especially with dust jacket….100.00 SOLD


79) Mellard, Evelyn SPUR RANCH—and Other Circles of Time 1977, 1st limited edition of 500 copies, Salado. Essays and memoirs of a West Texas ranch lady. Most stories center around Spur Ranch; also a story of Pancho villa; meeting Mrs. Brite of the Brite Ranch; observations on wildlife; and much more. 206pp w/illustrations. HB decorated tan boards, inscribed/SIGNED…..40.00


[MELLARD, RUDOLPH] (Historical fiction by RUDOLPH MELLARD—novels set in the Big Bend and Trans-Pecos region)

80) SOUTH BY SOUTHWEST 1960, 1st edition Denver. 208pp w/endpaper map. HB/DJ inscribed/SIGNED…..25.00

81) ACROSS THE CREVASSE 1966,1st edition, Salado.. Civil War Novel. 254pp w/endpaper map. HB/DJ insc/SIGNED..25.00

82) THE CHIHUAHUA TRAIL-1868 1973, 1st limited edition of 150 copies, Salado. Novel. 315pp w/endpaper maps. HB w/pictorial cover, inscribed/SIGNED….27.00

83) THE TRACK OF THE ALBATROSS 1974, 1st ed, Salado. Novel. 351pp w/endpaper map. HB, inscribed/SIGNED…27.00

84) HIGH GROUND 1983, 1st limited edition of 300 copies, Salado. Novel of Big Bend. 123pp. HB w/pictorial cover……27.00

85) STAGECOACH 22: SAN ANTONIO-EL PASO STAGE LINE, 1869 1977, 1st limited edition of 500 copies, Salado. Novel. 211pp w/endpaper map. HB w/pictorial cover, inscribed/SIGNED……35.00

86) ALONG THE WAY WITH HORSES AND ME 1975, 1st limited edition of 500 copies, Salado. Narrative verse. 165pp w/endpaper map. HB w/pictorial cover, inscribed/SIGNED………..22.50

87) ALONG THE WAY WITH HORSES AND ME 1975, 1st limited edition of 500 copies, Salado. Narrative verse. 165pp w/endpaper map. HB w/pictorial cover, inscribed/SIGNED………..22.50

88) PONY EXPRESS, CARRY MY MESSAGE 1979, 1st limited edition of 500 copies, Salado. Novel. 192pp w/map endpaper. HB w/pictorial cover…..25.00


89) Moneyhon, Carl H. THE TANGLED REALITY OF TEXAS AFTER THE CIVIL WAR: The Struggle of Reconstruction 2004, 1st edition. A revisionist study of the Reconstruction effort. 237pp w/ill, bib, index. HB/DJ fine condition…..45.00 SOLD


90) Moneyhon, Carl H. EDMOND J. DAVIS: Civil War General, Republican Leader, Reconstruction Governor 2010, 1st edition, Fort Worth. Davis was a Unionist in Texas before and during the Civil War. This biography is the first to be published of this controversial Texas. 335pp w/illus, index. HB/DJ, as new…..27.95


91) Mumey, Nolie [editor] ANSELM HOLCOMB BARKER – 1822-1895 – Pioneer Builder and Early Settler of Auraria, his diary of 1858…. 1959, 1st edition, Denver. Includes a biography of Barker, along with his diary kept while traveling from Nebraska to the Cherry Creek diggings, future site of Denver, Colorado. 83pp w/foldout map, tipped in illustrations, and “nine rare keepsakes” in a rear pocket. HB, decorated cloth on boards……50.00


92) Nixon, Pat Ireland, M.D. A CENTURY OF MEDICINE IN SAN ANTONIO: The Story of Medicine in Bexar County, Texas 1936, 1st edition, San Antonio. An interesting study of frontier medicine, from before the Alamo to the early part of the Twentieth century. Includes biographies of some notable Bexar County physicians; much more. 405pp w/illus., appendices, bibliography, index. HB red cloth, fine……..65.00


93) Owen, Valarie BYRD COCHRAIN OF DEAD MAN’S CORNER 1972, 1st edition, Snyder. Life story of a cowboy who worked on the Halff Ranch of West Texas, and the C7 and L7 Ranch in South Dakota, and who had some brushes with the law in the early part of the 20th-century. 235pp w/photos, biblio. HB/DJ, fine condition………………75.00


94) Phillips, Bob TEXAS COUNTRY REPORTER COOKBOOK 1909, reprint, Shearer Pub., Fredericksburg. Several hundred recipes from all around Texas. Multi-copies available, trade paperback…..17.95


