CATALOG #292: June, 2019
1) Allen, Ruth A. EAST TEXAS LUMBER WORKERS: An Economic and Social Picture, 1879-1950 1961, 1st edition, Austin. Before the oil booms came, the Texas lumber industry employed more workers than any other industry. 239pp w/maps, photos, charts, bibliography, index. HB/DJ….25.00
2) Allred, B.W. & J.C. Dykes [editors] FLAT TOP RANCH: The Story of a Grassland Venture 1957, 1st edition, Norman. A comprehensive study of a practical experiment in grassland conservation. 232pp w/photos, appendix, index. HB/DJ (dust jacket edgeworn with small chips, now in protective cover)……..45.00
3) Anderson, C.W. BLACK, BAY AND CHESTNUT: Profiles of Twenty Favorite Horses 1939, 1st edition, NY. Lithographs by the author. Man o’ War; Gallant Fox; Heatherbloom; War Admiral, and other racers, jumpers and thoroughbreds of field and turf. Unpaginated w/illustrations. Oblong folio HB/DJ, very good……..50.00
4) [ARCHEOLOGY] PANHANDLE-PLAINS HISTORICAL REVIEW XXVIII, 1955 “Special Archeology Issue” Deals mostly with studies in the Texas Panhandle area. 126pp w/photos. Softcover w/extended edges (Bugbee cover illustration)..35.00 SOLD
5) [ARCHEOLOGY] ARROWHEADS and PROJECTILE POINTS With a Classification Guide for Lithic Artifacts by G.E. Van Buren. 1974, 1st edition, Garden Grove. Fully illustrated with actual photos in four sections: I) Projectile Point Usage, Nomenclature, and Taxonomy; II) Projectile Point Classification and Coding; III) Illustrated Types of Projectile Points; and IV) Characteristics Matrix and Analyses. 241pp w/bibliography, index. Folio HB red cloth library binding, fine copy, scarce….150.00 SOLD
6) [ARCHEOLOGY] INDIAN ARTIFACTS by Virgil Y. Russell. 1951, 1st edition, Douglas. An illustrated reference book that tells how to hunt for artifacts; how to classify, identify and preserve them; and methods of mounting them.170pp w/index. HB..35.00 SOLD
7) Armes. Col. George A. UPS AND DOWNS OF AN ARMY OFFICER 1900, 1st edition, Washington D.C. Author recounts his life as from 1861through 1899, much of that time as an army officer. There is included an account of his time at Fort Concho serving out a sentence for one of his many arrests, and his dislike of Colonel Grierson, whom he says treated him “horribly.” 784pp w/many illustrations, index. HB brown cloth w/silver decorations, scarce…..225.00 SOLD
8) Austin, Stephen F. ESTABLISHING AUSTIN’S COLONY 1970, 1st printing thus, Austin. Originally published in San Felipe de Austin in 1832, this was the first book published in Texas. It is Austin’s own account of the first Anglo-American settlement in Mexican Texas. HB salmon cloth, fine……..70.00 SOLD
9) Bagur, Jacques D. A HISTORY of NAVIGATION on CYPRESS BAYOU and the LAKES 2001, 1st edition, Denton. A massive, detailed study of early water transportation on the Red River and how it affected the economies of East Texas and northwest Louisiana. 821pp w/maps, many photos bibliography, index. HB/DJ as new----65.00 SOLD
10) Baker, T. Lindsay [editor] THE SURVEY OF THE HEADWATERS OF THE RED RIVER, 1876 1985, 1st edition, Panhandle-Plains Historical Review, Volume XVIII, Canyon. In 1876 a party of army engineers, teamsters, and a civilian draftsmen arrived at Fort Elliot in the Texas Panhandle to conduct a topographic and scientific survey of the headwaters of the Red River. 124pp w/19 never-before-published maps and charts in rear pocket, illustrations, index, softcover w/extended edges……37.50
11) Bandelier, Adolph THE DELIGHT MAKERS 1890, 1st edition, Dodd, Mead, and Company, NY. A novel of prehistoric Indians based on the author’s years of ethnological and archeological research. 490pp. HB brown cloth, sound, near fine copy….100.00 SOLD
12) [BELL COUNTY] BELL COUNTY HISTORY: A Pictorial History of Bell County, Texas, Covering Both the Old and the New 1958, 1st edition, Fort Worth. 220pp w/historical articles, photos. Folio HB w/decorated cover……65.00 SOLD
13) [BEXAR COUNTY] Pacheco, Hector Rafael CANARY ISLANDERS OF SAN ANTONIO 2018, 1st printing, History Press, Charleston. Sixteen families, acting on a decree from the king of Spain, arrived in San Antonio in 1731. This is their story from the formation of the first city council to the siege of the Alamo. 174pp w/illustrations. Trade paperback, new [multi-copies]….23.99
14) [BIG BEND] TAMING THE BIG BEND:A History of the Extreme Western Portion of Texas From Fort Clark to El Paso by Mrs. O. L. Shipman. 1926, 1st edition, np. A fine account of the early Anglo settlement of the Big Bend region. In her preface, the author says, “This book contains sketches of some of the most vivid and dashing characters who had much to do with taming the Big Bend.” Her father was Texas Ranger Captain Pat Dolan “who lived on the frontier for seventy-five years and with remarkable clearness of mind recalls the stirring events of days gone by.” Jenkins, BTB: “She also quotes extensively from other pioneers and transients in the region, such as John L. Bullis, commander of Indian Scouts under Mackenzie; A. J. Fairmore and P. Bougad on the El Paso Salt War; Mexican outlaw Victor Ochoa; and Texas Ranger T. T. Cook. The work contains chapters on the early mail routes, the boundary commission, the camel experiment and transportation, the military posts, freighting, civil affairs, Indian Campaigns, the El Paso Salt War, Texas Ranger campaigns, ranching, outlaws, mining, and Mexican revolutionary activities after the turn of the century. This is followed by a section of sketches of early pioneer and ranching families.” 215pp w/photos, index. HB/DJ- bound in original gilt-lettered purple cloth, foldout map tipped in at rear endpaper. an extremely nice copy with a little foxing to endpapers, rare……1,150.00
15) Brister, Louis E. [translator/editor] JOHN CHARLES BEALES’S RIO GRANDE COLONY: Letters by Eduard Ludecus, a German Colonist, to Friends in Germany in 1833-1834, Recounting His Journey, Trials, and Observations in Texas 2008, 1st edition, Texas State Historical Ass., Austin. Valuable source for information about colonist’s life and culture, and hardships and frustration in pre-revolutionary Texas. Beales’s ill-fated colony was located on Las Moras Creek in present-day Kinney County. 261pp w/maps, bibliography, index. HB/DJ, as new…..29.95
16) [BROWN COUNTY] FRONTIER’S GENERATION: The Pioneer History of Brown County With Sidelights on the Surrounding Area by Tevis Clyde Smith. 1931, 1st edition, Brownwood. Includes details of Indian depredations; Camp Colorado and the Confederacy, and more. 63pp w/photos. Softcover, scarce……85.00 SOLD