95) Plummer, Rachael RACHAEL PLUMMER’S NARRATIVE of Twenty-one Months Servitude as a Prisoner Among the Comanchee Indians 1977, 1st printing of 400 copies, “a facsimile reprint of the only known copy of the 1844 original,” Jenkins Publishing Co., Austin. Preface to this edition by Archibald Hanna; intro by William S. Reese. Ms. Plummer was taken in the Comanche raid on Parker’s Fort in 1836 and held captive for thirteen months. 26 unnumbered pages. HB gold and brown cloth w/gilt lettering, very good copy, SIGNED by Hanna …….175.00


96) Powell, Mary Jo THE FIGHTIN’ TEXAS AGGIE BAND: 125th Anniversary Edition 2019, revised edition, College Station. A lively history illustrated throughout with historical and contemporary images of the band, its founders, its leaders and its activities. 345pp w/photos, rosters. Folio HB/DJ, new [multi-copies available]…..35.00


97) [PRESIDIO COUNTY] HISTORY OF MARFA AND PRESIDIO COUNTY, TEXAS, 1535-1946 by Cecilia Thompson. 1985, 1st edition, Austin. Two Volumes. This highly sought after work deservedly won the 1985 T.R. Fehrenbach Award For Best County History In Texas. It is a chronologically arranged narrative history that spans four centuries, from the earliest Spanish explorers to contemporary times. A total of 1,024 pages with maps, many period photos, appendices, bibliography, index. Two volumes hardback in slipcase, two pages in volume one have notes and highlight in margin, otherwise very good, the set = 250.00 SOLD


98) [PRESIDIO COUNTY] ONE HUNDRED YEARS OF FAITH AND MEMORIES by Viola G. Short. 1998, 1st edition, Deming. A history of Shafter, Texas, that includes profiles of several prominent area families. Includes material on Milton Faver and his Cibolo headquarters (where Justice Antonin Scalia recently died) and an interview with current owner, John Poindexter at the time he was restoring the ranch. 188pp w/photos. Folio softcover, SIGNED……….55.00 SOLD


99) Purdue, Howell and Elizabeth PAT CLEBURNE: Confederate General 1973, 1st edition, Waco. Cleburne served as a tenacious General who earned the sobriquet “Stonewall Jackson of the West.” He saw action in many important engagements. 498pp w/maps, illus, index. HB/DJ fine copy, SIGNED by both authors and publisher Col. H.B. Simpson……95.00


100) Roberts, Randy & James S. Olson A LINE IN THE SAND: The Alamo in Blood and Memory 2001, 1st edition, NY. A retelling of the Alamo story with new perspectives on many of the myths and mysteries of what really happened, and the many ways it has been interpreted. 356pp w/illustrations, illustrations, sources, index. HB/DJ….20.00


101) Robertson, Brian WILD HORSE DESERT: The Heritage of South Texas 1985, 1st edition, Edinburg. A well-done history of the Rio Grande Valley from its earliest discovery by Pineda and Cabeza de Vaca to modern times. 309pp w/illustrations, endpaper maps, bibliography, index. HB/DJ…..25.00 SOLD


102) Robinson, Lynne ANGUS MACDONALD: A American Artist 2012, 1st limited edition of 450 copies, NY. Biographical data

And a study of the art of this Texan who grew up and cowboyed in Marfa, Texas. 242pp w/illus, index. Folio HB fine in fine illustrated slipcase, inscribed/SIGNED with an original drawing by the artis on the front free endpaper……85.00 SOLD


103) [SAN PATRICIO COUNTY] PIONEERS ON THE NUECES by Lena H. Crofford. 1963, 1st edition, Naylor Co., San Antonio. Stories about the early days in the Texas Republic along the lower reaches of the Nueces in San Patricio county—outlaws, Indians, ranches, epidemics, wild animals, some family histories, more. 185pp w/photos, index. HB/DJ, inscribed/SIGNED…70.00


104) Saunders, Dan TRAILS AND TRIALS OF A SMALL TOWN SHERIFF 1996, 1st ed, Lubbock. Memoirs of Saunders who was sheriff of Martin County for forty years. 162pp w/photos. HB/DJ fine copy……25.00


105) Selcer, Richard F. & Kevin S. Foster WRITTEN IN BLOOD: The History of Fort Worth’s Fallen Lawmen, Volume 1, 1861-1909 2010, 1st edition, Denton. “A tightly documented history of local law enforcement with both good and bad facts included..” In this volume are thirteen stories of early lawmen who died in the line of duty. 375pp w/photos, endnotes, bibliography, index. HB/DJ, as new…..39.95