17) [BROWN COUNTY]. SOMETHING ABOUT BROWN (A History of Brown County, Texas) by T.R. Havins. 1958, 1st edition, Brownwood. Includes chapters on communities, cattle ranching, Texas Rangers, and some mention of John Wesley Hardin and his activities in the area. 208pp w/photos, bibliography, appendix, index. HB brown cloth, minor scuffing front cover…50.00
18) [BROWN COUNTY] ZEPHYR YESTERDAY AND TODAY With 120 Genealogies of Zephyr’s Pioneer Families 1995, 2nd ‘Centennial Edition,’ Brownwood. Included are genealogies and biographies of 120 pioneer families. 264pp w/photos, articles, laid in map, sources, index. Softcover fine......30.00 SOLD
19) [BROWN COUNTY] ZEPHYR, TEXAS, TEACHERS AND GRADUATES, 1910-1950 1988, 1st edition, Brownwood. Comments and information by and about Zephyr teachers and students. 173pp w/photos, index. Folio softcover….25.00 SOLD
20) BROWN COUNTY] MORE ABOUT ZEPHYR 1991, 1st edition, Brownwood. Additional history and stories about Zephyr and its people with a few genealogies. 124pp w/photos, index. Folio softcover……..25.00 SOLD
21) Brown, John Henry HISTORY OF TEXAS 1685-1892 1892/1893, 1st edition, L.E. Daniel, Publisher, St. Louis. Two Volumes in original decorated cover. Jenkins, BTB: “This is the earliest comprehensive history of Texas written by an active participant.... history Brown collected materials for fifty years, then devoted four entire years to writing his history of Texas.” Considered by his contemporaries as having written “the most thorough, impartial and accurate of Texas ever published” his extensive work still provides a serious tool for serious researchers. The two volumes are 631 and 591 pages respectively, each with photos and maps. Both are hardbacks in gray cloth w/gold lettering and black decorations. Both volumes have some scuffed edges, and volume 1 has some tiny spots of unknown nature, overall a sound, very good set, exceedingly scarce, the set = 450.00 SOLD
22) [CARSON COUNTY, TEXAS] A TIME TO PURPOSE: A Chronicle of Carson County edited by Mrs. Ralph E. Randel 1966/1972 FOUR VOLUMES, all volumes 1st editions: Volumes I & II, 1966; Volumes III & IV, 1972. A massive county history replete with photos, maps, historical articles, pioneer biographies, family histories, ranching histories, railroad history, community histories; area history that takes in some of the adjoining counties and their pioneers. There’s much on the Four Sixes Ranch; the Frying Pan; the Burk Burnett empire; Timothy Dwight Hobart; the JA ranch with a biography of Mrs. Cornelia Adair; plus many other ranches are profiled; Temple Houston; a history of cattle brands; bankers, post offices, ethnic influences, and so much more. Each volume has a detailed table of contents, and there is a family index for all four volumes in Volume IV. The 4 volume set, all hardbacks, light blue cloth, in very good condition = 175.00
23) Carson, Mary HANDBOOK OF TREASURE SIGNS AND SYMBOLS 1980, 1st printing, Boulder. Useful information for the treasure hunter. Fully illustrated. 60pp. Softcover…..22.50 SOLD
24) Carter, Capt. Robert G. THE OLD SERGEANT’S STORY: Winning the West From the Indians and Bad Men in 1870 to 1876 1926, 1st edition, NY. The reminiscences of Sergeant John B. Charlton who served with Carter in the 4th Cavalry under Col. Ranald S. Mackenzie. The regiment conducted a series of successful operations against the Kiowa, Comanche and Kickapoo Indians on the Texas frontier. The unit also chased and captured fugitives and deserters and some of these incidents are included. 220pp w/photos. HB red cloth w/repaired front hinge and two pieces of light green cardboard have been pasted to bottoms of cr page and dedication page……………..300.00 [condition noted] SOLD
25) Clarke, Mary Whatley THE SLAUGHTER RANCHES & THEIR MAKERS 1979, 1st edition, Austin. A good history of the Slaughter ranching empire which was important in the development of ranching in Texas and the Southwest. Clarke traces the Slaughter clan through the Texas Revolution, through the Cherokee Indian War and later the Civil War, and then tells of cattle drives up the Chisholm Trail with Indian attacks, stampedes. 254pp w/photos, notes, bib, index. HB/DJ, fine copy……325.00
26) [CLAY COUNTY] ROMANCE AND DIM TRAILS: A History of Clay County by Katherine Christian (Mrs. J. W.) Douthitt, editor-in-chief. 1938, 1st edition, William T. Hardy, publisher, Dallas. Many historical articles that give a comprehensive look the county’s early history, written by many who witnessed it, plus several early pioneer biographies. Includes a list of ranches and their registered brands. 280pp w/endpaper map, drawings & photos; errata tipped in. HB red cloth w/gold lettering, fine..325.00
27) Conover, George W. [with Frank W. Beach] SIXTY YEARS IN SOUTHWEST OKLAHOMA or, The Autobiography of George W. Conover with Some Thrilling Incidents of Indian Life in Oklahoma and Texas 1927, 1st edition, Anadarko. Includes trial of Satanta and Lone Wolf; Fort Sill; Kiowa and Comanche raids; customs and living habits of Indians; buffalo hunting; ranching, the Chisholm trail; hunting and trapping wild game; much more. 129pp w/photos. HB blue cloth, fine copy..135.00 SOLD
28 ) Cook, James H. FIFTY YEARS ON THE OLD FRONTIER: As Cowboy, Hunter, Guide, Scout, and Ranchman 1980, 3rd printing of the new edition w/changes and additional illustrations, Norman. A new foreword by J. Frank Dobie; intro by Charles King. Dobie, LIFE AND LITERATURE: “Cook came to Texas soon after the close of the Civil War and became a brush popper on the Frio River. Nothing better on cow work in the brush country and trail-driving in the seventies has appeared.” A western frontier narrative with much on cowboys, outlaws, and the Indian wars. The author participated in the cowboy gunfight with New Mexico lawman Elfega Baca and gives a good account of that incident. 253pp w/photos, index. HB/DJ….40.00 SOLD
29) Cook, Jim (Lane) as told to T. M. Pearce LANE OF THE LLANO 1936, 1st edition, Boston. The author’s father was a partner with John Chisum and his father made the first trail drive over the Chisum trail which Lane joined at the age of nine. Later he was captured by Comanches and relates his life among them. During his long life he served as a government scout and as a cowboy on the Great Plains. 269pp w/illustrations, endpaper map. HB/DJ very good copy…65.00 SOLD
30) Cooke, Philip St. George, et al EXPLORING SOUTHWESTERN TRAILS 1938, 1st edition, The Arthur H. Clark Co., Glendale. Edited by Ralph Bieber. 383pp w/illustrations, foldout map. Notes and journals of three pre-Civil War explorers: Philip St. George Cooke, William Henry Chase Whiting, and Francis Xavier Aubry. Their trails were immediately used for overland migration routes and later followed by the transcontinental railroads. 387pp w/illus, foldout map. HB maroon cloth w/gilt….100.00 SOLD
31) Correll, Donovan Stewart & Marshal Conring Johnston MANUAL OF THE VASCULAR PLANTS OF TEXAS 1979, 2nd printing, University of Texas Press at Dallas. This massive manual “is designed to make available the first complete taxanomic treatise covering all the vascular plants of the state.” 1881pp w/map, appendix, references, index. HB, very good copy..75.00
32) Cox, Mike THE TEXAS RANGERS: Wearing the Cinco Peso, 1821-1900 2008, 1st edition, NY. Elmer Kelton said this about Cox’s new book: “Mike Cox has a unique background for presenting the checkered history of the Rangers. During several years as a spokesman for the Texas Department of Safety, he had access to detailed records and experienced firsthand the mystique that clings to this fabled law enforcement body. Though he gives us flashes of glory, he does not flinch from the dark side of the Ranger’s past.” 492pp w/illustrations, notes, bibliography, index. HB/DJ, fine copy, …….45.00 SOLD
33) Cox, Mike TIME OF THE RANGERS: The Texas Rangers 1900 to Present 2009, 1st edition, NY. This is the second volume of Cox’s extraordinary history of the Texas Rangers, and brings the history of the Rangers from 1900 to the 2007. 496pp w/photos, notes, bibliography, index. HB/DJ, fine copy……45.00 SOLD
34) Crawford, Lewis F. RANCHING DAYS IN DAKOTA, and, CUSTER’S BLACK HILL’S EXPEDITION OF 1874 1950, 1st edition, Baltimore. Edited and with an intro by Usher L. Burdick. Tells about many of the early day ranchers in Dakotas. Includes some interesting range photos. The last chapter deals with the Custer expedition that opened up the Black Hills territory for white settlement. 110pp w/illus. HB/DJ green cloth w/gilt lettering on spine, fine copy w/plain brown DJ in protective cover…...125.00
35) [CROCKETT COUNTY] YESTERYEAR IN OZONA AND CROCKETT COUNTY by V.I. Pearce. 1980, 1st edition, Talley Press (San Angelo) Editing by Elmer Kelton. Author recounts his days as a youngster on his ranch in Crockett County in the early part of the 20th-century: cowboys, sheepmen and cattlemen, much more. 137pp w photos, map endpapers. HB/DJ fine copy…85.00
36) [CROCKETT COUNTY] OZONA COUNTRY by Allan R. Bosworth. 1964, 1st edition, NY. Author relates some history of Crockett County along with his own early day experiences in the region. Photos. 238pp w/photos, biblio. HB/DJ very good…35.00
37) [DALLAS COUNTY] DALLAS COUNTY: A Record of its Pioneers and Progress by John H. Cochran. 1928, 1st edition, Dallas. “Being a supplement to John Henry Brown’s History of Dallas County (1887) with correction of some errors contained therein, and much additional information about early settlers and their families.” Early history of the county. Includes 1881 list of citizens, and muster rolls of the Civil War Cavalry units from Dallas with the names of their members. 296pp. HB/DJ (bound in red cloth w/gold stamped lettering, fine copy in mylar protective cover, scarce…..125.00 SOLD
38) Davis, Marty, et al GOING TO TEXAS: Five Centuries of Texas Maps 2007, 1st edition. A study of 64 historic maps dating from 16th-century to modern times with essays by noted historians 120pp w/illus., index. HB/DJ= CLEARANCE: 50% 0FF= $19.98 (was $39.95)
39) Davis, Robert E. [editor] DIARY OF WILLIAM BARRETT TRAVIS August 30, 1833-June 26, 1834 1966, 1st edition, Waco. A personal record of Travis’s life from August, 1833 to June, 1834 served as a diary, business journal, record of legal cases and expense book, giving insight into the era when Texas was still a part of Mexico. 206pp w/notes, illus, index. HB…50.00 SOLD
40) Dobie, J. Frank THE VOICE OF THE COYOTE 1949, 1st edition, Boston. Illustrated by Olaus J. Murie. Dobie spent thirty years gathering material for this entertaining and enlightening book. He wrote of the coyote “both as he is biologically and as he exists in human imagination.” 386pp w/illustrations, notes, index. HB/DJ [dust jacket has minor chips along upper edge] overall a near fine copy, SIGNED……….275.00
40b) Another Copy – The Voice of the Coyote – 1949, 1st edition, HB lacks dust jacket, otherwise fine….100.00 SOLD
41) Dobie, J. Frank A VAQUERO OF THE BRUSH COUNTRY 1946, Reprint, Boston. Jenkins, BASIC TEXAS BOOKS: “Based on oral memoirs of John Young, the text includes, in addition to Young’s life as a pioneer cowman and outlaw chases, sections on roundups and cattle drives, on the hide and tallow business in Texas, on Billy the Kid and the Mexican outlaw Cortina, on life in the South Texas brush country, on Mexican and Indian warfare along the border after the Civil War, and on the folk ways of the Texas cattle industry.” 302pp w/endpaper map, illus, index. HB/DJ, very good copy, inscribed/SIGNED…..160.00 SOLD
42) Dobie, J. Frank STORIES OF CHRISTMAS AND THE BOWIE KNIFE 1953, 1st edition, Austin. Illustrations by Warren Hunter. In the first section, Dobie relates three childhood Christmas memoirs; in the second story he tells the historical background of the legendary Bowie knife. HB, maroon cloth w/silver decorations, fine……55.00 SOLD
43) Dobie, J. Frank THE LONGHORNS 1941, 1st edition, Boston. Illustrations by Tom Lea. A chronicle of the great days of the Longhorn and of that special breed of cowboys who worked them. Reese, SIX-SCORE: “One of the true classics of range cattle literature.” 388pp w/photos, notes, biblio, index. HB tan cloth w/cover illustration by Lea…..100.00
44) [ERATH COUNTY] FRAGMENTS OF HISTORY: Erath County compiled by Homer Stephen. 1966, 1st edition, Stephenville. Includes: 1856 tax roll; postmasters; essays on historical events; lists pioneers interred in various county cemeteries; more. 137pp w/photos. HB/DJ, fine copy……65.00 SOLD
45) Erickson, John R. PANHANDLE COWBOY 1999, 2nd edition, Denton. Foreword by Larry McMurtry; photos by Bill Ellzey. A classic description about the cowboy and his way of life as lived on the Crown Ranch in the Oklahoma Panhandle. 207pp w/illus, index. HB/DJ, fine copy……..30.00
46) Evans, Wilbur & Bill Little TEXAS LONGHORN BASEBALL: Kings of the Diamond 1983, 1st edition, Huntsville. Covers Texas Longhorn baseball from the first team in 1897 to the champions of 1983. 490pp w/photos, app, index. HB/DJ ……..35.00
47) Flavin, Martin JOURNEY IN THE DARK 1978, limited edition reprint by The Franklin Library, NY. This Pulitzer Prize-winning novel is “the story of Sam Braden who started life as a poor migrant's son in the friendly democratic world along the Mississippi and rose to become one of the richest and most powerful men in the Middle West." 456pp. HB red all leather with gilt edges, fine copy……....45.00