106) Selcer, Richard F. & Kevin S. Foster WRITTEN IN BLOOD: The History of Fort Worth’s Fallen Lawmen, Volume II, 1910-1928 2011, 1st edition, Denton. This volume details thirteen more incidents in which officers were killed in the line of duty. 440pp w/photos, bibliography, index. HB/DJ, as new…….39.95


107) Shirley, Glenn “BUD” LEDBETTER: The Fourth Guardsman 1997, first edition/2nd printing, Eakin Press, Austin. Ledbetter served as U.S. Marshal in Oklahoma Territory and gained a reputation as a tough lawman. 202pp w/map, photos, index. HB/DJ dust jacket has a small chip at top of spine, otherwise near fine……24.95


108) Smallwood, James M. THE FEUD THAT WASN’T: The Taylor Ring, Bill Sutton, John Wesley Hardin, and Violence in Texas 2008, 1st edition, College Station. Chronicles the bloody nineteenth-century vendetta between two Texas factions in South Texas that lasted for decades. 229pp w/photos, maps, appendix, sources, index. HB/DJ..29.95


109) Smallwood, et al THE DEVIL’S TRIANGLE: Ben Bickerstaff, Northeast Texans, and the War of Reconstruction in Texas 2017, 1st printing, Denton. The Devil’s Triangle was an era where rebel guerilla fighters, most all members of the Democratic Party who would not accept the outcome of the Civil War, brought violence and destruction to Northeast Texas. Three in particular stand out: Ben Bickerstaff, Cullen Baker, and Bob Lee. 239pp w/maps, illus, index. Trade paperback, new [multi-copies]…..19.95


110) Smith, S. Compton, M.D. CHILE CON CARNE; or, The Camp and the Field 1857, 1st edition, Miller & Curtis, NY. The author of this account of the ?War with Mexico was acting surgeon with General Taylor’s division. Battle descriptions; camp life; more. 404pp. HB brown cloth w/scuffed exterior, some water marks to first front endpapers, otherwise a sound copy of a very scarce first edition……..200.00


111) Sowell, A.J. EARLY SETTLERS AND INDIAN FIGHTERS OF SOUTHWEST TEXAS 1986, facsimile reproduction of the 1900 original, State House Press, Abilene. Jenkins, BASIC TEXAS BOOKS: “The work contains 132 accounts of early pioneers, mostly as told to them directly to Sowell…Most of the work pertains to Indian fights and Texas Rangers.”

861pp with index. HB/DJ a fine copy…….45.00


112) Stephens, Robert W. WALTER DURBIN: Texas Ranger and Sheriff 1970, 1st edition, Clarendon. Durbin was a Texas Ranger in the famous Frontier Battalion in the 1880s under Captain George H. Schmitt. 174pp w/photos, bibliography, index. HB/DJ (dust jacket spine faded, otherwise a very good copy…………65.00 SOLD


113) Taylor, Lonn & David B. Warren TEXAS FURNITURE: The Cabinetmakers and Their Work, 1840-1880 (Volume 1) 2012, revised edition, Austin. Foreword by Miss Ima Hogg. “Provides a detailed introduction to the art of cabinet making and to the works of Texas cabinet makers. 222 (full-page) representative pieces of furniture, accompanied by detailed descriptions that include the maker, date, materials, measurements, history, owner, and analysis of each piece. Also includes illustrations and descriptions of tools, types of woods used and information on more than 850 craftsmen working in Texas between 1850 and 1870." 387pp w/illus, appendix, notes, bibliography, index. Folio HB/DJ, new……60.00

114) Taylor, Lonn & David B. Warren TEXAS FURNITURE: The Cabinetmakers and Their Work, 1840-1880 (Volume 2) 2012, 1st edition, Austin. Foreword by Don Carleton. This volume presents over 150 additional pieces of furniture that were not included in Volume One. 336pp w/color photos, notes, biblio, index. Folio HB/DJ, new…….65.00


115) [TEXIAN PRESS] TEXAS EMIGRANT GUIDES, 1840-1844 edited by James M. Day. 1964, limited edition reprints, Texian Press, Waco. THREE VOLUMES. Each volume has a new introduction by James M. Day. Volume I: Topographical Description of Texas to which is added An Account of the Indian Tribes by Geo. W. Bonnell; Volume II: Sketches of Texas in 1840 by Orceneth Fisher; Volume III: TEXAS: Its History, Topography, Agriculture, Commerce, and General Statistics by Arthur Ikin w/foldout map of the Republic. These volumes represent first-hand knowledge about Texas’ Republic years and give a very clear picture of life in that era. 150/64/100pp. All three volumes small hardbacks cloth in slipcase, fine condition, the set = 55.00 SOLD