48) Ford, Gus L. TEXAS CATTLE BRANDS: A Catalog of the Texas Centennial Exhibition 1958, 2nd edition, Clyde C. Cockrell Company, Dallas. An important range work that depicts 491 Texas cattle brands with illustration and history of each. Includes brief history of Texas Cattlemen’s Association by E.B. Spiller; “Brands as Evidence of Ownership in Prosecution for Theft” by Charles E. Coombes; “Texas Cattle” by W.L. Stangel; and biographical data on 53 noted ranchers of the 19th century. 240pp w/maps, indexes to brands and branding irons. HB/DJ near fine copy, scarce, inscribed/SIGNED by Mrs. Ford……185.00 SOLD
49) Fowler, Gene & Bill Crawford BORDER RADIO: Quacks, Yodelers, Pitchmen, Psychics, and Other Amazing Broadcasters of the American Airwaves 1987, 1st edition, Texas Monthly Press, Austin. The colorful story of the powerful radio stations just across the Mexican border that commanded a nationwide audience from the 1930s through the 1960s. 282pp w/map, photos, index. HB/DJ near fine [a 33-1/3 record included……..38.00 SOLD
50) Fuller, Claude E. & Richard D. Steuart FIREARMS OF THE CONFEDERACY 1996, “Special edition of the Firearms Classic Library,” Fairfax. [Originally published in 1944.] Detailed descriptions and data of the Rebel forces’ firearms. 333pp w/illus, appendices, index. HB, maroon leather w/gilt decorations and edges; silk ribbon marker and endpapers. Fine copy….35.00
51) Gilpin, Laura THE RIO GRANDE: River of Destiny 1949, 1st ed, NY. Photographic study of the Rio from its headwaters near Creede, Colorado, to its mouth at Brownsville, Texas. “An interpretation of the river, the land, and the people.” Many striking black and white photos. 244pp with appendices, glossary, bibliography. Folio HB/DJ [dust jacket has small chips along top edge, otherwise a very good copy]…..35.00 SOLD
52) Gipson, Fred SAVAGE SAM 1962, 1st edition, NY. “The story of the son of Old Yeller.” 214pp w/illus. HB/DJ…55.00 SOLD
53) Gipson, Fred THE TRAIL-DRIVING ROOSTER 1955, early reprint, NY. Novel. 84pp w/illus. HB gray cloth…..30.00
54) Goddard, Ruth PORFIRIO SALINAS 1975, 1st edition, Rock House Press, Austin. Intro by Dewey Bradford. This book provides an account of Salinas’ rise from obscurity to international fame. Includes six full color reproductions which are tipped in, plus reproductions of 14 more paintings. 95pp w/illus, noted, index. Oblong folio HB/DJ, near fine copy with review slip laid in, SIGNED by Goddard & Bradford……140.00
55) Gooch-Iglehart, Fanny Chambers THE BOY CAPTIVE OF THE TEXAS MIER EXPEDITION 1909, “revised, reprinted and republished by the author,” Press of J. R. Wood Printing Co. A fictionalized account of John C. C. Hill’s experiences as a thirteen year old boy with the Mier Expedition as related to Mrs. Gooch-Inglehart by Hill himself before his death. She also completed research, and includes a source bibliography. 331pp w/illustrations, glossary. HB maroon cloth w/raised decorations, overall a very good, sound volume, and very scarce…….100.00
56) Gould, Frank W. COMMON TEXAS GRASSES: An Illustrated Guide 1978, 1st edition, College Station. 267pp w/illustrations, “Key to the Genera of the Grasses,” glossary, index. HB/DJ fine copy (long out-of-print in cloth)……45.00
57) Greene, A.C. JOY TO THE WORLD 1995, 1st limited edition of 400 copies, The Book Club of Texas, Austin. Illustrations by Geoff Greene. A Christmas story. 18 unnumbered pages. Folio HN green and gray cloth w/red lettering, fine copy, A compact disc narrated by A.C. Greene is in back pocket, SIGNED………75.00
58) Greene, A. C. A CHRISTMAS TREE 1973, 1st edition, Encino Press, Austin. Drawings by Ancel E. Nunn. Designed by William D. Witliff. A heartwarming West Texas Christmas story... 28pp w/illus. Folio HB green cloth with illustration pasted on front cover…..35.00
59) Grego, Joseph THE REMINISCENCES AND RECOLLECTIONS OF CAPTAIN GRONOW Being Anecdotes of the Camp, Court, Clubs, and Society, 1810-1860 1900, early reprint, London. An intimate look at British military social life in the first half of the 19th-century. 353/340 pp w/”portrait and 32 illustrations from contemporary sources,” index. Both volumes cloth and ¼ leather at spine and corners, some scuffing at spines, otherwise very good, sound copies…….2 volume set= 55.00
60) Grover, David H. DIAMONDFIELD JACK: A Study in Frontier Justice 1968, 1st edition, Reno. When Jack Davis hired on as a gunman for powerful cattle interests in Southern Idaho, he became embroiled in the Cassia County range war in the late 1890s. He was charged with the death of two sheepherders, arrested and put on trial in what became a lengthy and controversial court case. 189pp w/photos, maps, notes, bibliography, index. HB/DJ……30.00 SOLD
61) Hackett, Charles Wilson [editor] PICHARDO’S TREATISE ON THE LIMITS OF LOUISIANA AND TEXAS 1971, 2nd edition facsimile, Books For Libraries Press, Freeport. FOUR VOLUMES. “An Argumentative Historical Treatise with Reference to the Verification of the True Limits of the Provinces of Louisiana and Texas, Written by Father Jose Antonio Pichardo. of the Con-gregation of the Oratory of San Filipi Neri, to Disprove the Claim of the United States that Texas Was Included in the Louisiana Purchase of 1803.” Jenkins, BTB: “The Pichardo Treatise is one of the first studies of Texas history by a committed scholar. Eugene C. Barker asserted: ‘No one who reads Pichardo’s monumental brief can doubt that Spain and not France owned Texas in 1763 and thereafter.’ …Few works of history have had a more direct effect on international diplomacy and law or on the subsequent history of the area involved….sheds an enormous wealth of data it presents on the history of Texas.” 630/618/623/415pp w/4 folding maps, extensive bibliography, sources, each volume indexed. Four volumes in tan cloth, all in fine condition …395.00 SOLD
62) Haley, J. Evetts LIFE ON THE TEXAS RANGE 1952, 1st edition, UT Press, Austin. A portrayal of the work of frontier range photographer Erwin E. Smith who rode the cattle range with camera in hand during the 1880s and ‘90s. Many of the photos here depict ranch life and the working cowboy on the LS ranch in the Texas Panhandle. 112pp w/80 plates. Folio HB in slipcase, SIGNED…..185.00 SOLD
63) Haley, J. Evetts CHARLES GOODNIGHT: Cowman and Plainsman 1949, 2nd printing of the new edition, University of Oklahoma Press, Norman. Illustrations by H.D. Bugbee. One of the best cowman’s biographies. Much of Haley’s material came from first-hand interviews with Goodnight over a period of years. Reese, SIX SCORE: “Goodnight’s career spanned the history of the development of West Texas, from Indian fighting to oil wells…Haley’s beautifully written biography, perhaps his best book, is an ample vehicle for a mighty figure, and a classic of American biography.” 485pp w/biblio, index. HB/DJ fine copy..125.00
64) Haley. J. Evetts ON HIS NATIVE HEATH…IN HIS NATURAL ELEMENT: A Collection of the Essays of J. Evetts Haley From 1927 to 1989 1992, 1st edition, Midland. 287pp. HB/DJ near fine copy, SIGNED….85.00
65) Hamner, Laura V. LIGHT ‘N HITCH: A Collection of Historical Writing Depicting Life on the High Plains 1958, 1st limited edition of 1000 copies, Dallas. Paintings by Dord Fitz. A panorama of High Plains history, with vivid accounts of events, people and places in the history of the Texas Panhandle covering the period from the 1870s through the 1920s—Adobe Walls, Charles Goodnight, Quanah Parker, law and order, transportation, pioneer women, town building, ranching, much. 350pp w/photos, index. HB yellow cloth w/decorated cover in brown cloth slipcase, numbered and SIGNED…..125.00
66) Hamner, Laura V. THE NO-GUN MAN OF TEXAS 1935, 1st edition before the school edition, Amarillo. This was the first biography of Charles Goodnight. 256pp w/appendix, glossary. HB, green cloth, very good copy……100.00
67) Harkey, Dee MEAN AS HELL 1948, 1st edition, 1st state with redaction on p.220, University of New Mexico Press, Albuquerque. An account of lawlessness in New Mexico where the author, as a peace officer, had personal experiences with many well-known outlaws including Jim Miller, the Dalton Gang, John Wesley Hardin, and others. A chapter on the Lee-Garrett feud. 223pp w/illus. Varian binding in softcover…….50.00 SOLD
Bestselling NEW TEXAS RANGER BOOK by Charles H. Harris III & Louis R. Sadler
68) Harris, Charles H III & Louis R. Sadler THE TEXAS RANGERS IN TRANSITION: From Gunfighters to Criminal Investigators, 1921-1935 2019, 1st edition, Norman. “This book takes up the Rangers’ story at a time of political turmoil, as the largely rural state was rapidly becoming urban. At the same time, law enforcement was facing an epidemic of bank robberies, an increase in organized crime, the growth of the Ku Klux Klan, Prohibition enforcement—new challenges that the Rangers met by transitioning from gunfighters to criminal investigators.” 640pp w/map, photos, notes, bib, index. HB/DJ, new [multi-copies]..34.95
69) Harris, Patricia Howard [compiler] AN AUSTIN SCRAPBOOK OF JOHN F. KENNEDY 1964, 1st limited edition of 1000 copies, Pemberton Press, Austin. A collection of articles and photographs about Kennedy’s scheduled visit to Austin, and a map of his proposed Austin motorcade route, which, of course, he never made. Includes articles about his presidential campaign when he was campaigning in Texas with Lyndon B. Johnson. Approximately 120 pages. Folio HB red cloth w/gilt lettering……55.00 SOLD
70) Harston, J. Emmor COMANCHE LAND 1963, 1st edition, Naylor Co., San Antonio. Foreword by noted archeologist, A.T. Jackson. A history of the Comanches by one who lived among them, spoke their language, and recorded their oral accounts passed down from the time of the Conquistadors. Includes much on their lifeways; a Comanche-English dictionary of words and idioms; Comanche descriptive terms for certain streams and mountains, and much more. 206pp w/map endpapers, photos, appendices. HB/DJ, fine copy, very scarce……..195.00
71) Havins, T.R. & James M. Day [editors] TWENTY-FIVE YEARS on the OUTSIDE ROW of the NORTHWEST TEXAS ANNUAL CONFERENCE: Autobiography of Rev. Peter W. Gravis 1966 facsimile reprint of the 1892 original, with added introduction and notes by Havins and Day, Cross Timbers Press, Brownwood. Gravis became a circuit riding preacher after the Civil War. He describes his service in the War, and gives accounts of his participation in the battles of Milliken’s Bend and Mansfield. He tells of Indian raids in Palo Pinto and Stephen Counties. Most of his time in Texas was spent in the Brown County area. 145pp w/notes, index. HB/DJ [dust jacket has tiny chips and some foxing]…….45.00 SOLD
72) Henderson, Caroline LETTERS FROM THE DUST BOWL 2001, 1st edition, Norman. This collection of Henderson’s letters and articles presents an intimate portrait of a woman’s life in the Great Plains from 1908 to 1966. 278pp w/map, photos, notes, index. HB/DJ fine………30.00 SOLD
73) Holden, Frances Mayhugh LAMBSHEAD BEFORE INTERWOVEN: A Texas Range Chronicle, 1848-1878 1997, 1st edition, College Station. Early events in the establishment of the Lambshead ranching dynasty that chronicles the growth of the cattle industry, the era of lawlessness, Indian harassment, vigilante justice, more. 230pp w/illus, bib, index. HB/DJ, SIGNED..50.00 SOLD
74) Horgan, Paul GREAT RIVER: The Rio Grande in North American History 1954, 1st edition, NY. Two Volumes Jenkins, BASIC TEXAS BOOKS: “This is the most thorough...account of the vast region draining into the river that forms 900 miles of the Texas border...The work is arranged into four sections, chronologically, representing the four cultures that were imposed on the river valley—Indian, Spanish, Mexican, and American. 1020pp w/maps, bibliography, index. Two volumes hardbacks in slipcase…45.00 SOLD
75) Hunter, J. Marvin [editor/publisher] THE BLOODY TRAIL IN TEXAS: Sketches and Narratives of Indian Raids and Atrocities on Our Frontier 1931, 1st edition, Bandera. A collection of the more notable firsthand accounts of Indian atrocities and fights that occurred on the Texas frontier, from stories first published in Frontier Times Magazine. 190pp. Softcover, cover is badly chipped and loose and has been taped, text block is sound, very scarce in this edition………55.00 [condition noted] SOLD
76) [HURD, PETER] PETER HURD: The Lithographs edited by John Meigs. 1969, 2nd edition, Baker Gallery Press, Lubbock. 60 plates. A complete review of the of the work of a master graphic artist. “Peter Hurd has contributed fascinating personal reminiscences for each plate, as well as brief notes on lithography, illustrated with photos taken in the artist’s studio of various stages of the lithographic process.” Folio HB/DJ (a near fine copy) SIGNED by Hurd & Meigs….85.00 SOLD
76b) Another copy – Peter Hurd: The Lithographs – also 2nd edition, fine, SIGNED by Hurd…..85.00 SOLD
77) [HURD, PETER] PETER HURD: A Portrait Sketch From Life by Paul Horgan. 1971, 3rd printing, Austin. An intimate biography accompanied by six full-color and 16 black-and-white reproductions of Hurd’s work. 67pp. Folio HB/DJ ..30.00 SOLD