116) Thomas, Emory M. ROBERT E. LEE: A Biography 1995, early reprint, NY. A favorable biography of this great American. 472pp w/maps, notes, bibliography. HB/DJ fine………..25.00


117) Thompson, Hugh THE SLAVE TRADE: The Story of the Atlantic Slave Trade: 1440-1870 1997, 1st edition, NY. A thoroughly researched history of four centuries the slave trade. 908pp w/maps, illus, appendices, sources, index. HB/DJ fine..25.00 SOLD


118) Tinkle, Lon THE VALIANT FEW: Crisis at the Alamo 1964, 1st edition, NY. An account of the Alamo battle written expressly for youngsters. Includes a chronology of important dates in the Lone Star State’s history from 1803 through 1936. 90pp w/maps, illus, index. HB/DJ, SIGNED……25.00


119) Walker, Jason & Will Erwin [with Helen Thompson] TEXAS STATE CEMETERY 2011, 1st edition, Austin. Photographs by Laurence Parent; epilogue by Governor Rick Perry. This wonderful and informative book tells the story of the Texas State Cemetery and gives biographical sketches of many noteworthy Texans who are buried there. It is, in itself, a history of Texas. 197pp w/notes, bibliography, index. Folio HB/DJ, as new…..39.95


120) Warner, Ezra J. GENERALS IN GRAY: Lives of the Confederate Commanders 1992, reprint, LSU Press, Baton Rouge. Contains biographical sketches of all 425 Confederate generals with photos of each. Useful research tool. 420pp w/appendices, bibliography. HB/DJ, near fine copy……..30.00 SOLD


121) West, John C. A TEXAN IN SEARCH OF A FIGHT: Being the Diary and letters of a Private Soldier in Hood’s Texas Brigade 1969, reprint of the rare 1901 edition, Waco. Introduction by Col. Harold B. Simpson. Considered one of the best soldier accounts to come out of the Civil War. West served in one of the bloodiest theaters of the conflict.189pp. HB/DJ fine….40.00 SOLD


122) Wharton, Clarence SATANTA: The Great Chief of the Kiowas and His People 1935, 1st edition, Dallas. Deals mostly with the Kiowa tribe under Satanta’s leadership in the 1860s and ‘70s. Covers Custer’s winter campaign on the Washita. Satanta was one of the chiefs taken prisoner by Custer and Sheridan and held hostage in an attempt to force the tribe to return to the reservation. Includes legends of the Kiowas, their raids into Texas and Mexico, General Leavenworth’s Expedition, more. 246pp w/illustrations, index. HB/DJ near fine copy, inscribed/SIGNED, exceedingly scarce, especially with a fine dust jacket…..125.00 SOLD


123) Young, Roy B. et al A WYATT EARP ANTHOLOGY: Long May His Story Be Told 2019, 1st edition, Denton. “The editors have curated an anthology of the very best work on Earp—more than sixty articles and excerpts from books—from a wide array of authors, selecting only the best written and factually documented pieces and omitting those full of suppositions or false material. Nearly all of the selections come from the last twenty years, when a more critical eye was turned to sources of Earp history. “ 861pp w/illus, endnotes, index. HB/DJ, new [multiple copies available]…..45.00


124) [WORLD WAR II] UNIFORMS OF WORLD WAR II by Peter Darman. 1998, 1st (?), Chartwell Books, Edson. “Over 250 four-color artworks of uniforms of 30 countries, ranging from Australia to the United States of America.” 288pp ill, index. Folio HB/DJ, fine copy……40.00


125) [WORLD WAR II] THE WINGS OF CHANGE: The Army Air Force Experience in Texas During World War II by Thomas E. Alexander. 2003, McWhiney Foundation Press,. A look at 65 Army air fields that were located in Texas, more than in any other state. 229pp w/maps, photos, appendix, bibliography, index. HB/DJ as new….29.95 SOLD



126) MARFA ARMY AIR FIELD, Marfa Texas 1943, 1st printing, np. Includes cartoons by unknown artist; portraits of the 45-a Graduating Class; and casual snapshots of many women associated with the base; and more. Folio HB bound in blue fake leather with decorated cover, signed by many members of the graduating class next to their portraits………100.00

[NOTE: someone has written “contact” over the photos of many members, which I believe means the persons designated went on to engage with the enemy in actual combat…? Also, many members have a large penciled * drawn under the portrait—casualties…?]