78) Jackson, Joseph Henry TINTYPES IN GOLD: Four Studies in Robbery 1939, 2nd printing, NY. The Sagas of four notorious California highwaymen: Black Bart, Tom Bell, Rattlesnake Dick, and Dick Fellows. 191pp. HB/DJ, very good copy…..25.00 SOLD
79) Jackson, W.H. & S.A. Long THE TEXAS STOCK DIRECTORY, or Book of Marks and Brands…undated facsimile reprint of the 1885 original, New Braunfels. Registered brands of South Texas by county (subsequent volumes were planned, but never published; there was a 61pp supplement to this volume.) HB very good…..65.00
80) Karr, Lee and Lela ROPE BURNS….a fair likeness of a few good COWBOYS who know the meaning of the words 1975, 1st edition, San Angelo. A photo gallery of many old-time and contemporary steer-roping competitors from around the Southwest, mostly from West Texas. 112pp w/photos. Folio HB bound in leather with decorated cover, SIGNED by Lee and Lela Karr, exceedingly scarce…….375.00 SOLD
81) Keleher, William A. VIOLENCE IN LINCOLN COUNTY 1869-1881 1957, 1st edition, Albuquerque. Adams, SIX-GUNS: “One of the best histories of Lincoln County and its troubles, as well as of the life of Billy The Kid…It is most trustworthy.” 390pp w/illustrations, sources, index. HB/DJ [dust jacket is lightly edgeworn, now in protective cover]……60.00
82) Kelton, Elmer THERE’S ALWAYS ANOTHER CHANCE April, 1948, first appearance in Ranch Romances Magazine. This story was the first story Kelton sold after he was discharged out of the army and returned to Texas with his Austrian wife and her six-year-old son. This issue includes other articles and stories by J. Frank Dobie, S. Omar Barker, Wayne D. Overholser, and other popular writers of the time. Softcover magazine w/extended edges that are slightly chipped…..50.00 SOLD
83) [KENDALL COUNTY] CIVIL WAR SOLDIERS OF KENDALL COUNTY, TEXAS: A Biographical Dictionary by Frank Wilson Kiel. 2013, 1st edition, Comfort. Biographical sketches of the county’s Civil War participants, including both Confederate and Union, with information on the “Nueces Affair” and its survivors. 205pp w/tables, biblio.. Folio HB, black leather w/embossed lettering, a fine copy….50.00
84) Kupper, Winifred THE GOLDEN HOOF 1945, 1st edition, NY. “The story of the sheep of the Southwest, from the time when the Indians massacred Coronado’s men and saved their sheep, to the present day.” 203pp with chapter notes. HB/DJ w/light edgewear, now in protective cover…..50.00
85) Lackey, Dee THE COWBOY AND THE FARMER: Two Families’ Quest for Land, Love and Opportunity in Texas (Young Reader’s Edition) 2019, 1st edition, Ballinger. Family stories of how the author’s great-grandparents came and settled in the Concho Valley of Texas. 68pp w/photos. Trade paperback, new [multiple-copies available], SIGNED………14.95
86) Lackey, Jerry HOMESTEAD: Pioneers of Texas’ Frontier, Volume V 2017, 1st edition, Ballinger. In this newest edition of Lackey’s successful series of ranching biographies he describes the history of several famous cattle trails, including the Goodnight-Loving Trail, the Chisholm and Chisum Trails, and the Western. Many of the family ranching biographies in this issue are located in Texas’ Trans-Pecos region. 290pp w/illustrations, index. Trade paperback, new [multiple copies available] SIGNED…..24.95
[NOTE: SIGNED copies of Volumes I through IV are also available at $24.95 each]
87) Lang, Lincoln A. RANCHING WITH ROOSEVELT 1926, 1st edition, J.D. Lippincott Co., Philadelphia. The author knew Theodore Roosevelt as a neighbor and friend and tells of his experiences in the Dakota Badlands before and after Roosevelt came there. Material on Custer and Sitting Bull. Includes some wonderful old range photos of the time. 367pp w/photos. HB dark green cloth w/gold lettering and decoration, fine copy………..160.00 SOLD
88) Lea, Tom THE LAND OF THE MUSTANGS offprint from The Graduate Journal, Vol. VII, No.2, Spring 1967. A small portfolio of 8 full-color paintings by Tom Lea that have been tipped in, and have accompanying quotes about the land from Lea’s works. 23pp w/illustrations. Stiff tan boards, fine……….60.00
89) Lincoln, John RICH GRASS AND SWEET WATER: Ranch Life on the Koch Matador Cattle Co. 1989, 1st edition, College Station. An entertaining look at modern-day ranch life written by a man who went from bookkeeper to president of the Matador Land and Cattle Company from 1968 to 1983. 148pp w/maps, photos, index. HB/DJ, fine….35.00 SOLD
90) Lomax, John A. & Alan Lomax [compilers] COWBOY SONGS AND OTHER FRONTIER BALLADS 1946, 4th printing of the revised edition, NY. Preface to this edition by Edwin N. Waters. Collection of cowboy songs and ballads, some with music. 431pp. HB/DJ [dust jacket slightly worn at edges] very good copy……55.00
91) Long, Walter E. “FOR ALL TIME TO COME” 1964, 1st limited edition of 1000 copies, Austin. TWO VOLUMES. Traces the controversial efforts in 1921 of the Regents and President of University of Texas to enlarge the forty acre campus. 211pp w/maps, photos. Two volumes folio HBs, Volume II contains six maps, fine copy, SIGNED……..60.00 SOLD
92) Lowman, Al [compiler] PRINTER AT THE PASS: The Work of Carl Hertzog 1972, 1st limited edition of 200 copies, San Antonio. Essay by William R. Holman; designed by William A. Wittliff. A biography and bibliography of the renowned book designer and printer with interesting anecdotes. 123pp w/illustrations, index. HB w/paste-on title on front cover in an otherwise fine slipcase that is split 2 inches at the bottom (not really noticeable), SIGNED by Hertzog, Lowman, Holman & Wittliff..…85.00
93) Matthews, Sallie Reynolds INTERWOVEN: A Pioneer Chronicle 1958, 3rd edition, Austin. Introduction by Robert Nail; drawings by E. M. Schiwetz. Reese, SIX-SCORE: “The author’s husband and father were both prominent ranchers, and this book gives one of the best portraits of ranch life from a woman’s point of view.” 226pp w/ill, index. HB/DJ, fine copy, SIGNED by Watt Matthews and three other Lambshead family members….45.00
94) Matovina, Timothy & Jesus F. de la Teja [editors] RECOLLECTIONS OF A TEJANO LIFE: Antonio Menchaca in Texas History 2013, 1st edition, Austin. San Antonio native, military veteran, merchant, and mayor pro tem José Antonio Menchaca (1800–1879) was one of only a few Tejano leaders to leave behind an extensive manuscript of recollections. Menchaca’s book of reminiscences captures the social life, people, and events that shaped the history of Texas’s tumultuous transformation during his lifetime. 190pp w/illus, index. HB/DJ fine copy…..55.00 (out-of-print in cloth) SOLD
95) [McLENNAN COUNTY] A HISTORY OF WEST, TEXAS, 1836-1920: Conflict of Conservative Cultures by Henry Milton Apperson. 1969, 1st edition, Texian Press, Waco. A narrative history of the Central Texas community and its economic and cultural development as the German and Czech immigrants began to interact with the already established population of Anglo-Protestants. 71pp w/map, photos, appendices, index. HB/DJ……..45.00 SOLD
96) Morris, John Miller TAMING THE LAND: The Lost Postcard Photographs of the Texas High Plains 2009, 1st edition. Early 20th-century postcards depicting the Texas Panhandle. 220pp w/illus, index. Folio HB/DJ= 50% off = $22.50 (was 45.00)
97) Olien, Diana Davids & Roger M. OIL IN TEXAS: The Gusher Age, 1895-1945 2002, 1st edition, Austin. “A masterful overview of the gusher years of Texas oil.” 307pp w/photos, maps, biblio, index. HB/DJ, very good……35.00 SOLD
98) O’Neal, Bill ENCYCLOPEDIA OF WESTERN GUNFIGHTERS 1983, 3rd printing, Norman. Biographical sketches of 225 men that gives us a virtual “Who’s Who” of western gunfighters. 386pp w/photos, bib, index. HB/DJ [light edgewear]..25.00 SOLD
99) Parsons, Chuck & Gary P. Fitterer CAPTAIN C. B. MCKINNEY: The Law In South Texas 1993, 1st edition, Wolfe City. McKinney served as a Texas Ranger in the 1870s, and was later elected sheriff of La Salle County where he was assassinated in 1886. 147pp w/photos, notes, bibliography, index. Folio HB fine copy……..45.00
100) Pope, Clarence AN OIL SCOUT IN THE PERMIAN BASIN 1972, 1st edition, El Paso. Author gives us a firsthand account of the oil boom days and the subsequent growth of West Texas’ early petroleum industry. 150pp w/photos. HB/DJ, fine copy, inscribed/SIGNED………55.00 SOLD
101) Remley, David BELL RANCH: Cattle Ranching in the Southwest, 1824-1947 1993, 1st edition, Albuquerque. A detailed study and history of this northeastern New Mexico ranch that once encompassed three-quarters of a million acres. 393pp w/map. Photos, notes, index. HB/DJ……….85.00
102) Richardson, Rupert Norval THE COMANCHE BARRIER TO SOUTH PLAINS SETTLEMENT: A Century and a Half of Savage Resistance to the Advancing White Frontier 1996, reprint, Eakin Press, Austin. Edited and with notes by Kenneth R. Jacobs; a new introduction by A.C. Greene. A scholarly and readable account of the Comanche Indians and their resistance to white settlement. Considered by many to be the most comprehensive of any study yet done. 253pp w/photos, maps, bibliography, index. Folio HB/no dj as issued, as new………29.95 SOLD
103) Rister, Carl Coke FORT GRIFFIN ON THE TEXAS FRONTIER 1956, 1st edition, Norman. A history of the fort that was established in the heart of Comanche country near present-day Albany, Texas. Includes a lot on the town that sprang up near the fort. 216pp w/photos, index. HB/DJ – very light edgewear,…….45.00
104) Rister, Carl Coke OIL! Titan of the Southwest 1957, 3rd printing, Norman. A comprehensive history of the discovery of oil in the region that embraces Arkansas, Louisiana, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas and New Mexico. 467pp with photos, maps, glossary bibliography, index. HB green cloth, nice…..35.00 SOLD
105) Rosene, Walter THE BOBWHITE QUAIL: Its Life and Management 1984, 3rd edition, Hartwell. Foreword by Durwood L. Allen. "Despite its wealth of scientific and technical data, this book is written with warmth and informality that convey the author's absorption and delight in his subject. This is a book for sportsmen, landowners, students of wildlife, game technicians, foresters, conservationists, ornithologists, and any person who is interested in the out-of-doors." 418pp w/naps, photos, appendices, index. HB/DJ near fine copy….60.00 SOLD
106) Rutland. Robert Allen A BOYHOOD IN THE DUST BOWL, 1926-1934 1995, 1st edition, Niwot. Introduction by Tony Hillerman. Fond memories of the author’s childhood during the Depression in a small western town of Okemah, Oklahoma. 133pp. HB/DJ, fine copy, inscribed/SIGNED…..32.50 SOLD
107) Schlecht, Friedrich ON TO TEXAS! A Journey to Texas in 1848 1998, 1st English translation, Indio Bravo Press, Manor. Includes a biography of the author by Clara Matthaei. Author, who fled the upheavals brought on by Germany’s Revolution of 1848, recounts his two-month voyage, and his impressions upon traveling into the untamed frontier of Texas. 264pp w/illus, index. Softcover, fine copy…….50.00 SOLD
108) Stanley, F. THE EARLY DAYS OF THE OIL INDUSTRY IN THE TEXAS PANHANDLE, 1919-1929 1973, 1st edition, Borger. Explores the history and boom days of oil discovery and development in the Texas Panhandle towns of Amarillo, Borger and Pampa. 414pp w/index. HB/DJ near fine copy, SIGNED; very scarce……165.00 SOLD
109) Stanley, F. SATANTA AND THE KIOWAS 1968, 1st edition, np. An extensive biography of Satanta and his Kiowa tribe, with chapters on both battles of Adobe Walls, General Hancock’s campaign, Mackenzie, Satanta’s life in prison, and much more. 391pp w/index. HB/DJ, near fine copy…………………….135.00
110) Sullivan, Dulcie THE LS BRAND: The Story of a Texas Panhandle Ranch 1968, 1st edition, Austin. Intro by Loula Grace Erdman. The story of the large Plains ranch from open range years to the barbed wire era. 178pp w/photos, index. HB/DJ…..60.00 SOLD
111) Taylor, Lonn & David B. Warren TEXAS FURNITURE: The Cabinetmakers and Their Work, 1840-1880 (Volume 1) 2012, revised edition, Austin. Foreword by Miss Ima Hogg. “Provides a detailed introduction to the art of cabinet making and to the works of Texas cabinet makers. 222 (full-page) representative pieces of furniture, accompanied by detailed descriptions that include the maker, date, materials, measurements, history, owner, and analysis of each piece. Also includes illustrations and descriptions of tools, types of woods used and information on more than 850 craftsmen working in Texas between 1850 and 1870." 387pp w/illus, appendix, notes, bibliography, index. Folio HB/DJ, new……60.00
112) Taylor, Lonn & David B. Warren TEXAS FURNITURE: The Cabinetmakers and Their Work, 1840-1880 (Volume 2) 2012, 1st edition, Austin. Foreword by Don Carleton. This volume presents over 150 additional pieces of furniture that were not included in Volume One. 336pp w/color photos, notes, biblio, index. Folio HB/DJ, new…….65.00
113) [TEXAS RANGERS] TEXAS RANGERS SESQUICENTENNIAL ANNIVERSARY, 1823-1973 1973, 1st edition, Fort Worth. Introduction by Governor Dolph Briscoe. This scarce volume, published the year the Ranger’s Museum opened in Waco, includes a chronological record of Texas Ranger milestones, plus a narrative history by Richard N. Conger. The endpapers have printed signatures of dozens of Texas Rangers and others who attended the anniversary celebration. 176pp w/many photos.