127) FOSTER FIELD: Army Air Force Training Command [Victoria, Texas] “Published 1943 by and for the Officer and Enlisted Personnel of Foster Field.” Includes a history of “The Development of the Army Air Force. Portraits of “Special Staff”; portraits of Class 43-G Aviation Cadets; and portraits of several other squadrons that trained at the base. 104pp. Folio blue leather cover…….75.00


Remembering the versatile talents of the late BILL WITTLIFF: novelist, screenplay writer, illustrator, book designer, photographer.


128) ) Wittliff, Bill THE DEVIL’S BACKBONE 2014, 1st edition, Austin. “…an engrossing story of a Texas Huck Finn that brims with folk wisdom and sly humor. A rogue’s gallery of characters…” [Wittliff’s first venture into fiction looks to be promising.] 224pp w/illustrations by Jack Unruh. HB/DJ, new, SIGNED limited quantity….40.00


129) Wittliff, Bill THE DEVIL’S SINKHOLE 2016, 1st edition, Austin. Illustrations by Joe Ciardiello. Sequel to Wittliff’s charming and entertaining The Devil’s Backbone. More adventures of the boy Papa and his amigo Calley Pearsall…..203pp w/illustrations. HB/DJ, new, SIGNED limited quantity….40.00


130) Wittliff, Bill THE DEVIL’S FORK 2018, 1st edition, Austin. Illustrations by Edward Carey. The third and final volume of Wittliff’s charming Papa Stories trilogy. 153pp w/illustrations. HB/DJ, new, SIGNED copies available limited quantity….40.00


131) Wittliff, Bill [editor/photographer] A BOOK OF PHOTOGRAPHS FROM LONESOME DOVE 2016, 4th printing, Austin. Foreword by Larry McMurtry; introduction by Stephen Harrigan. Presents more than one hundred classic images which were taken by Wittliff during the filming of the epic miniseries. 163pp. Folio HB/DJ, as new…49.95


132) Wittliff, Bill [editor/photographer] A BOOK ON THE MAKING OF LONESOME DOVE 2012, 1st edition, Austin. Interviews by John Spong; color plates by Jeff Wilson; photographs by Bill Wittliff. A companion book to Wittliff’s earlier A Book of Photographs From Lonesome Dove: “A fascinating behind-the-scenes journey into the creation of the book, the miniseries, and

the world of Lonesome Dove.” 168pp. Folio HB/DJ, as new……….49.95


133) Wittliff, Bill LA VIDA BRINCA: A Book of Tragaluz Photographs by Bill Wittliff 2006, 1st edition, UT Press, Austin. “The tragaluz (pinhole) photographs in La Vida Brinca record iconic images of Hispanic life. Introductory essays by Elizabeth Ferrer and Stephen Harrigan. Wittliff photographed fiestas, religious observances, street scenes, people’s faces, and enduring rural landscapes. But with the soft focus and surprise elements that typify his tragaluz photographs, these images become dreamlike---. As a work of art, La Vida Brinca reveals that pinhole photography is an ideal vehicle for finding profound meaning in common-place, for seeing beyond what the eye can see.” Unnumbered pages with 101 full-page photos. Folio HB, new [multi-copies]..49.95)


134) [WITTLIFF, BILL as designer] PRINTER AT THE PASS: The Work of Carl Hertzog compiled by Al Lowman. 1972, 1st limited edition of 200 copies, San Antonio. Essay by William R. Holman; designed by William A. Wittliff. A biography and bibliography of the renowned book designer and printer with interesting anecdotes. 123pp w/illustrations, index. HB w/paste-on title on front cover in an otherwise fine slipcase that is split 2 inches at the bottom (not really noticeable), SIGNED by Hertzog, Lowman, Holman & Wittliff..…85.00


135) [WITTLIFF, BILL] ) Myrthe, A.T. AMBROSIO DE LETINEZ, or The First Texian Novel…1967, a facsimile reproduction of the 1842 edition, Austin. The subtitle continues “…Embracing a Description of the Countries Bordering on the Rio Bravo, with Incidents of the War of Independence.” This edition has an introduction by William D. Wittliff, and an essay, “Sam Houston and Texas” by Dorman H. Winfrey. Small HB in slipcase……25.00





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