Folio HB, leather-bound with decorated cover, top of spine pulled, otherwise a very good copy…..125.00
114) Thompson, Frank THE ALAMO 2005, 1st edition. A handsomely illustrated history of the events leading up to and after the valiant stand at the Alamo. 128pp w/ill, bib, index and list of defenders. Folio softcover = 50% OFF= 12.48 (was 24.95)
115) Thompson, Jerry & Lawrence T. Jones III CIVIL WAR AND REVOLUTION ON THE RIO GRANDE FRONTIER: A Narrative and Photographic History 2004, 1st edition, TSHA, Austin. This book “details the rich and often violent history of the Lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas and Mexico, particularly Brownsville and Matamoros, in the years from 1861 to 1870….” 174pp w/map, photos, notes, biblio, index. Folio HB/DJ, near fine……85.00 SOLD
116) Thrall, Homer S. A PICTORIAL HISTORY of TEXAS From the Earliest Visits of European Adventurers to A.D. 1885 1885, 2nd “revised and enlarged edition,” N.D. Thompson Publishing Co., NY. An early and comprehensive history “embracing the periods of missions, colonization, the Revolution, the Republic, and the State; also A topographical description of the country: its rivers, mountains, soils, agriculture products live stock, population, etc…..” It includes a list of contemporary counties and pertinent data. 900pp w/maps, illustrations, index. HB brown cloth w/scuffed edges and repaired hinge, overall very god…..155.00
117) [UVALDE, REAL & EDWARDS COUNTIES] ) Fenley, Florence OLDTIMERS OF SOUTHWEST TEXAS 1957, 1st edition, Uvalde. A wealth of material can be found in this regional history of the ranch country in Uvalde, Real and Edwards counties which has stories told by the early day pioneers and settlers to the region. In addition to new oral histories gathered from pioneers, Fenley included here additional biographies she had written for the Uvalde Leader-News and The Cattleman magazine dating from 1937. 318pp w/photos, index. Folio HB/DJ, hinge repaired, inscribed/SIGNED and very scarce….250.00
118) [VICTORIA COUNTY] 300 YEARS IN VICTORIA COUNTY edited by Roy Grimes. 1985, 2nd edition, Austin. A very detailed history of Victoria County from its earliest times, written by numerous contributors. 649pp w/illustrations, photographs, bibliographical notes, index. HB w/pictorial cover, SIGNED by Mrs. Roy Grimes, and the illustrator……75.00
1966, 1st printing by Museum Journal, Lubbock. Covers the years 1873-1879. Mackenzie was the noted Indian fighter who is credited with bringing an end to the Comanche atrocities in West Texas. HB/DJ, scarce…..65.00 SOLD
120) Wellman, Paul I. THE TRAMPLING HERD: The Story of the Cattle Range in America 1939, 1st edition, NY. A history of the cattle industry from its early introduction by Spaniards to contemporary times. Adams: SIX-GUNS: “although this is primarily a cattle book, it contains much on outlaws and the range wars of Lincoln and Johnson Counties.” 433pp w/illustrations, endpaper map, suggested reading list, index. HB/DJ very good copy…..55.00 SOLD
121) Wharton, Clarence SATANTA: The Great Chief of the Kiowas and His People 1935, 1st edition, Dallas. Deals mostly with the Kiowa tribe under Satanta’s leadership in the 1860s and ‘70s. Covers Custer’s winter campaign on the Washita. Satanta was one of the chiefs taken prisoner by Custer and Sheridan and held hostage in an attempt to force the tribe to return to the reservation. Includes legends of the Kiowas, their raids into Texas and Mexico, General Leavenworth’s Expedition, more. 246pp w/illustrations, index. HB/DJ near fine copy, inscribed/SIGNED, exceedingly scarce….225.00
122) Wharton, Clarence R. EL PRESIDENTE: A Sketch of the Life of General Santa Anna 1926, 1st edition, Gammel’s Book Store, Austin. From the author’s Preface: "In twenty-five years of study and research in Texas History I have gathered much material about Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna, whose wonderful career was filled with unusual occurrences, touching great events in Mexico and Texas….The early champion of liberty, he was a born dictator and always ruled as a despot." 197pp. HB green cloth w/foxing to endpapers and two related newspaper articles pasted to endpapers, overall a very good copy……100.00
123) White, Carter SADDLE MARKS 1983, 1st edition, Hale Center. Photographs by Don Thurman; illus by Sherry McNeely. Horse stories from an old Panhandle cowboy. 182pp w/photos. Folio HB w/pictorial cover, inscribed/signed…..45.00 SOLD
124) White, Lonnie J. et al HOSTILES & HORSE SOLDIERS: Indian Battles and Campaigns in the West 1972, 1st edition, Boulder. Includes chapters on the Sand Creek Massacre; the battles of Saline and Prairie Dog Creeks; battle of Beecher Island; winter campaigning with Sheridan and Custer; Indian fights in the Texas Panhandle; The Wagon Box Fight; the Bannock-Piute War of 1878; and soldering and suffering in the Geronimo Campaign. 231pp w/maps, illus, index. HB/DJ….40.00 SOLD
125) Whitlock, V.H. (Ol’ Waddy) COWBOY LIFE ON THE LLANO ESTACADO 1970, 1st edition, Norman. Entertaining stories about pioneer life and the author’s adventures as a young cowpuncher on the Causey ranch in eastern New Mexico. 278pp w/photos, index. HB/DJ…….55.00 SOLD
126) Wilson, R.L. THE BOOK OF WINCHESTER ENGRAVING 1975, 1st edition, Los Angeles. A detailed study of the factory and non factory engravers who engraved Winchester firearms throughout the history of the company. Includes hundreds of detailed color and black & white photographs of their work. Folio HB Red leatherette, w/silver embossed title and decoration…..185.00
127) [WISE COUNTY] WISE COUNTY HISTORY: A Link With the Past edited by Rosalie Gregg. 1975, 1st edition, Nortex Press. 515pp with map endpapers, many photos, historical articles; church and school histories; community histories; family histories, and more. Folio HB green cloth, near fine…..80.00
128) Yelderman, Pauline THE JAY BIRDS OF FORT BEND COUNTY 1979, 1st edition, Waco. A history of the deadly political feud in Fort Bend County from 1865 to 1870. 344pp w/illustrations, references, appendices, index. HB/DJ….35.00
129) Zedric, Lance Q. SILENT WARRIORS of World War II: The Alamo Scouts Behind Japanese Lines 1995, 1st edition, Ventura. “This outstanding history of the Alamo Scouts captures the true spirit of this exceptional, elite unit.” 287pp w/maps, photos, endnotes, biblio, index. HB/DJ fine copy…..37.50 SOLD